This was published 10 months ago
Premier demotes MP over allegations of inappropriate workplace behaviour
By Kieran Rooney
South Barwon Labor MP Darren Cheeseman has been asked by Premier Jacinta Allan to resign from his role as a parliamentary secretary after allegations of inappropriate behaviour.
In a statement released on Friday afternoon, Allan said she had sought Cheeseman’s resignation from the senior role as a “result of allegations of persistent, inappropriate behaviour in the workplace towards staff”.
South Barwon MP Darren Cheeseman.
Two government sources – speaking anonymously to discuss internal matters – have alleged the behaviour related to sexual comments towards a staffer.
But he was not alleged to have engaged in any physical contact.
Cheeseman has been contacted for comment.
Allan said Cheeseman had agreed to resign but would remain in the Labor caucus and within the broader party.
The premier’s statement said ministers and parliamentary secretaries were expected to behave according to “the highest stands of personal conduct”.
“Under the code, ministers and parliamentary secretaries must take all reasonable steps to maintain respectful and appropriate working relationships with their staff, staff of other ministers and MPs, parliamentary staff, VPS [Victorian public service] staff, and ministerial and parliamentary colleagues,” she said.
"The wellbeing of staff and their right to a respectful workplace is not negotiable."
In August last year, Ringwood MP Will Fowles was asked to resign from the parliamentary Labor Party at the request of the office of then-premier Daniel Andrews.
Victoria Police investigated and questioned Fowles over an alleged assault of a staffer but did not lay charges.
Despite this, Allan declared Fowles would not be welcomed back into the Labor caucus. He now sits as an independent.
Cheeseman was a federal MP in the seat of Corangamite from 2007 to 2013. He moved to state politics with his election in South Barwon in 2018.
He was parliamentary secretary for the Commonwealth Games before their cancellation. In October, he was transferred to the education portfolio.
Parliamentary secretaries are MPs who assist cabinet ministers with their portfolio responsibilities, sometimes known as assistant ministers.
Cheeseman has a patchy attendance at regional caucus meetings, according to another Labor source.
During sitting weeks, he is one of the most consistent hecklers of the opposition. A recent analysis by The Age found he was the MP most ejected from question time last year.
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