

This was published 1 year ago

‘Lawful but lacking humanity’: Judge rules on hotel detention of refugees

By Bianca Hall

Australia’s use of hotels as makeshift detention centres for refugees and asylum seekers was lawful but failed the tests of basic humanity, a Federal Court judge said in a landmark ruling on Thursday.

While finding the Commonwealth was entitled to designate hotels as temporary detention facilities, Judge Bernard Murphy savaged the 14-month-long detention of Kurdish refugee Mostafa Azimitabar, who brought his case to the Federal Court after being locked up in two Melbourne hotels.

Refugee Mostafa “Moz” Azimitabar with friend, and former Australian of the Year, Grace Tame.

Refugee Mostafa “Moz” Azimitabar with friend, and former Australian of the Year, Grace Tame.Credit: Jason South

“I can only wonder at the lack of thought, indeed lack of care and humanity, in detaining a person with serious psychiatric and psychological problems in the hotels for 14 months, primarily in a hotel room with a window that would only open 10 centimetres, and for most of the time without access to an outdoor area to breathe fresh air or feel the sun on his face,” Murphy said.

“As a matter of ordinary human decency, the applicant should not have been detained for such a period in those conditions, particularly when he was suffering from PTSD and a major depressive episode.”

The decision, the judge said, did not “turn on the humanity” of Azimitabar’s detention, but whether Australia’s immigration ministers had the power to detain people in hotels.

“I consider the minister had [and has] power to do so,” he said.

Mostafa Azimitabar inside his room at the Mantra Hotel, Preston, in 2020.

Mostafa Azimitabar inside his room at the Mantra Hotel, Preston, in 2020.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

Azimitabar was supported in court by former Australian of the Year Grace Tame, Amnesty International campaigner Sally Rugg, his legal team and other friends, some of whom left the court in tears after the ruling.

During his time detained in Australia, Azimitabar became one of the most outspoken of the refugees brought to Melbourne under the short-lived medevac policy.


Hundreds of other refugees and asylum seekers were rushed to the mainland from offshore detention in Papua New Guinea and Nauru under the medevac policy, on the advice of doctors. They were kept in hotels that a departmental officer – acting on behalf of the immigration minister – approved as being “alternative places of detention”.


Azimitabar was detained at the Mantra Bell City in Preston, Melbourne’s north, from November 2019, having been rushed to Australia from Papua New Guinea for emergency psychiatric treatment on the advice of doctors. He had been held on Papua New Guinea since 2013.

But instead of being taken to a medical facility for treatment, he was locked up with dozens of other men at the Mantra hotel for 13 months before being transferred to the Park Hotel in Carlton for a further month. In 2021, private operator Serco estimated the costs of its “services” at $37.9 million per quarter.

Outside court, Azimitabar – who now lives in Sydney on a bridging visa – said he took heart from the judge’s finding that his treatment was “not OK”.


“It’s not OK for someone who is suffering from asthma, from PTSD, to be locked in a room – but it’s legal that a minister can ... put sick people inside a hotel and use it as a prison? There are a lot of things [happening] that are not OK.”

Azimitabar’s lawyer, Michael Bradley, said they were disappointed with the legal outcome and would consider appealing to the High Court.

“However, we take heart from the judge’s comments and his recognition of the basic inhumanity of this system,” he said.

“It is a travesty that it could be lawful in this country for the government to treat people under its care with the level of inhumanity that Moz’s case exemplifies.”

The Morrison government moved in 2019 to designate Mantra Bell City as an alternative place of detention. In December 2020, when the Mantra contract expired, a delegate for the acting immigration minister of the day, Alan Tudge, designated the Park Hotel as an alternative place of detention.

Lawyers for the Commonwealth successfully argued the immigration minister, through a delegate, could establish detention sites in a range of buildings, so long as they met the definition of a detention facility.

This month will mark a decade since former prime minister Kevin Rudd resumed indefinite offshore detention for people who come to Australia by boat.

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