

This was published 4 months ago

Ramen and car repairs: What a designer on $115,000 spends in a week

This article originally appeared in Refinery29 Australia.

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we ask real people how they spend and save their money during a seven-day period, tracking every last dollar. Anyone can write a Money Diary. Want to see yours here? Here’s how.

On Money Diaries this week, a Melbourne-based product designer binges Bridgerton and watches The Notebook for the first time.

On Money Diaries this week, a Melbourne-based product designer binges Bridgerton and watches The Notebook for the first time.Credit: Refinery19 Australia

Today, we meet a Melbourne-based product designer who is a total night owl, often going to bed after midnight. She binges Bridgerton and watches The Notebook for the first time, one of the movies on a “must-watch” spreadsheet she built, pays for a $550 car service and books a haircut at a new salon.

Occupation: Product Designer
Industry: UX/UI Design
Age: 28
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Pronouns: She/Her
Salary: $115,000
Net Worth: -$362,000. I have about 80k in savings sitting in an offset account. Technically, it’s not savings as all my excess money goes towards my mortgage at the moment.
Debt: $409,000 mortgage and $33,000 HECS debt.
Paycheque Amount (Fortnightly): $2,894.

Monthly Expenses


Mortgage: $1680. I have one fixed-rate loan and one variable loan, totalling $409,000. I am single, living alone in a three-bedroom, newly built townhouse (I know, I should probably rent out some rooms, but I love living alone!) I own the property, thanks to some help from my parents with the down payment, and I’m trying my hardest to pay it off at the moment.
Gas: $38
Electricity: $45
Water: $60
Home Insurance: $94
Car Insurance: $58 (lowest km Budget Direct)
Private Health Insurance: $108
YouTube Premium: $5
Spotify: $14
Netflix Premium: $16.
Savings: For someone who is trying to pay off my mortgage, I’m not super savvy when it comes to saving-investing. I basically just “save” whatever remaining I have from my salary and put it into my offset account.

Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?

Yes, I have a Bachelor of Communications (Media) and also a graduate certificate in digital marketing technology. These were both paid with HECS. My grad cert was one-third of a Masters I was doing at the time, but I decided it was too expensive, so I halted my studies after that and never finished the Masters. A decision I’m very happy with in hindsight (at the time, I had no idea what I was doing; I just knew I didn’t want to pay $45k for that Masters).


Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?

Both my parents worked full-time and never really had the time or energy to have conversations about money with me. My parents were immigrants who came to Australia to escape from the war in Vietnam. Thanks to their hard work, I never felt that my life was lacking or that I was missing out on anything. Yet somehow, I knew our family was not as well off as others, and at some point, I became conscious of that.

Writing this, I recall an early memory of guilt about asking my parents to buy me a bag from Myer. I suppose I never really asked for much as a kid, so they bought it for me without hesitation. A few days later, I took that small denim bag to school, and for whatever reason, I distinctly remember feeling guilty that I made my parents spend their money on something unnecessary like that.

So, even though they never spoke to me about finances or the importance of money, I guess I’ve always had a quiet consciousness of money.

What was your first job, and why did you get it?

I got my first job in hospitality during my first year of uni. At the time I was still living with my parents and they didn’t make me pay rent or bills, but I still wanted to earn money so that I could buy whatever I wanted/needed and contribute to bills.

Did you worry about money growing up?


I guess I did subconsciously! Not sure why, but maybe a symptom of being hyper-observant. As a child, I saw that my parents had to work a lot harder than other parents to make a living. They were pretty much always absent at school events where other kids had their mum or dad accompany them. I rarely, if at all, got picked up at school by my parents; I always walked home with my grandparents. On the weekends, they would do their paperwork/accounting, chores, and errands and spend the rest of the day relaxing at home as they were tired from their busy week. Observing this over the years is probably how I got to understand the impacts of money early on, and also probably why, as a kid, I never asked my parents for anything. I guess I was scared that if I did, they’d have to work harder and, as a result, would be more tired.

Do you worry about money now?

I’d say half-half. One side of me is worried because inflation is crazy, the cost of living is wild, and not to mention I have a mortgage, but I have recently come to terms with the fact that as long as I’m happy living a simple life, I’ll be right. I know I earn a decent income that can sustain my lifestyle so long as I continue to live below my means (which I think I’m pretty decent at; I’m not good at investing or hustling, but I am exceptional at making sensible purchases!).

