

This was published 6 months ago


Donald Trump’s fate could depend on this data

This week’s data will test the markets’ confidence that US inflation is still tracking towards the point where the Federal Reserve Board can start cutting interest rates later this year.

Last month’s CPI print for January shocked the markets and sent share prices tumbling and bond yields spiking when both the headline and “core” numbers came in above expectations. Tuesday’s data for February has therefore taken on greater significance for markets, the sharemarket in particular, that have long built in an assumption that the Fed will begin reducing rates this year.

The Fed is acutely aware that any rate cut before the election in early November is going to attract a ferocious attack from Donald Trump.

The Fed is acutely aware that any rate cut before the election in early November is going to attract a ferocious attack from Donald Trump.Credit: AP

Forecasts of the headline inflation rate for February are for a 0.4 per cent increase over January and 3.1 per cent year-on-year. Core inflation – excluding volatile food and energy prices – is forecast to be 0.3 per cent for the month and 3.7 per cent on an annualised basis.

If the forecasters are right, the headline number would be higher than last month’s, thanks to higher energy prices, but the core number slightly lower.

Either way, inflation would remain well above the Fed’s target of 2 per cent, albeit that the core numbers would be on a gradually declining trend.

For a sharemarket that has climbed more than 30 per cent over the past year and almost 7.5 per cent since the start of the year on expectations of significant rate cuts, anything that surprises on the upside is likely to produce a similar reaction to last month’s data.


Conversely, should the numbers come in as expected, or slightly better, and the more moderate expectations (the markets are pricing in four cuts of 25 basis points this year, starting in June, where last year they anticipated six, starting as early as this month) are strengthened by the data, investors in shares and bonds will be emboldened.

With a Fed Open Market Committee meeting next week that will include the closely watched quarterly “dot plot” of committee members’ expectations for rates and economic data, the Fed’s response to this week’s economic insights – the CPI is the major item in a slew of US data this week – will soon be available.


Fed chair Jerome Powell, testifying before Congress last week, was carefully neutral about the prospects for interest rates, saying the central bank was waiting to become more confident that inflation was moving sustainably to its target of 2 per cent before acting.

“When we do get that confidence, and we’re not far from it, it will be appropriate to dial back the level of [monetary policy] restriction,” he said.

Analysing the state of the US economy, and therefore the likely course of US rates which have significant implications for global financial markets, isn’t straightforward because the economy has so far not responded as might have been expected to the Fed’s 11 rate rises – from effectively zero to a range of 5.25 to 5.5 per cent, the highest rate in 20 years – since March 2022.

Markets tumbled on Wall Street on Friday after a mixed jobs report.

Markets tumbled on Wall Street on Friday after a mixed jobs report. Credit: AP

Expectations were widespread of a crash landing for the US economy amid interest rates not experienced in a generation, spiralling government debt and deficits, and a deeply dysfunctional Congress.

With hindsight, the impact of the enormous levels of stimulus in response to the pandemic and of Joe Biden’s massive infrastructure and climate-related spending were severely underestimated.


The economy has, however, maintained reasonably solid growth, with low levels of unemployment, even as monetary policies have been tightened significantly. The sharemarket has been roaring along, aided by the excitement around artificial intelligence, and bond yields have tumbled since peaking last October.

The substantial tightening of monetary policies – the Fed has also been sucking liquidity out of the US system at a rate of about $US95 billion ($143.4 billion) a month by allowing bonds and mortgages it bought during the pandemic to mature without reinvesting the proceeds – hasn’t induced the sharp economic contraction that many expected.

Consumer and business demand has held up, share and house prices have climbed and the economy has kept humming along with unemployment numbers remaining close to historic lows. Sharp increases in unemployment are usually the barometer of central bankers’ “success” in taming inflation.

Last week’s employment data showed the economy was still generating strong growth, with the 275,000 jobs added in February way greater than the 198,000 expected, which could have raised fears that the growth was too strong for rate cuts to be on the horizon.

The unemployment rate, however, rose marginally and wages growth, which has been strong, slowed.

If the Fed can get the timing of the shift in its monetary policies right, the usually elusive prospect of a “soft landing”, with inflation cooling even as the economy continues to generate solid growth, increased productivity and modest levels of unemployment, might yet be achieved.

Fed chair Jerome Powell. If the Fed holds rates at their current levels for too long it could tank Joe Biden’s re-election prospects.

Fed chair Jerome Powell. If the Fed holds rates at their current levels for too long it could tank Joe Biden’s re-election prospects.Credit: Bloomberg

Whether it can finesse its policies to achieve that outcome, and whether there are rate cuts later this year, may not just influence the economic outcomes but Biden’s re-election prospects.

Easing rate pressures on households and businesses without unduly sacrificing growth or blowing up the markets would inevitably aid Biden in his hopes to retain the presidency.

That’s not likely to be a factor in the Fed’s decision-making, although the bank will be conscious that its decisions will have political implications and that any rate cut before the election in early November is inevitably going to attract a ferocious attack from Donald Trump and threats of retribution if he were to prevail in the presidential election.

Conversely, if the Fed holds rates at current levels for too long it would not only damage the economy and probably the sharemarket but could tank Biden’s re-election prospects.

Given the centrality of the US economy and financial system to the rest of the world, where currencies and financial markets are influenced by what happens within America, the way the US economy develops over the next few months and the decisions the Fed makes in response are of real consequence.

The importance of the Fed’s course over the next few months is magnified by the influence it might indirectly have over Trump’s electoral prospects and therefore over the fate of his aggressively protectionist and isolationist trade policies.


A new and far broader trade war, with Trump’s universal tariffs and inevitable retaliatory responses, would be threatening to global growth and trade-exposed economies like Australia’s.

Each set of US inflation data is therefore taking on increasing significance for markets, investors, traders, other central bankers and policymakers more broadly as the decisive moment for US monetary policy – the moment when it reverses and rates start falling – draws closer.

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