

This was published 6 months ago

Thousands avoid arrest – and instead enjoy a snooze, a coffee and a ride home

By Kieran Rooney

Victoria’s new public intoxication services assisted 256 people a week during its first three months of operation, with support vans now regularly patrolling the state’s nightlife and entertainment districts, offering coffees or a lift home.

New figures released by the Allan government show specialist outreach teams helped more than 3100 people between November 7 – the day public drunkenness was decriminalised – and January 31.

Danny Jeffcote at the sobering-up centre in Collingwood.

Danny Jeffcote at the sobering-up centre in Collingwood.Credit: Eddie Jim

Of these, more than 230 people were taken to sobering-up centres in St Kilda and Collingwood.

Before the changes, introduced on Melbourne Cup Day, police and paramedics were the first port of call when attending to drunk people. In the year ending June 2022, there were 3181 public drunkenness offences recorded across the state – but this charge no longer exists.

Danny Jeffcote, who oversees cohealth’s Melbourne outreach service including its Collingwood sobering-up centre, said about 80 per cent of the people they interacted with only needed to get home, talk to someone or drink some water.


“It’s only for the minority who don’t have a place to go to, don’t have someone who can make sure they’re OK or don’t have access to transport that we say, well, actually we’ve got a sobering centre,” he said.

Cohealth operates a 24-hour service in Melbourne, but most of its 100-strong staff work over the weekend when demand surges.

A separate service provides help to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, with the Melbourne team running a sobering-up centre in St Kilda.


The intoxication reform was legislated in 2021 following the death of Yorta Yorta woman Tanya Day, who suffered a fall while in custody.

When police, paramedics and venue staff encounter someone who is intoxicated and may need help, they call a hotline that dispatches crews to provide assistance. Members of the public can call triple zero, which will connect them to the same hotline.

Danny Jeffcote in one of cohealth’s vans.

Danny Jeffcote in one of cohealth’s vans. Credit: Eddie Jim

Support vans also patrol transport hubs and nightlife hotspots – including Brunswick Street in Fitzroy and Chapel Street in South Yarra – and pull over if they see someone in need.

“We check that we first have consent to engage, and then it’s ‘Hi, I’m Danny, do you mind if we have a quick chat?’” Jeffcote said.

“Is there someone we can call? Is there going to be someone that could be there?

“If not, then we have to make an assessment about their safety, and is it going to be safe for you to keep on going? Or do we really need to insist that you consider coming with us.”

Inside the sobering centre.

Inside the sobering centre.

Jeffcote said staff were trained to call an ambulance in cases of extreme intoxication, where people could not talk, give consent or get up off the ground to get in their van.

In one de-identified example of cohealth’s work, crews helped a highly intoxicated 20-year-old woman at an end-of-year work function at a CBD hotel. She was assessed by paramedics and deemed not in danger, but there were concerns her friends were too drunk to look after her. The woman consented to going to the sobering-up centre where she spent the night and then ordered an Uber home.

In another case, a 45-year-old drunk man at railway station was found to have urinated in his pants. Outreach teams attended, helped him to his feet and took him home with his consent.

Critics of the government’s public intoxication reforms have argued the new laws did not account for when drunk people refused assistance.

Jeffcote said there would always be some who turned down support, but that they still had a duty of care.

“If we think that they’re a danger to themselves or others, then we will have to call emergency services. Same as if any person found someone in the street,” he said.

“People can still refuse an ambulance when it gets there. People go home drunk in taxis every night. It’s [a matter of] how intoxicated is that person? How safe are they going to be?

“I really enjoy working with emergency services. The police have been amazing and ambulances have been amazing.”

When drunk people arrive at the Collingwood sobering-up centre, they are assessed by a nurse to make sure it is safe for them to stay. They are taken to a room, offered a bed and checked by staff every 30 minutes – or 15 minutes if they believe there is a higher risk to their wellbeing.

Inside the Collingwood sobering centre managed by cohealth.

Inside the Collingwood sobering centre managed by cohealth.

“We let them sleep. It’s not three or four hours, and you’re out the door,” Jeffcote said.

“People typically stay for eight to 10 hours, have a sleep and then when they get up in the morning, we offer them a simple breakfast and a shower.

“And then have a chat to them about what their plan is to get home.”

Throughout the process, cohealth and other outreach teams link the people they encounter with other support services in areas such as drugs, family violence or health.

Jeffcote said the teams were not inundated with demand on New Year’s Eve and Melbourne Cup Day as some had expected.

But he said numbers would increase as the public got used to the new system.

“It has only been going for a short time. The service will definitely mature and need to scale up and scale down in response to different changes,” he said.

“At the moment, we’ve got it all under control but if the pressure really became much greater, then we’d have to re-evaluate.”

Outreach services are operating across regional Victoria, but additional “places of safety” such as sobering-up centres will come online this year as authorities use information gained from the existing system to improve the rollout.

Mental Health Minister Ingrid Stitt said the sobering-up centres and outreach teams had helped thousands of people during some of Melbourne’s busiest days on the social and events calendar.

“It has reaffirmed that a health-led response is proportionate and appropriate for the vast majority of people who may be intoxicated in public,” she said.

“Importantly, our ongoing investment in alcohol and other drug services is helping to improve the health and social outcomes for people who are battling substance misuse – we take a harm reduction approach that ensures Victorians can access safe and effective support.”

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