

This was published 5 months ago

Public schools were banned from demanding money from parents. Now they’re losing millions

By Robyn Grace

Public schools are losing millions in parent payments since a state government crackdown on mandatory fees in 2021, leaving principals struggling to fund shortfalls for basic requirements, including extra staff, maintenance and even heating.

Exclusive figures obtained by The Age under freedom of information laws show the net amount Victorian public schools earned from voluntary parent contributions dropped by $35 million between 2020 and 2022.

If cost-of-living pressures continue, one expert predicts schools may be forced to consider corporate deals to cover future budget deficits.

Only 12 of the state’s 1500 schools made more than $1 million in contributions. Thirty-eight made more than $500,000.

It’s a jarring comparison to their private school counterparts, the richest of which charge more than $40,000 for a single student each year.


Parent payments made up about a third of the $367 million public schools earned from fees, charges and contributions in 2022. Non-government schools collected $3.4 billion during the same period, according to data from the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority.

The Education Department data – which includes the period that spans the COVID lockdowns – does not specify how many parents from each school paid the contribution or how much was originally requested, which varies widely between schools.

The department said the figures for 2022 were also affected by some schools refunding or not invoicing parents for contributions made in previous years for items affected by the pandemic, which reduced the net amount received in contributions.


The drop in parent payments has been felt the most in some of the state’s most disadvantaged local government areas.

Payments decreased by 51.5 per cent at schools in Hume compared with 2020, down to $1.6 million in 2022. Greater Dandenong also reported a drop of 35.7 per cent in payments, while 14 other local government areas in the metropolitan Melbourne region lost more than a quarter of previous payments.

Payments dropped by less than 10 per cent in well-heeled areas like Banyule, Merri-bek, Melbourne and Yarra. Notably, the disadvantaged region of Brimbank also dropped only 1 per cent.

Affluent Stonnington was the only district to record an increase in contributions, up 69.4 per cent to $4.2 million.


The high-performing selective Melbourne High School was the state’s highest earner at just over $2.5 million, or an average of about $1870 for each of the 1369 students enrolled in 2022.

McKinnon Secondary College and John Monash Science School also made more than $1.5 million.

On the opposite end of the scale, about 60 schools recorded less than $1000 in net payments for 2022. Four recorded less than $100 and 30 more recorded a net loss.

Public schools across Victoria are required to provide students with free instruction and access to all items, activities and services used to fulfil standard curriculum requirements.

After the government banned public schools from asking for mandatory school fees from parents in 2021, families are now invited to make a voluntary contribution.

Australian Secondary Principals Association president Andy Mison said even the smallest loss in contributions could make a huge difference to some schools.

Art supplies, sports and music equipment, student-teacher ratios, maintenance, technology upgrades, and even heating and cooling could all be at the mercy of parent contributions, depending on the school.

“A leafy green public school will be able to generate much more income than remote and regional schools,” he said. “Of course, it’s massively inequitable and points to the fact that governments need to properly fund schools.”


Mison said continuing cost-of-living pressures meant it was unlikely parent payments would return to pre-COVID levels any time soon.

Victoria is among five states demanding the federal government lift its share of public school funding from 20 per cent to 25 per cent.

The states provide most public school funding in Australia – 80 per cent to the Commonwealth’s 20 per cent – but all jurisdictions except the ACT are still falling billions of dollars short every year of minimum resourcing standards agreed to under the Gonski reforms a decade ago.

Save Our Schools convenor Trevor Cobbold said Victorian public schools were only funded at 85.9 per cent of the standards in 2024, leaving them with a $1.9 billion shortfall.

“Voluntary parent financial contributions help schools but they are only a minor part of school budgets and should never be seen as the answer to government under-funding,” he said.


Deakin University researcher Dr Emma Rowe was coauthor of a 2019 study that examined the growing levels of inequity created by the amount of money advantaged schools could generate from parents compared to disadvantaged schools.

She said as the cost-of-living crisis continues and more parents opt out of contributing, schools could be pushed to explore corporate affiliations to supply resources and raise funds.

“The funding situation is so severely negative,” she said. “I think we all collectively need to be asking for better funding of our public services. [W]hether you go public or private, it’s actually in your interest to have a strong public schooling system because it’s the backbone of a good, strong, healthy society.”

Melbourne High School principal Dr Tony Mordini counts himself lucky to receive the state’s highest parent payments after contributions dropped below $190,000 during COVID.

But he said the $2.5 million on top of government funding still barely covered the school’s programs and maintenance of its heritage buildings, and he had to make tough decisions on a daily basis to ensure Melbourne High could rival private competitors “irrespective of whether the paint’s peeling off the walls”.

Gail McHardy from Parents Victoria said the drop in parent payments affected each school differently but she had heard of facility upgrades and specialised programs being impacted or removed.

McHardy said cost of living pressures had affected how much parents were contributing to schools. She said the current school funding model was unfair, “appalling and must change”.

Australian Catholic University School of Education Victorian head Associate Professor Matthew Zbaracki said he expected voluntary contributions would suffer as cost of living pressures continued.

“School principals are adept at delivering the best academic and social environments for their students, but there is no doubt that a drop in voluntary financial supports of this extent is having a serious impact on budget bottom lines.“

The Education Department said school funding covered items such as maintenance, heating and cooling, but multiple principals told The Age schools often used parent contributions to cover shortfalls for these and other items.

A government spokesperson said Victoria would reach 100 per cent of the student resourcing standard but this would rely on the Commonwealth increasing its contribution.

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