That’s why I’m still living alone. It’s a big luxury in this economy, but I make sure to balance it out by spending less on extracurriculars, fancy clothes, drinking/partying, and whatever else people spend their money on these days. And with the mortgage, well, I have the rest of my life to pay that off! My goal in life isn’t to be rich anyway, so even though there are things I’m concerned about, I try not to stress about it. Especially since I’ve done quite a lot of that already growing up.

At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself, and do you have a financial safety net?

I became fully financially responsible for myself at 25. Perhaps this is later than a lot of people, but having help up until this point enabled me to purchase a property. In terms of a financial safety net, I have a few options. I’ve got savings that I could dip into if I needed a little extra cash, or I could start renting out rooms for extra income.

If the situation became dire, I would probably seek help from my parents or other family members, or if it came to it, I might consider selling off my property and moving back in with my parents.

Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.


Day 1

8.50am: It’s Monday morning and a WFH day, so I wake up pretty much right before my first meeting. I make my coffee downstairs, just instant Moccona coffee with some oat milk. At $5 per carton for this oat milk, it’s a bit steep, so I make sure to bulk buy it when it’s on sale.

12.30pm: For lunch, I have some leftover dahl I made on the weekend. I try to meal-prep as much as possible, though I get pretty lazy. I’d estimate it cost me about $18 to make four portions of dahl, and it was $4.50 for a frozen pack of naans.

5pm: I go out for a run. One of the good habits I developed during COVID-19 was to get out for a run or walk. I ended up quitting my gym membership at the start of last year as I found I just didn’t enjoy it any more. Now, running is my main form of exercise. It’s easy (logistically, anyway), free, and I can run for as long or as little as I like.

6.15pm: I grab groceries after my run. I’m having dinner with my parents tonight, and they’ve asked me to pick up some things on the way there: facial tissues ($5), soy milk ($9 for 2), and paper towels ($8 for 3). This is a pretty common weekday night for me. My parents live super close so I’m often eating lunch or dinner with them. $22

9.30pm: Back at home, I do a couple of chores before getting ready for bed. It’s a cold night tonight so I’m procrastinating my shower by doomscrolling on YouTube and online shopping for preserved flowers, my latest interest. The preserved Scabiosa I want are sold out everywhere! After managing to waste a good hour, I finally force myself to make a move. Once I’m in the shower, I then procrastinate getting out — I’m sure I’m not the only one who does this. My nighttime routine, procrastination included, takes me about 1.5 hours and I’m in bed usually around 11pm.

1am: More scrolling ensues, and I sleep around 1am.

Daily Total: $22

Day 2

8.50am: Wake up for another day of work. I’m supposed to go into the office on Tuesdays but I have to drop my car off for repairs, so I’m working from home today. I make my usual coffee before driving off to the mechanics. When I get there, they tell me they will assess my car and call me regarding the costs. After leaving the mechanics I walk about 15 minutes to my cousin’s house to borrow her car to drive myself home. Luckily, both of us live quite close to each other, so this doesn’t take long at all.


12.30pm: Still eating that leftover dahl for lunch. This is my last portion so I’ll have to meal prep at some point for my other meals. During my lunch hour the mechanics call me back and tell me the car repairs are going to cost $550, which is a massive blow to my wallet, especially considering I recently paid over $1,000 for other repairs. This is my fourth visit to the mechanics this year. I am considering a new — well, new secondhand — car, but prices are through the roof at the moment, so it’s not really an option. I’ll have to stick it out with my current car for a few more years.

1.30pm: After lunch, I was still feeling a bit peckish and a bit sad from the news about my car so I decided to treat myself to a croissant. Maybe it’s counterintuitive, and I should really be saving my money, but sometimes croissants are a necessity to cheer oneself up. I get my favourite choc almond croissant ($5.70) and devour it in the car (yes, I, in fact, could not wait until I got home to eat it). $5.70

5.30pm: I arrange to pick up my cousin, so she can drive me to the mechanics. I pay for the repairs, and both the mechanic and I hope that I won’t need to be back for a while. $550

6.45pm: For dinner tonight, I’m making Thai basil chicken. It’s a pretty simple recipe I make regularly. I stir-fry some chicken mince, snake beans, garlic, and onion with some seasoning sauces and add basil at the very end. I had all of these ingredients at home, though the basil was regular basil and not Thai basil. I was midway through cooking when I realised I didn’t have any, and I was too lazy to leave the house to get some — it’ll do.

