

This was published 9 months ago


I’ve tried asking people to stop swearing. It doesn’t go well

Is it just me or are people sick of hearing swearing? It has become so common that what was once the extreme end of frustration or annoyance is now peppering everyday speech. From tradies to be-suited professionals, cyclists, motorists and queue-ragers in supermarkets, words formerly forbidden out of social decorum are used as a kind currency. Once only men swore vociferously and publicly, no longer.

I was brought up in a working-class home where men didn’t swear in front of women. I never heard my father swear. He probably did with his ex-army mates in the pub. Avoiding bad language was an acknowledgement that women should be treated with respect. Old habits die hard.

Is there anything you can’t say any more?

Is there anything you can’t say any more?

Just last week, as I was waiting in a cafe for a friend, two men were sitting at the nearby table. They did not hold back. They swore liberally about not much. I moved from the table. Stephen Fry says: “The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is in any way a sign of a lack of education or a lack of verbal interest is just a f---ing lunatic.” That isn’t me.

In my university student days I worked in woolsheds. I heard some of the most original and creative swearing imaginable directed at sheep. At times it was funny in its failed impact on impassive rams.

But why should I have to listen to mouthy teenagers on a tram slagging off their teachers, impervious to those around them, or wannabe tough guys trying to outswear each other in restaurants or women who with dismissive clarity define their bosses as a complete f---wit.

Swearing has gone unchallenged for so long that no one is prepared to invoke the ringing words of King Lear: “Mend your speech a little.” Swearing is endorsed in movies and the “Yippee-Ki-Yay, motherf---ers,” became the anticipated triumphant line in Bruce Willis movies.

Much of contemporary literature seems to include swearing for fear that it’ll lack street cred. Richard Osman’s novels are a swear free zone and that may in part account for their massive popularity.

We have become so inured to swearing that it’s lost its intended impact. But even so, surely there are some words that are not acceptable? After all, offensive language is still on the statute books and can result in jail or hefty fine of $660 being the maximum penalty.


In Victoria, the law states: “Behaving or using language in an obscene, indecent or threatening manner carries a maximum of 10 penalty units or imprisonment for two months as a first offence. A second offence, the maximum penalty increases to 15 penalty units or imprisonment for three months for a third offence, 25 penalty units or 6 months imprisonment.”


While this seems clear enough, there is a condition for offensive language to be considered as actionable offence. This is that it needs to be in a public place with the intention of it being heard.

Context is important, as John Rae, the late journalist and former headmaster of London’s Westminster School, noted: “Swear-words are neutral; they only become objectionable when someone is offended by them. The art of good manners (as well as bad manners) is knowing who will be offended by what.”

At a football match where supporters vent their spleen at umpires and players it may be hard to prove offence during the mayhem of the last quarter in a tight game. The language may be offensive to you if you do not barrack for the same team.

A person who drops a crate on their foot and who lets rip in a street is unlikely to have a successful case brought against them. An office worker who is frustrated by the photocopier may direct a salty phrase or two at no one but a machine. If others heard it, that may constitute offensive language.


Swearing openly in public places – restaurants, cinemas and public transport – is selfish in the extreme. It shows a lack of consideration of those around them: an arrogance and vanity. Tough luck if someone finds it offensive.

If you have the nerve to ask someone to tone down their language, then be prepared for a mouthful of invective. I’ve tried. The problem is simply this. Swearing has become so familiar that many people may be unaware they are swearing at all.

There is something infinitely sad when primary aged children tell each other to “eff off”. Did this come from movies? Did it come from the home? Are the children copying what they have heard to be cool?

If we thought about why we swear we may realise that we really don’t know why and perhaps it’s just a lazy habit. Does it make you feel better? More empowered? More part of the team?

Whatever swearing does for you, it may not do for others.

Christopher Bantick is a Melbourne writer.

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