This was published 2 years ago
Pandemic’s health legacy will plague us, and I’m not talking about long COVID
Patrick McGorry
Psychiatrist and mental health advocateSuicide is the tip of the iceberg of mental ill-health and despair in our society. It is the most preventable of all causes of premature death, since the state of mind that is the final pathway is nearly always temporary and reversible. Yet this pathway to ending one’s life is complex.
Upstream, there are socio-economic forces which ebb and flow and influence the momentum for suicide in a population. This has been known for more than 100 years. The best examples are that, during wartime and times of external threat – perhaps including pandemics – suicide rates fall, and after the threat passes and especially during times of economic stress, they rise.
Downstream, who dies is much more personal, influenced by immediate risk factors such as relationship breakdown, substance use and – in most cases – background mental illness.
Along with others, I’ll be meeting the federal health minister Mark Butler today to discuss the latest concerning data and the factors which may be leading to higher rates of mental ill-health and suicide.
Over the past few years, Australians have been exposed to severe upstream stress, creating the conditions not merely for increased suicide risk but for a pervasive deterioration in our mental health. Natural disasters, the pandemic traumas and now the cost of living crisis are powerful psychosocial risk factors which affect some sections of the population more heavily than others.
Young people are the miner’s canaries of society. Their mental health had been deteriorating steadily for a decade before the pandemic, and now 39 per cent of 15-24-year-olds need some form of care for mental ill-health. This trend has accelerated since 2020, though so far has not translated into higher suicide rates. Nevertheless, suicide remains the leading cause of death among young people.
A range of modelling predicted a substantial rise in mental ill-health and suicide risk after the pandemic. Data just released from NSW and Victoria showing an 8 per cent rise in suicide deaths in 2022 suggest that this is now starting to show. So far, the rise is confined to middle-aged and elderly males, while the rise in diagnosable mental ill-health has been much more marked in young people and females.
It may be that men in these age groups are more immediately vulnerable, more isolated and less likely to seek or able to access the right kind of help. Economic stress, alcohol use and lack of social support, especially in the context of relationship breakdown or redundancy, are more immediate risk factors. Access to expert mental health care and even primary care has become much more difficult post-pandemic. Finally, the methods employed by older males are typically of higher lethality than younger people.
Prevention and a focus on the upstream socio-economic determinants of suicide must be strengthened, as the suicide prevention field has correctly proposed. However, these potent forces and megatrends – including pandemics, natural disasters and economic crises – are hard to prevent or mitigate, and it would be irresponsible to place all our eggs in the prevention basket. At the same time, we must create much stronger safety nets for everyone in the danger zone.
Crisis care should be strengthened. Lifeline is a national treasure, but given our dependence upon it, it is unacceptable how little funding and clinical governance is committed to it. We also need a single national helpline number and service, not multiple options. Lifeline must also be much more strongly connected to the next level of care.
The fragmentation and lack of integration between different levels of care in mental health means people in mortal danger are constantly in no man’s land. The market-based, outsourced primary health network model of local commissioning of mental health care through competitive tendering has seriously worsened the fragmentation of care at a time we desperately need integration.
Primary care should be a universal access portal but is in deep crisis. The recent proposal from the health minister to create highly accessible multidisciplinary one-stop shops within general practice – something that headspace conceived and implemented for young people – is a potential solution. New systems of team-based multidisciplinary secondary care, including psychiatrists, are crucial to support GPs and primary care services. These platforms have been commenced federally but have stalled and need redesign and rapid scaling up.
Vested interests, whether commercial or professional, have undermined the reform process. The current debate about the number of Better Access sessions is a perfect example. The solution is to embrace value-based health care. The UK-based economist Mariana Mazzucato has spelt out a blueprint to ensure value for the society and its people is the goal of all public policy. This involves a mission-oriented approach to major challenges. A clearly defined goal is set and public and private sectors are expected and incentivised to combine to deliver. Profit-making and vested interest is subordinated to the higher order value-creating mission.
This replaces the “market failure” model that has survived despite serious flaws. The mission-oriented approach requires strong government and a revival of, respect for and investment in the public sector.
Health care reform, and especially mental health reform, lend themselves perfectly to this approach. This strategy is partially evident within the mental health reform process initiated by the Victorian premier and government, but the missing pieces mean that the success of this once-in-a-generation reform remains in the balance.
Mark Butler has recognised that the time has passed for knee-jerk responses and Band-Aids. I will discuss reform pathways with him when we meet today. With warning signs emerging of a worsening of the mental health crisis, there is no time to waste.
Professor Patrick McGorry is executive director of Orygen, the centre for youth mental health at the University of Melbourne, and a former Australian of the year.
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