

This was published 10 months ago

Ministerial diaries to be made public in integrity overhaul

By Rachel Eddie

Victorian government ministers will need to declare meetings with lobbyists and stakeholders every three months, following calls from the state corruption watchdog for over a year and two investigations that exposed misconduct.

The new ministerial code of conduct announced on Friday will be effective immediately. It requires ministers and parliamentary secretaries to declare conflicts and disclose interest, gifts, benefits and hospitality, while ministers will be banned from employing family members.

Premier Jacinta Allan last month.

Premier Jacinta Allan last month.Credit: Wayne Taylor

The code is not retrospective and will be enforced by the premier of the day. The premier, if satisfied of a “substantive or material” breach of the code, could force a minister or parliamentary secretary to resign.

Premier Jacinta Allan, announcing the change on Friday, did not specify who would be responsible for enforcement if a premier is involved in an alleged breach. The premier may seek advice from Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC), which can also seek professional advice if required.

“The updated code of conduct will hold ministers and parliamentary secretaries to the highest standards – that’s what all Victorians expect and deserve,” Allan said.

Diaries for the first month of the code, spanning December, will be published on the DPC website by the end of January. Diaries will then be published in three-month tranches.

Queensland, NSW and the ACT already require ministers to publish their diaries.

The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) in October last year recommended ministerial and staff diaries be made public in a special report on corruption risks associated with donations and lobbying.


While ministers and parliamentary secretaries will need to detail “scheduled” meetings with stakeholders, organisations and third-party lobbyists each quarter, their staff will not face the same obligations. Only meetings that were pre-arranged and in the minister’s diary will be reported.

Recommendations from IBAC’s Operation Daintree investigation, and its joint Operation Watts investigation with the Victorian Ombudsman, were also addressed by the announcement.

The watchdogs in September accused the government of being slow to act on the recommendations in Operation Watts, which found “rampant nepotism, forging [of] signatures, and attempts to interfere with government grants to favour factionally aligned community organisations”.

Those allegations were first reported by The Age in June 2020.

Operation Daintree – the existence of which The Age revealed last November – did not make any findings of corrupt conduct, but said there had been a “significant erosion” of ministerial accountability. It found the Health Workers Union was given privileged access and favourable treatment, resulting in the awarding of a contract that was not in the public interest.


The Centre for Public Integrity and the Greens have called for ministerial diaries to be made public for over a year, and criticised the government as a laggard on the transparency measure.

Dr Catherine Williams, executive director at the Centre for Public Integrity, said the changes made important progress to strengthen the state’s integrity framework.

“However, if real transparency of the influences upon the exercise of public power is to be achieved, all meetings (as opposed to merely scheduled ones) need to be disclosed,” she said.

“If there is to be real accountability, there simply must be some enforcement mechanism that is independent of the executive.”

Greens integrity spokesman Tim Read welcomed the decision, but said Victoria could go further.

“Labor really shouldn’t have to be forced by IBAC and the Greens to introduce these long-overdue reforms when there is so much more to do on raising integrity standards,” Read said.

“Investigation after investigation has shown that our state’s political integrity standards are lacking, and misconduct is rife.”

Consultation for a new Parliamentary Integrity Commission to investigate allegations of misconduct by MPs, ministers and parliamentary secretaries is also underway. A Parliamentary Ethics Committee has also been proposed.

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