

This was published 4 months ago


Manifestation: Can you think your way to untold riches?

There’s a multi-million dollar industry that promises its methods can get you rich with minimal effort and work. No, it’s not crypto, and it’s not MLMs. It is “manifestation”.

In essence, the idea is that you can change your external circumstances by changing your thoughts. You can attract what you want into your life by shifting your thought patterns.

Is manifestation the hidden secret to the life you truly desire? Probably not, but some aspects can help how we think about money.

Is manifestation the hidden secret to the life you truly desire? Probably not, but some aspects can help how we think about money.Credit: Simon Letch

This isn’t a new concept. In the early 2000s, Rhonda Byrne published a book about the law of attraction called The Secret. Long before that, Napoleon Hill’s 1937 Think and Grow Rich became a bestseller, and continues to be considered a classic in the self-help space.

Today, there are manifestation gurus all over the internet claiming they manifested their dream life and can teach you the secret as well. Is it all a hoax? Or is it the hidden secret to the life you truly desire?

I’ve followed this space for some time and I integrate concepts from psychology and personal development into the work I do, helping people change their financial behaviours.

My take? It’s like panning for gold – there are nuggets, but you have to know how to sift through all the dirt and beware of all the people only too keen to sell shovels to gold miners.

While some of the core concepts have value, there are aspects to the manifestation industry that are highly questionable.

On the one hand, some of the core concepts are consistent with what we already know about how our thoughts and feelings work from the discipline of psychology.

For instance, we know that your thoughts can impact your feelings, and these impact your decisions and behaviours. This impacts your results, which can then strengthen your beliefs.


One example I often see is someone thinking: “finance is too hard for me”, “I’ll never be able to understand this”, “I’m terrible with money”.

These thoughts can lead a person to feel discouraged, insecure and overwhelmed. As a result, this person may then engage in avoidance behaviours, which often worsens their financial situation. This then confirms their original thoughts and beliefs, which perpetuates the cycle.

Here, it can be beneficial to address the thought patterns as a precursor to changing behaviour.

If this person can start to shift their thinking from “I’m really bad with money” to believing that “this is a skill I’ve never been taught, but I am open to learning it now”, they may experience a lot less negative emotion when they now attempt to approach the subject of their finances.

They may now find they’re able to start making changes with more ease, and therefore start getting bigger and faster results than when they were stuck in their pattern of avoidance. So, in this sense, changing your thoughts can help you change your reality.

However, while some of the core concepts have value, there are aspects of the manifestation industry that are highly questionable and need to be approached with caution.


Recent research conducted by the University of Queensland found that manifesters tended to be more confident about their prospects for success, but also more likely to be drawn to risky investments and have experienced bankruptcy.

Part of the problem is the lack of any credentials, experience or training required to teach manifestation. Does that social media influencer actually know how to manifest? Or did they just figure out that they can make a bit of money by selling you on the idea of manifestation?

Another part of the problem is a lack of honesty about what it really takes to create real results. Many manifestation gurus skip the part where they spent countless hours mastering the practical skills required to create results in their life. Did they “manifest” their money, or did they spend a lot of time learning the business and financial skills required to make money?

This overemphasis on mindset as the cause of your problems can lead to people ignoring the very real, practical reasons you may not have the results that you want. Is it another limiting belief? Or do you just not know how to manage your spending, or what to look for in an investment?

Unfortunately, there is no amount of vision boards, meditation, journaling, or talking to a therapist about your dream life that will ever be enough on its own to make your dreams appear out of thin air. You also need the practical steps to start creating real-world changes.

So if you’ve found yourself down the manifestation rabbit hole, and you’ve spent a lot of time trying to work on your mindset but nothing is changing, this is your sign to ask yourself – do you know and are you taking the practical steps required to achieve your goals?

If not, it might be time to put down the journal and start getting clear on the specific steps of action you need to take to bridge the gap between vision and reality.

Paridhi Jain is the founder of SkilledSmart, which helps adults learn to manage, save and invest their money through financial education courses and classes.

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

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