

This was published 1 year ago

Pains, trains and automobiles: The $6b plan to solve Brisbane’s Inland Rail woes

By Zach Hope

After years of political floundering and mysterious studies deemed too hot for commoner consumption, the long-held “indicative” endpoint for the nation-building, money-gorging Inland Rail project has never been on shakier ground.

Acacia Ridge, in Brisbane’s southern suburbs, was the nominated northern terminus in the original 2015 business case forming the basis of all assumptions and constipated progress since.

The Australian Rail Trail Corporation [ARTC], tasked with building the 1700 kilometres of track from Melbourne to Brisbane for an unrealistic $15 billion, still marked it as home base in its maps and pamphlets.

But up against practical realities and with no solutions in sight, the public utterances of rail bosses and Canberra infrastructure bureaucrats have been slowly shifting to accommodate and then narrow down alternatives, most plainly at federal estimates hearings last month.

Here, in one of the more illuminating exchanges on the terminus topic for years, it was revealed the Inland Rail finish line was now a toss-up between Acacia Ridge and a late-surging western option at Ebenezer, about 20 kilometres south-west of Ipswich.

It invigorates a bold pitch by former Thiess chief executive Martin Albrecht, now the chair of the National Trunk Rail consortium, for a “total solution” saving money, time and pain.

For about $6 billion, Albrecht said subsidiary PortConnex could build a 52-kilometre tunnel linking a proposed logistics hub at Ebenezer to the Port of Brisbane via driverless freight shuttles. The emerging locomotive technology would be powered by batteries, meaning zero emissions – an alignment with the ambitions of major freight users such as Bunnings and the big supermarkets.

Backed by the SEQ Council of Mayors, the proposal would shave 42 kilometres from the route, making redundant the contentious southern approach to Acacia Ridge and the region’s quietly gathering storm of MPs, councillors and voters none too keen for the daily rumble of dozens of double-decker freight trains hauling everything from nappies to coal.


The Logan population is set to double in the next two decades, and living within a kilometre of this status-quo southern corridor will be almost 40,000 people.

“We’re putting up technology that didn’t exist [in 2015],” Albrecht said of the PortConnex plan. “We’re capturing innovation as it becomes available.”

Moreover, he said, the Ebenezer-port tunnel would solve the most impenetrable of Inland Rail’s problems: how to get export freight through Brisbane’s congested suburbs to the port.

A 2018 study looked at the terminus-to-port issue. The former Australian government was willing to release it if the Queensland government agreed.

It did not.

Whatever cost or chaos the report uncovered has been kept under lock-and-key and out of reach of right-to-information requests.


Under the ARTC and governments’ original idea – which NTR hopes to change – export goods arriving at Acacia Ridge would either be loaded onto trucks and put onto highway transport, or sent on trains competing with Brisbane’s expanding passenger network.

Both would have capacity implications for the city’s roads and rails. Just how serious, or when it would become so, depended on who was providing the advice.

Decision makers have envisioned dedicated freight routes from Acacia Ridge to the port, including tunnel options, but there would probably be no solution before 2040.

The PortConnex alternative promised to have the underground Ebenezer-to-port tunnel finished well before the 2032 Brisbane Olympics.

Governments would need to fund part of the $6 billion cost, Albrecht said, but most of the money would come from the private sector, which he said was interested.

‘It’s a pretty long tunnel, isn’t it?’

The Queensland government’s Cross River Rail project – 10 kilometres of track, tunnel and stations, was budgeted at $5.4 billion – though many expected this to blow out by billions.

How, then, could PortConnex build a tunnel five times longer for $6 billion?

For one, Albrecht said, the shuttle would not share the line with commuter trains. No commuters meant zero stations and fewer technical requirements.

Community-based lobby group Rail Back on Track agreed with the PortConnex construction estimates, but wanted to see more detail about how it would deliver returns to private sector investors.

“It’s an interesting idea,” spokesman Robert Dow said.

“It’s a pretty long tunnel, isn’t it? These guys have obviously worked out that there is going to be demand if they’re prepared to put through that sort of package, but what are the financials? What are access charges, etcetera?”

Albrecht declined to elaborate but said the more direct route from the west would save corporations enough time and dollars to make the 52-kilometre tunnel a viable commercial proposition.

National Trunk Rail chairman Martin Albrecht.

National Trunk Rail chairman Martin Albrecht.Credit: National Trunk Rail

While it is still impossible to deduce any emerging consensus between three levels of government and ARTC, there may yet be several intermodal terminals in south-east Queensland, including Bromelton, about 75 kilometres south of Brisbane. Even so, the most important of these would be the one from which goods were sent to the port – now either Ebenezer or Acacia Ridge.

The Inland Rail link from Melbourne to Brisbane, a journey which must not exceed 24 hours to meet requirements of the transport industry, was originally budgeted at about $5 billion.

Officially, the figure is now $15 billion, but some believe it could cost in the vicinity of $30 billion – an estimate that doesn’t even include a link to the port.

And there is no credible timeline.

An Infrastructure executive told estimates this year she would not “hazard a guess with regard to that”. The old target was 2027.

To get to the bottom of such matters, the new federal Labor government has embarked on a fresh Inland Rail business case, which was supposed to report next year.

“There’s no concrete plan at the moment,” said Dow, from Rail Back on Track.

“It’s the Queensland section of Inland Rail that is the real mystery.

“We know what the suggested solution is: You’re going from Kagaru to Acacia Ridge. What happens then? You can’t just drop all these double-stacked containers there.

“I think Acacia Ridge has a limited future in the Inland Rail context, put it that way.”

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