

This was published 3 months ago


If the RBA does its job, we might all hold on to ours

On the surface, Reserve Bank governor Michele Bullock is nailing her job. Holding interest rates at a near 13-year high isn’t winning her and the RBA board she heads many friends among mortgage holders. But at first glance, she and her colleagues have managed to walk the tightrope between taming inflation and tipping the economy into recession.

Perhaps most impressively, Bullock has helped keep the headline unemployment rate at, or below, 4.1 per cent as of the latest data from May.

RBA governor Michele Bullock has managed to walk the tightrope between taming inflation and sparking a recession.

RBA governor Michele Bullock has managed to walk the tightrope between taming inflation and sparking a recession.Credit: Louie Douvis

Look beyond the headline numbers though, and we start to see some cracks. Economic growth is narrowly holding up, rising just 0.1 per cent in the first three months of the year and 1.1 per cent in the 12 months to March. Excluding the COVID-19 era, that 1.1 per cent is the slowest pace of growth since 1991.

The overall pie of economic growth might still seem bigger, but when we slice it up to see how much better (or worse) off we are on a “per person” basis, your stomach might start to rumble. That’s because once we account for all the people who have come into the country – and helped to keep businesses … well, in business, through their extra spending – we’re making and serving less for every person than we were a year ago.

That is: even if every household is slashing its budget, the fact that there are more of us means our spending as a country can still creep up.

So far, the RBA has been laser-focused on getting inflation down. It has been working, with inflation falling from a peak of 7.8 per cent in the year to December 2022, to 3.6 per cent by March this year. That brings it close to the 2 to 3 per cent target range the Reserve Bank aims to wedge inflation into.

That’s good news, but it hasn’t been without other costs. The job market has stayed stronger than most people predicted, with the unemployment rate drifting between 3.5 per cent (a record low) and 4.1 per cent in January and April this year. Most recently, in May, it dropped back down to 4 per cent. You have to go back about five decades to find the last time unemployment was this low for a consecutive 2½-year period.

So, where’s the weakness? Well, as University of Melbourne labour economist Jeff Borland has pointed out, it’s partly hidden by the same thing masking the decline in economic growth: population growth, up 2.5 per cent in the year to June. All these extra people have not only increased demand for goods and services, but therefore the need for workers to fulfil that demand.


We’re also working fewer hours. In May, those employed worked an average of 135.9 hours – down from 138.7 one year ago. The decrease in average hours worked by each employed person means there are more hours to be shared around. This can make the job market appear stronger than it is because although people might be working fewer hours each, a larger proportion of people may be employed, bringing down the unemployment rate.

Golding’s view.

Golding’s view.Credit: Matt Golding

In practice, that means a coffee shop might hire two people but reduce the number of hours or shifts each one is rostered on for. Why? Because firing and rehiring can be an expensive and time-consuming process for a business: from issuing redundancy pay, to the recruitment process and handovers. But at least both baristas have jobs, right?

This can lead to an increase in a less visible and less-reported measure of employment: the underemployment rate. This is a measure of the proportion of people working fewer hours than they would ideally like to, and it has risen from 5.7 per cent in May 2022 to 6.7 per cent in May this year.

It’s also important to think about the uneven cost of a weaker jobs market. Young people and those trying to get back into work after a period of time off – such as women looking to return to work after having a child – are disproportionately affected. Youth unemployment – which tends to sit higher than overall unemployment, and is more sensitive to economic conditions – has risen from 7.8 per cent in May last year to 9.7 per cent in May this year. Other measures of employment also show a weaker jobs market. Employment growth and the number of jobs reported to the Australian Taxation Office’s payroll system, while still rising, have both slowed.

Becoming unemployed can have a huge impact on people’s lives: mentally, financially and physically. And the effects can be long-term, especially if the person, facing these stresses, struggles to get back into employment and ends up unemployed for a long time. This in turn can make it trickier for them to find a job later down the track, and can have consequences on those around them. As much as possible, we should make sure to keep people in jobs.


At 4 per cent, the unemployment rate is getting awfully close to the RBA’s view of the rate at which it thinks the labour market would no longer put upward pressure on wages (and therefore inflation): just above 4 per cent. And we should keep in mind that international supply-side factors and the housing market are probably playing a greater role in bumping up inflation at the moment.

Australia’s relatively low unemployment rate has meant households, for the most part, have been able to support themselves despite higher mortgage repayments and cost-of-living pressures. But it’s not something we can take for granted.

Many renters, young people and those on low-incomes are already feeling the pressure, and even just walking down the street, there has been a noticeable uptick in those sleeping rough.

Bullock’s main quest has been getting inflation within target. But the jobs market is weaker than it looks (with, no doubt, more weakness to come). If the RBA is committed to avoiding recession – and allowing unemployment and underemployment to worsen no more than needed to get inflation down a bit further – the first move to lower interest rates should not be as far off as some fear.

Millie Muroi is a business reporter. Ross Gittins is on leave.

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