

This was published 1 year ago

Why the state’s COVID baby boom is going bust

By Laura Banks and Angus Thomson

Maternity wards across the state experienced their quietest start to any year in more than a decade, as families weigh up having children against financial pressures, climate anxieties and the lingering effects of the pandemic.

Boosted by conceptions during the COVID-19 lockdowns, the number of babies born in NSW public hospitals peaked at 19,081 between April and June 2021. But new data from the Bureau of Health Information shows just 15,868 babies were born in public maternity wards between January and March 2023, the lowest of any quarter since 2010.

Figures from NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages reflect the public hospital data, with total births dropping from 24,693 in the first three months of 2021 to just 20,435 in the corresponding period this year.

Dr Liz Allen, a demographer at the Australian National University, said the decline in births was due to both short-term factors – such as couples bringing forward their pregnancy plans during COVID – and longer-term factors such as concerns about housing and climate change.

“Given what we’ve just been through with the pandemic, and the economic difficulties we’re confronting now alongside the problems with climate change, more and more young couples especially are not having their desired number of children,” she said.

“Behind these figures lies this very complex socio-economic storm that … will ripple down the line for generations to come.”

Associate Professor Udoy Saikia, a social demographer at Flinders University, said the increase and subsequent decrease in births after the onset of the pandemic was similar to what happened in Australia after World War II when a baby boom resulting from the reunion of couples was quickly followed by a decline in the number of births.

“But that is a very temporary phenomenon,” he said.

Australia’s fertility rate (which represents the average number of children that would be born to a female over their lifetime) has been in steady decline since the 1970s, with the exception of a small upswing after then-treasurer Peter Costello introduced the baby bonus in 2002.


Saikia said he expects the absolute number of births to increase as international migrants return to Australia, although the fertility rate will continue to decline.

‘Behind these figures lies this very complex socio-economic storm that … will ripple down the line for generations to come.’

Dr Liz Allen, demographer at Australian National University

More women are delaying childbirth until later in life and choosing to give birth via caesarean section, data released on Wednesday reveals.

The NSW Mothers and Babies Report found that the average age of first-time mothers rose from 30.7 to 31.3 years between 2017 and 2021, with 27.4 per cent of NSW mums now over the age of 35.

Almost 38 per cent of babies were delivered via caesarean section, up from 33.8 per cent for the same period. Mothers are choosing against normal vaginal deliveries - down to 50.7 per cent, compared with 54.5 in 2017. Almost half of privately insured mothers now give birth via caesarean, the data shows.

Claire, 37, and her husband opted for an elective caesarean for the birth of their second child, after an emergency caesarean with their firstborn in April 2020.


“We did have to consider the financial side of having babies and how we’d support ourselves while I was on maternity leave, which has been difficult when you consider the cost of having a child, a mortgage, rising interest rates, and daycare,” she said. “But it was a case of now or never for us, we knew we weren’t getting any younger.”

Alana Healthcare obstetrician Dr Erin Nesbitt-Hawes said the rising age of first-time mums was reflected in the choice to have elective caesarean deliveries.

“There is more recognition that vaginal delivery is not without risk ... those risks are increased in an ageing obstetric population,” she said. “More confidence and access to fertility services and capacity for egg freezing reassures women that they have more options in the timing of their pregnancy.”

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