

This was published 1 year ago

Eight books to read: Kate Grenville’s new novel and a memoir about a ‘double life’

By Lucy Sussex and Steven Carroll


Restless Dolly Maunder
Kate Grenville, Text, $45

Kate Grenville has always had an interest in Australian women’s lives. She has written Lilian’s Story, her mother’s life, and now her grandmother’s. Dolly was a hard woman — she had to be or go under. She was born to hard rural work, her ambitions for further education thwarted. Daughters could only marry, and even here Dolly had difficulties. Instead of being destroyed by domesticity, she took to small business, like a determined duck to a pond. Grenville’s form here is novel rather non-fiction, an effortless, economical performance. It convinces, without showing the art involved. The third person allows her to observe Dolly, while depicting lost ways of life and speech. An afterword reveals the act of expiation in Grenville’s writing. Dolly was hardly a sympathetic or likeable person, but never was she a victim.

Stephen King, Hodder & Stoughton $34.99


Serial killers are far more prevalent in fiction than real life: the trope is so tired I only read it for money. That said, the old horrormeister is the complete professional, with his zest for work translating to the page. Holly Gibney is his PI series character, and he is fond of her. In this book part of the fun is marrying the campus novel to some very pop-culture motifs. The setting of the pandemic only enhances the mix. The victims are given personalities and sympathies, even in the case of a pretentious writer. In this whydunit or howcatchem, Holly must discover the reason for the killings, youth being the only common factor. The book adeptly exploits current anxieties, from wellness fads to the war between generations. Stephen King teases the reader, then releases the dogs of gore and mayhem. He knows precisely what he is doing, and it is a good read.

The Details
Ia Genberg, trans., Kira Josefsson, Wildfire, $29.99


This novel created a sensation in Sweden and has been sold around the world. The form is four interlinked short stories, as told by a woman suffering from fever. That sets the tone, as she recalls her life via four characters, people who have meant much to her. The first two are girlfriends, their affinities and differences. Johanna has background and money: she will always make a success of herself. Niki in contrast is the mess, in life as in her flat. Alejandro is the lost love, likely not worth the trouble, and Birgitte is the narrator’s mother. The book starts with the intensity and insecurity of youth. It slowly morphs into resignation, the small but significant pleasures of growing up. “We live so many lives within our lives,” says Ia Genberg. Indeed. In 150 efficient pages Genberg creates a microcosm of modern Scandinavian life.

The Hidden Book
Kirsty Manning, Allen & Unwin, $32.99



Setting a historical romance in Nazi Europe is not new. The facts behind this book are also quite well-known. A photo album survived Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria, to be evidence in Nuremberg, and the basis for a recent film. The stranger-than-fiction narrative was that Spanish communist prisoners smuggled the album out of the camp. A copy made its way to Australia, its provenance uncertain. Kirsty Manning has the novelist’s privilege of creating her own characters. They include Hannah, the Australian inheritor of the album, who is contrasted with Austrian Lena. Hannah’s coming of age and maturity seems blissful compared with Lena’s, whose need for survival translated into anti-Nazi resistance. The Hidden Book works, with vivid depictions of place and food (do not read when hungry). But if the reader knows the story, or has seen The Photographer of Mauthausen, the truth will trump the novel.

Steph Lentz, ABC Books, $34.99


In this engaging, confessional memoir, Steph Lentz dates her awareness of her sexuality back to a number of crushes on other schoolgirls. At the same time, she was a fundamentalist Christian and it was impressed upon her time after time that homosexuality was a sin. It was the beginning of a double life, and this account of that until her late twenties takes us down the rabbit hole of her struggle to reconcile the irreconcilable. She was married when she fell in love with a married woman from her church, and both were wracked with guilt. What followed was the best and worst of times, eventually landing her in hospital after serious self-harm. Along the way, the Christian school where she worked sacked her as a reward for coming out. Lentz then went to the media. These days, after all the upheaval, she calls herself an “ignostic”.

Menzies Versus Evatt
Anne Henderson, Connor Court Publishing, $34.95


To paraphrase George Johnston, it was an explosive now exploded time – although the aftershocks linger. From the early forties until the mid-1950s Bob Menzies and Bert Evatt waged a life-and-death political struggle that took in Menzies’ failed attempt to ban the Communist Party, the Labor Party split and culminated in the Petrov royal commission of 1954-55. Shared liberalism and love of cricket aside, they detested each other. If it was Shakespearean, it was in the A.C. Bradley mould of heroes with flaws: Evatt’s, impatient ambition, vanity and lousy judgment; Menzies – to the extent that he’s depicted as having many – his arrogance. All the same, this is a largely balanced, scholarly and readable study of a tumultuous time that pitted two brilliant men from humble backgrounds against each other and shaped the Menzies ascendancy.

Men at War
James Mitchell, Hardie Grant, $49.99


It’s too easy to talk in sweeping terms of armies and divisions as military histories often do. What makes this mix of military and social history distinctive is the way historian James Mitchell uses interviews, letters and archives to delve into the lives of an entire battalion and, in a real sense, humanises the focus of his study – the 2/2nd Pioneer Battalion. Mostly drawn from the inner northern suburbs of Melbourne, they were a multi-tasked outfit taking in construction and fighting, but never intended as frontline troops. Nonetheless, in little-known actions, they defeated the Vichy French in Syria, while in Java they fought hard enough to divert Japanese attention away from the incoming ships containing the 6th and 7th divisions, only to see out the war on the Thai-Burma railway. Epic in its detail.


Quietly Hostile
Samantha Irby, Faber & Faber, $23.99

Best-selling US comic essayist Samantha Irby delivers her rapid-fire observations of life with the gusto of a stand-up comedian. Many people think she’s funny, but I’m not sure why. An essay on driving from Chicago to Michigan as COVID-19 hits is full of predictable jokes about toilet paper, washing your hands and feeling the COVID-19 germs creeping up her arms in a service station bathroom. Another is about feeling no need to explain why she likes her grubby shopping mall to snooty friends, and in another she explores a favourite old piece of porn about lesbian nuns. They’re all written in a cute, streetwise, grumpy, take me as I am way that often sends up the pretentious when it crosses her path. But, for all its pacy delivery and calling a turd a turd, it strains for laughs. Mind you, there’s an army of fans who disagree.

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