

This was published 5 months ago

Police were told Higgins ‘may have been drugged’: Bombshell submissions in Lehrmann case

By Michaela Whitbourn

A senior Australian Federal Police officer recorded an allegation that Brittany Higgins “may have been drugged” on the night she alleges she was raped in Parliament House by Bruce Lehrmann, her lawyers say in a bombshell submission in Lehrmann’s defamation case.

The submissions were released on Tuesday as the Federal Court announced that Justice Michael Lee will deliver his judgment in Lehrmann’s multimillion-dollar lawsuit on Monday, April 15.

Brittany Higgins outside the Perth Supreme Court in March.

Brittany Higgins outside the Perth Supreme Court in March.Credit: Trevor Collens

Lee had invited Higgins to file written submissions about potential findings in the case ahead of his decision next week.

In submissions filed on Tuesday, her barrister, Nicholas Owens, SC, noted the court had received into evidence a document entitled “master chronology”, which included an entry “that appears to be a record made by a senior AFP officer (Leanne Cross) of a meeting with Minister [Linda] Reynolds and [her then-chief of staff] Fiona Brown” on April 4, 2019.

The master chronology was tendered in evidence as part of a raft of materials produced to the court by Taylor Auerbach, a former producer on Seven’s Spotlight program who gave evidence about the network’s dealings with Lehrmann when it was seeking to secure an exclusive interview.


“That [AFP] record states, ‘I also have concerns from info I heard that this may have happened before or could happen again. (I was referring to info that alleged victim may have been drugged) ... we need to speak to a range of people. Security staff cleaners may have info,’” Owens said.

“As far as she is aware, the potential that Ms Higgins was drugged is not an issue that has been raised or explored in these proceedings, and while there is evidence now that there was ‘info’ that Ms Higgins was drugged, and that the concerns expressed in that note were held, the nature of that ‘info’ and the basis upon which the concerns were held was not explored.

“In the context of a serious challenge to the honesty and accuracy of Ms Higgins’ account of the events of the night in question, the potential that her perceptive and recollective abilities may have been affected other than by alcohol and trauma is an issue that she would have wished to explore.”


While the chronology and submissions refer to a Leanne Cross, Brown said in an affidavit filed in court last year that she attended a meeting with Reynolds and AFP Assistant Commissioner Leanne Close on Thursday, April 4, 2019.

The allegation in the chronology was not put to Lehrmann in the defamation case, and it was not alleged in his aborted criminal trial. The former Liberal staffer has maintained that no sexual contact occurred between the pair at all on the night in question in March 2019.

Bruce Lehrmann outside the Federal Court in Sydney in November.

Bruce Lehrmann outside the Federal Court in Sydney in November.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Higgins is not a party to the defamation litigation. She gave evidence in the case for Network Ten and high-profile presenter Lisa Wilkinson, who are being sued by Lehrmann over an interview with Higgins on The Project aired on February 15, 2021.

Higgins’ barrister said in his submissions that “the fundamental attack made by Mr Lehrmann on Ms Higgins is, of course, that she is dishonest”, but that this attack “should be decisively rejected”.

“An unwavering, consistent and clear account of Mr Lehrmann’s rape of Ms Higgins has been given by her on multiple occasions, over many years, including under close forensic questioning,” Owens said.

“It is submitted that the court must bear steadily in mind the well-known impact of trauma (and sexual assault in particular) on both the conduct and the memory of victims. For the court to treat the credit attacks made against Ms Higgins as a reason to disbelieve her about her rape would be to use a consequence of that rape as a basis to deny its occurrence.”

Lisa Wilkinson and her barrister Sue Chrysanthou, SC, outside the Federal Court in Sydney on Thursday.

Lisa Wilkinson and her barrister Sue Chrysanthou, SC, outside the Federal Court in Sydney on Thursday.Credit: Rhett Wyman

The Lehrmann judgment was initially slated to be delivered on April 4. The trial took a detour last week after Ten won a bombshell application to call fresh evidence from Auerbach.

The defamation case

Lehrmann alleges Ten and Wilkinson defamed him by suggesting he was guilty of sexually assaulting Higgins in the Parliament House office where they worked for then-defence industry minister Linda Reynolds. He has always maintained his innocence.

Lehrmann’s ACT Supreme Court criminal trial for sexual assault was aborted in 2022 due to juror misconduct and the charge against him was later dropped altogether owing to concerns about Higgins’ mental health.

The master chronology was prepared by Lehrmann’s legal team to assist with his criminal trial, and Auerbach said in an affidavit filed in court that he recalled Lehrmann had emailed him “a detailed chronology” last year before the first Spotlight interview in June.

Taylor Auerbach leaves Federal Court with his lawyer Rebekah Giles after giving evidence in the Bruce Lehrmann defamation case in Sydney on Friday.

Taylor Auerbach leaves Federal Court with his lawyer Rebekah Giles after giving evidence in the Bruce Lehrmann defamation case in Sydney on Friday.Credit: Janie Barrett

Lehrmann told the court last year that he did not give documents to Seven but participated in an interview.

Auerbach’s lawyer, Rebekah Giles, said in written submissions to the court released on Tuesday that Lehrmann’s “silence [after Auerbach’s evidence] was deafening such that the court should find that his evidence could not have assisted him” and that “Mr Auerbach’s evidence was truthful and should be accepted”.

The defences


Lehrmann was not named in The Project’s interview, but he alleges he was identifiable to a large number of people in Canberra and elsewhere because of the description given of the alleged perpetrator.

If Lee finds Lehrmann was identified, the media parties are seeking to rely on defences of truth and qualified privilege.

Under the truth defence, Ten and Wilkinson are seeking to prove to the civil standard – on the balance of probabilities, meaning it is more likely than not – that Lehrmann raped Higgins.

While this is less onerous than the criminal standard of proof beyond reasonable doubt, the so-called Briginshaw principle applies in civil cases involving serious allegations and requires courts to proceed cautiously in making grave findings.

In the event the truth defence fails, Ten and Wilkinson are seeking to rely on a defence of qualified privilege, which protects publications of public interest where a media outlet has acted reasonably. This puts the actions of the broadcaster and the former co-host of The Project in sharp focus.

Ten and Wilkinson have separate legal representation, and it is possible that Lee will make different findings against the network and its former star presenter. Wilkinson remains employed by Ten but has not appeared on air since 2022.

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