

This was published 1 year ago

How our politicians have created a more unequal Australia

By Judith Brett

Dreamers and schemers, men of vision and men of calculation, and they have been mostly men who have run our politics since 1788 when the British government claimed sovereignty over the eastern part of Australia, and 1826 when it claimed the rest. It’s tempting to pair them: Lachlan Macquarie and John Macarthur, Alfred Deakin and Billy Hughes, Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser.

But of course, though the balance shifts, any successful politician has a bit of both, as does the politics of a country such as Australia whose political system has been remarkably durable, adapting to external shocks and generally managing conflicts among various groups and interests in an orderly and peaceful way.

Frank Bongiorno’s Dreamers and Schemers includes not only the voices of the politicians but also, occasionally, those of ordinary people.

Frank Bongiorno’s Dreamers and Schemers includes not only the voices of the politicians but also, occasionally, those of ordinary people.Credit: Louie Douvis

Frank Bongiorno’s political history of Australia is a masterpiece of comprehensiveness and compression. In just short of 400 pages it tells the story of Australia’s politics since the autocratic rule of governors was challenged by an emerging sense of political community among the emancipated convicts and their children to the ending of transportation and the granting of self-government.

It continues through the establishment of parliamentary democracy in the six colonies, federation and fin de siècle utopianism, the first years of the commonwealth, two world wars and a depression, the good times of the 1950s and 1960s, the social movements and the coming of neoliberalism, right up to COVID-19 and the election earlier this year, when “Dreamers imagined that a new era of political creativity might be just around the corner, even as schemers manoeuvred in their familiar patterns”.

Mostly, the book is about settler society, but power was exercised and conflicts managed for millennia before the European invasion, and the book begins with this. As it progresses, it includes the massacres of the frontier, and the various attempts by the survivors to adapt to the loss of their land and kin.

Powerless in a white man’s country, they turned early to petitions. The first was in 1846 from Palawa men at Wybalennaon Flinders Island to Queen Victoria, opposing the reinstatement of an unpopular superintendent; the most famous was the Yolngu’s 1963 bark petition to the House of Representatives claiming their land rights.

Frank Bongiorno defines politicians such as Bob Hawke and Paul Keating as dreamers or schemers and mostly a bit of a mix.

Frank Bongiorno defines politicians such as Bob Hawke and Paul Keating as dreamers or schemers and mostly a bit of a mix.Credit: David James Bartho

The book spends more time on the recent past than on the 19th century, as Bongiorno describes how Hawke and Keating dismantled the institutions created by former Labor governments, and which Labor had long regarded as its legacy to the nation, and how succeeding Coalition governments shifted our political culture away from earlier generations’ reliance on public provision towards individual accumulation as the guarantor of individual wellbeing, creating the more unequal society we have today.

This is an ambitious book written for the general reader in lively and engaging prose. Bongiorno moves skilfully between general narrative and particular incidents and people, including not only the voices of the politicians but also, occasionally, those of ordinary people, such as the woman who wrote to Robert Menzies in 1949, relieved that his leadership would “stop the terrible lack of principle and honesty so widespread and unashamed in the socialistic regime”.


He moves skilfully too between national politics and the politics of the colonies and states, all six of them in each chapter. This is no mean achievement. Many histories with Australia as their subject stick to the national story. Usually the histories of the different colonies and states are told separately and little read beyond their parochial borders. But as COVID has reminded us, much of Australia’s politics is lived in the states.

State premiers such as Joe Cahill, Joh Bjelke-Petersen, Tom Playford or Jeff Kennett had as much influence on people’s day-to-day life in their day and were as well known as the prime ministers. It is instructive too when trying to understand the political cultures of our various states to learn just how much slower Tasmania, Queensland and Western Australia were than other states in achieving democratic voting rights.

Bongiorno has drawn on monographs and biographies, but also on local histories, primary sources and PhDs and on the wealth of scholarship in Australia’s history journals. The breadth of scholarship gives the book depth and is testament to the achievements of Australia’s history profession over generations.

The book is dedicated to the memory of the historian Stuart Macintyre who died last year, and has an epigraph from Robert Burns, “That Man to Man the world o’er/Shall brothers be for a’ that”.

Macintyre too wrote books to engage the general reader, and like Bongiorno his sympathies were with the dreamers more than the schemers, and with the progressive possibilities of our politics. Macintyre was the leading Australian historian of his generation. In Dreamers and Schemers Bongiorno shows himself a contender to be Macintyre’s successor.

Dreamers and Schemers: A Political History of Australia by Frank Bongiorno is published by La Trobe University Press, $39.99.

Judith Brett’s most recent book, Doing Politics: Writing on Public Life, is published by Text at $34.99.

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