

This was published 1 year ago


I worked with Mike Pezzullo. Here’s why he has to go

Last week, the prime minister announced the appointment of Dennis Richardson to investigate allegations, first broken in this masthead, of irregularities in the awarding of contracts for the construction and operation of offshore processing facilities on Nauru. At their most serious, the allegations suggest the facilitation of corruption by Nauruan officials. At least, they indicate seriously deficient due diligence by the Department of Home Affairs.

Richardson is one of Australia’s greatest-ever public servants, universally trusted and respected. At various times, he has held most of the top jobs within the national security community: secretary of Defence, secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, ambassador to Washington, chief of staff to the prime minister (Bob Hawke) and director-general of ASIO (appointed by John Howard). Nobody knows Canberra better.

Mike Pezzullo, secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, during an estimates hearing in parliament.

Mike Pezzullo, secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, during an estimates hearing in parliament.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The revelations about which Richardson has been tasked to inquire throw light upon another powerful public servant, Mike Pezzullo, and the department over which he presides, Home Affairs. There is no suggestion that Pezzullo was himself involved in any irregularity. I know him well enough to say he is a man of unimpeachable integrity. Nevertheless, he is the person on whose watch these events happened. The man at the top must accept responsibility. And he must also take responsibility for the culture of the department which he has led since its inception.

The Department of Home Affairs is almost entirely Pezzullo’s creation. At the time it came into being, at the end of 2017, Pezzullo had been the secretary of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, under both prime ministers Abbott and Turnbull. From early in the life of the Abbott government, Pezzullo agitated for the creation of a national security super-department, which would combine immigration and border protection with domestic security, including the Australian Federal Police, other law-enforcement agencies and ASIO.

Tony Abbott – always a hawk on national security – was not persuaded of the wisdom of the idea. After the change of prime ministers in 2015, Pezzullo saw his chance to relitigate the issue. Malcolm Turnbull – eager to appease Peter Dutton, who shared Pezzullo’s ambition for a super-department – went along with it over the strong objections of both the Australian Federal Police and ASIO. The then director-general of ASIO, Duncan Lewis (now my colleague at the National Security College), was particularly vehement in his opposition.


Lewis understood that public confidence in ASIO depends upon protecting its reputation – painstakingly rebuilt after the damaging revelations of the Hope Royal Commission of the 1970s – for being punctiliously law-abiding. Like every director-general before him, he thought that was best done by keeping ASIO within the attorney-general’s portfolio, under the watchful eye of the first law officer. It would not be served by ASIO being swallowed in a new super-department with an expansive view of its powers and a less front-of-mind consciousness of the rule of law.

While the changes to the machinery of government arrangements were under way, in October 2017 Pezzullo made a little-noticed speech to the Trans-Tasman Business Circle, in which he set out his vision – what he described as “the philosophical context ... on the creation of the Home Affairs Department”. He said:

“The state has to increasingly embed itself – not majestically, sitting at the apex of society, dispensing justice – but the state has to embed itself invisibly into global networks and supply chains, and the virtual realm, in a seamless and largely invisible fashion, intervening on the basis of intelligence and risk settings. Increasingly, at super scale and at very high volumes.”


Pezzullo made it perfectly clear that his vision of an omnipresent invisible state was not limited to global networks and supply chains, but applied to civil society itself.


At this point, one is tempted to reach for the much-overused word “Orwellian”. But Pezzullo gave us another adjective. Remarkably, he invoked the 17th century English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes. Hobbes’ great work, Leviathan, was published in 1651, two years after the regicide of Charles I and when England had been torn apart by years of civil war. It argued that the wellbeing of citizens could only be secured by an all-powerful state, embodied in the king.

It is the most important philosophical defence of state power in the English language, the ultimate expression of the case that citizens should surrender their rights to government as the necessary price for the protection it gives. It sits directly at odds with the liberal tradition, traceable to Hobbes’ near-contemporary John Locke, which holds that the power of government comes from, and is thus limited by, the consent of the governed. Pezzullo makes passing reference to Locke in his speech, but leaves no doubt that his vision is a Hobbesian one.

It is odd to see arguments first advanced 3½ centuries ago to defend the Stuart kings revived in 21st century Australia to provide the “philosophical context” of a powerful new department of state.


A central agency that “embeds” in everyday life, “in a seamless and largely invisible fashion”, “at super scale and at very high volumes” – albeit for the ostensibly benign reason of keeping citizens safe – is ripe for over-reach and misuse of power. We have already seen too much of that in the Department of Home Affairs. Such a departmental culture will ultimately undermine the public trust upon which the effectiveness of national security agencies depends.

Mike Pezzullo is a good man and a dedicated servant of Australia. But – as his Hobbesian philosophy of governance reveals – he is precisely the wrong man to be in charge of national security in a liberal democracy.

George Brandis is a former high commissioner to the UK, and a former Liberal senator and federal attorney-general. He is now a professor in the practice of national security at the ANU’s National Security College.

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