7.45pm: I eat dinner while catching up on some YouTube videos. Recently, I love watching “Day in the Life of ___” videos. Being a curious cat, it’s so interesting to see how other “ordinary” people live. While watching, I am consumed by a post-dinner coma, and I can feel myself beginning to get drowsy. I decide to succumb to this drowsiness and let sleep take over me. I’m going to regret this decision later on.

9.40pm: I’m trying to open my eyes. It’s so hard to keep them open at this point, but it must be done. I whip myself up from the bean bag and wash up the considerable mess I made from cooking. Powering through my nighttime routine, I don’t even procrastinate tonight (granted, I don’t really have the time to)!

11.30pm: I’m in bed, a little behind schedule considering my “early” wake-up time tomorrow, early for my standards anyway.

1.20am: Reaping the consequences of my post-dinner nap, I’m only able to fall asleep sometime after 1.20am. I’m not really sure of the exact time, and I’d like to remain ignorant on this matter.

Daily Total: $555.70

Day 3

7.50am: I hit snooze like four times.

8.15am: I begrudgingly wake up. It’s unsurprisingly difficult for me to get up today, I’m going into the office so I need to get a move on.

8.35am: I sprint to get ready and am out the door with coffee in hand. There’s a bit of traffic driving into the station so I take a detour into the streets, but alas, it’s rubbish day and the garbage collectors are doing their rounds! After a longer-than-expected detour, I make it to my platform by 9.02am and tap on ($5.30), I’m VERY late today. $5.30

9.28am: Speed walking to the office from the station, I bump into my colleagues who try to entice me into getting a coffee with them. I decline as I’ve already had one on my way in, and I’m late anyway.

12.10pm: Before grabbing our real lunch, my colleague “R” and I head out to get pastries from a bakery nearby ($7.10). I swear my colleagues are such baiters... and pastries are my vice, so it doesn’t take much for me to relent. We then venture on to get some real food. We’ve decided on ramen today and I get a classic Tonkotsu ramen with the perfect amount of richness and saltiness ($19.18). It’s very common for me to buy lunch when I’m in the office. I’m only really in the office a couple of times a week, so I let myself have this “indulgence”. I generally wouldn’t think of eating lunch out as an indulgence, but with sky-high food prices these days, it really is. $26.28


5.00pm: It’s time to head home, I catch the train back ($5.30) and head straight home exhausted, it’s about an hour commute. When I’m home, I decide to relax for a bit on the couch and play some New York Times games before falling asleep. Is it just laying/sitting down that induces sleep in me? I’m in a vicious napping cycle these days! $5.30

7.40pm: It’s getting late, and I force myself to get up and eat dinner. Luckily, I had leftovers prepped from yesterday, so all I had to do was heat it up. Gobbling up my dinner, I remember that I’m overdue for a haircut, so I research some hair salons. I’m yet to find a salon that I can be faithful to, so I change to a new one every time. On my Instagram feed, I see an affordable option that was recommended by some influencers so I decide to give it a go and make the booking ($55). $55

9.30pm: Too lazy to do the dishes, I head upstairs and get washed up for the night. Cleaning up is a tomorrow problem.

10.10pm: I’m in bed somewhat early tonight, so I decide I’ve got time for a movie. These days, I’ve been trying to get through my “must-watch” list, which I’ve built into a spreadsheet. After years of just taking mental notes, I came to realise that if I don’t write stuff down I’ll just never get to it. Tonight, I’ll watch The Notebook. It’s one of those classic movies that everyone talks about, but I’ve never seen it. I end up kind of bawling my eyes out. It’s weird because I don’t think I found it that sad, but for whatever reason, tears ended up streaming down my face. Suddenly concerned about the crying I’ve done, I go to bed thinking about what my eyes are gonna look like tomorrow morning.

Daily Total: $91.88

Read the rest on Refinery29 Australia here.

The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald are owned by Nine, which also holds the publishing rights for Refinery29 in Australia.

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