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- Mushroom case
This was published 1 year ago
Homicide detectives arrest mushroom cook Erin Patterson over fatal lunch
By Chris Vedelago, Marta Pascual Juanola and Alex Crowe
Homicide detectives have arrested Erin Patterson, the woman at the centre of an investigation into the poisonous mushroom meal that resulted in the deaths of three people in Victoria’s south-east.
A source with knowledge of the case said Patterson had been arrested on Thursday morning. She was taken to Wonthaggi police station for questioning on Thursday afternoon.
Homicide detectives and police dogs were at the home of Erin Patterson on Thursday morning.Credit: Luis Ascui
Investigators spent Thursday morning scouring the backyard of Patterson’s Leongatha home, where the deadly family lunch took place.
Detectives were seen walking in and out of the garage and leading dogs to and from the property.
An armchair on the back deck and bushes close to the house received particularly close attention from the canines. Patterson’s red car was also searched several times.
Patterson’s lawyer arrived at the property and spoke to detectives who remained at the house just before 1pm.
Homicide squad Detective Inspector Dean Thomas said the 49-year-old Leongatha woman would be interviewed when the search of her home was complete.
Heather Wilkinson, 66, Gail Patterson, 70, and Don Patterson, 70, all died in hospital days after the July 29 lunch, where beef Wellington was served. Ian Wilkinson, 68, was released from Austin Hospital after seven weeks of treatment.
Investigators believe the group ate death cap mushrooms.
Thomas said Thursday’s arrest was the next step in what had been a complex and thorough investigation by homicide squad detectives and one that was not yet over.
“Over the last three months ... this investigation has been subjected to incredibly intense levels of public scrutiny and curiosity,” he said.
“I cannot think of another investigation that has generated this level of media and public interest, not only here in Victoria, but also nationally and internationally.”
Thomas said that while police wanted to provide timely updates about this matter, it was critical that was done in a way that did not adversely impact the current investigation or any future processes.
“I think it’s particularly important that we keep in mind that at the heart of this, three people have lost their lives.
“These are three people who by all accounts were much beloved in their communities and are greatly missed by their loved ones.”
Police would attempt to continue providing updates as they developed throughout the day, Thomas said.
“At the heart of these matters are the recent deaths of three people and families and loved ones who are trying to come to terms with this,” he said.
Homicide squad detectives searched Erin Patterson’s property on Thursday morning.Credit: Nine News
“In smaller communities such as Leongatha and Korumburra a tragedy such as this can reverberate for years to come.
“I encourage people to be particularly mindful of unnecessary speculation and the sharing of misinformation. While police are doing everything we can to ensure this investigation is not impacted by this, again I stress, at the heart of these matters are the recent deaths of three people, and families and loved ones who are trying to come to terms with this.”
A police statement issued earlier on Thursday said that the 49-year-old Leongatha woman was arrested shortly after 8am.
“A search warrant has been executed at the Gibson Street address, with assistance from the AFP’s [Australian Federal Police] technology detector dogs,” they said.
“The woman will now be interviewed by police and the investigation remains ongoing.”
Police had previously named Patterson – the estranged wife of the Pattersons’ son Simon – as a suspect because she cooked the meal.
She strenuously denied wrongdoing and said she could not explain how the meal caused the group’s illnesses and deaths.
It also emerged that Erin’s ex-husband had his own brush with death last year after serious gut problems left him in intensive care for three weeks.
The death cap is responsible for 90 per cent of mushroom poisoning deaths. One bite is enough to kill someone, causing severe gastroenteritis and eventually organ failure.
During the investigation, police tested leftovers of the poisonous mushroom beef Wellington. Forensic tests were also conducted on a food dehydrator found at a Gippsland tip.
Patterson had previously given a sworn written statement to police documenting her side of the events leading up to and on the day of the lunch.
In the statement, Patterson strenuously denied wrongdoing and said she could not explain how the meal caused the death of her estranged husband’s relatives.
But the police statement also included a concession from Patterson that she had intentionally disposed of the food dehydrator found in a skip bin at the Koonwarra Transfer Station.
In the statement, she claimed she had panicked and dumped the appliance after she said people started accusing her of intentionally poisoning the meal.
Patterson’s two children were also at the gathering on July 29 but did not fall ill.
Investigators interviewed Patterson in the days after the deadly lunch, but released her without charge.
“In smaller communities such as Leongatha and Korumburra a tragedy such as this can reverberate for years to come,” Thomas added on Thursday.
“I encourage people to be particularly mindful of unnecessary speculation and the sharing of misinformation … at the heart of these matters are the recent deaths of three people, and families and loved ones who are trying to come to terms with this.”
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