

This was published 1 year ago

Live mic reveals McGowan’s private thoughts on Perth Mint

By Hamish Hastie

A live microphone has picked up West Australian Premier Mark McGowan describing the issues plaguing the Perth Mint as a “storm in a f---ing teacup”.

McGowan leaned over to Deputy Premier Roger Cook to whisper the comment after he answered a question from Opposition Leader Shane Love about the mint during lower house question time in parliament on Tuesday.

Shortly after, during an opposition matter of public interest about the same topic, McGowan offered a mea culpa for the comment.

“It’s been bought to my attention that during question time a private and confidential comment I made to the deputy premier was picked up by a microphone,” he said.

“I apologise if anyone was offended by my language.”

During parliament, McGowan batted away questions about the mint, which was the subject of a Four Corners investigation last week that claimed the state-owned organisation had been failing in its anti-money laundering compliance obligations.

It also revealed that a gold dilution program run by the mint to save just over $600,000 a year had resulted in gold being sold to one of its biggest customers, the Shanghai Gold Exchange, with silver levels that exceeded that exchange’s strict standards.

In his apology, McGowan said his comment was in the context of that issue being resolved in 2021 by the Perth Mint and that tonnes of gold had been sold to the exchange since then without issue.

The embarrassing blunder comes the same day that federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers described claims anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism funding obligation breaches as incredibly concerning.


Chalmers’ comments, made in Perth on Tuesday morning while in town for the AUKUS announcement, were a step-up compared to the rhetoric from his state colleagues in describing the issues facing the trouble-plagued mint, particularly around non-compliance issues, which are the subject of a major Austrac audit.

While Chalmers said the revelations were concerning, he was confident the WA Labor government was taking the matter seriously, as was the federal government.

“Austrac has appointed an auditor to assess the mint’s compliance with all the various arrangements, including the anti-money laundering arrangements,” he said.

“That report is due to Austrac soon and when we get that report we’ll obviously consider it, but I’m sure everybody understands since these revelations were made public that they are very troubling, very concerning.”

The Four Corners report aired last Monday claimed lax anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing processes may have exposed the state government-backed organisation to be used in money laundering efforts by international criminals and terrorists.


The report claimed the mint was not performing basic checks on high-risk people, including Perth bikie Dayne Brajkovich, and was dealing with banks like Euro Pacific which operated out of tax havens and helped clients to buy gold and store it in Perth Mint’s vaults.

These purchases may have breached international sanctions on individuals such as Russian oligarchs after the Ukraine invasion.

The report also claimed from internal documentation that the mint failed to register more than 5000 international movements of money over a nine-month period.

Each failure carries with it a potential maximum fine of up to $21 million.

The Austrac investigation into the mint’s compliance with anti-money laundering laws is ongoing, but if it uncovers any breaches the mint may be forced to pay hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars in fines, as Australian banks have had to previously for similar AML breaches.

McGowan played down the claims in the Four Corners report, saying the mint was complying with the audit and a refreshed board and management had been addressing historic non-compliance issues.

He said Austrac was investigating the Perth Mint because it self-reported possible non-compliance to the financial crimes watchdog, which had been occurring over separate governments.

McGowan said since then the mint had spent $34 million to upgrade its systems to ensure compliance with anti-money laundering rules.

Last week, McGowan played down the risk to taxpayers if the state-owned mint is hit with fines.

“We will wait and see what happens. I don’t want to preempt anything, but the mint is a business like any other business, it will manage any of those issues,” he said.

The mint’s issues over gold dilution and anti-money laundering compliance are also the subject of a review by its biggest customer, the London Bullion Marketing Association.

In the matter of public interest, Love reiterated calls for a royal commission into the Perth Mint.

Love said he had been speaking to “good people” that wanted to shine a light on what had been happening inside the mint but couldn’t because the legislation that governed it could see anyone who spoke out on confidential issues jailed for five years.

“What they finished by saying to me was maybe the premier could grant permission for us to speak up ... by calling a royal commission into the goings-on at the Perth Mint” he said.

McGowan rejected this request and said it was the fifth royal commission the opposition had called for, and the third request this year.

He said a royal commission cost between $50 million to $100 million.

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