

This was published 1 year ago

Visy hosts Labor fundraiser while frontrunner for government tender

By Josh Gordon

Packaging and recycling company Visy hosted an exclusive Labor Party fundraising event attended by Premier Daniel Andrews and Environment Minister Lily D’Ambrosio while bidding for a $500 million contract to run Victoria’s container deposit scheme.

Visy, run by billionaire Anthony Pratt, is one of a handful of firms in the running to operate the landmark scheme, which from early next year will offer Victorians a 10¢ refund for every eligible can, carton and bottle they return.

Visy executive chairman Anthony Pratt.

Visy executive chairman Anthony Pratt.Credit: Louie Douvis

After finalising the plan in April last year, the state government has been conducting a tender process to appoint a scheme operator.

In a media release on April 15, 2021, D’Ambrosio spruiked a decision by Visy to spend $35 million upgrading its Laverton glass recycling centre, and declared the investment was a “clear endorsement of the Andrews Labor government’s new container deposit scheme”.

“Today’s announcement [by Visy] is ... a great endorsement of the work we’ve done to boost the circular economy, including our proposed CDS (container deposit scheme),” D’Ambrosio said in the media release.

An industry source unable to speak on the record about the tender process, said the five-year contract, which is expected to be announced shortly after the November 26 state election, was worth at least $500 million with options to extend it for up to six years.

Anthony Pratt’s Raheen mansion hosted a fundraiser for Daniel Andrews in August.

Anthony Pratt’s Raheen mansion hosted a fundraiser for Daniel Andrews in August.Credit: Greg Briggs

The August 20 fundraising event, which has been reported on by other media outlets, was hosted by Visy executive chairman Pratt at his family’s Kew mansion, Raheen.

Entry was almost $5000 per person and included the cost of a donation to the Labor Party.


A LinkedIn request circulated by Victorian Labor’s manager of events and partnerships in the lead-up to the ALP fundraiser, reads: “Sorry for the random LinkedIn request. Would love to chat about an upcoming event we have at Raheen on this weekend – 20 August with VISY.”


Tender documents for the contract state that “registrants must not engage in any activity that may be perceived as, or that may have the effect of, influencing the outcomes of the EOI (expression of interest) process or the RFT (request for tender) in any way”.

Asked whether the government was confident those conditions had been met, a spokesperson said: “The procurement process for the CDS is being conducted under strict probity guidelines and assessed against predetermined criteria without external influence.

“Victoria’s container deposit scheme will be Australia’s most accessible and convenient scheme, maximising the number of drink containers returned for recycling and reuse while reducing litter in the environment.

“We’ve delivered the strongest donation reforms in the country, drastically reducing the size of donations and ensuring Victorians know who makes and receives them – we’re also undertaking the most significant overhaul of parliamentary oversight, including strengthening lobbying rules to stamp out influence.”

The Age is not suggesting the fundraiser breached the tender conditions, or that the event represented an attempt to influence the outcome of the tender process, which the government says is being conducted at arm’s length. But the revelations provide further insight into the nexus between politics and business.

Premier Daniel Andrews on the campaign trail at Bayswater on Thursday.

Premier Daniel Andrews on the campaign trail at Bayswater on Thursday.Credit: Eddie Jim

Under Victoria’s strict new political fundraising laws, all donations above $1080 must be declared to the Victorian Electoral Commission, and donors cannot give more than $4320 in any four-year period between elections.

The Age sent a number of emails to Visy, including to its generic media address late last month and again this month, asking whether it was confident the conditions of the tender had been met, but did not receive a response.

Industry sources told The Age contracts for the scheme were expected to be signed shortly after the election.

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning conducted a written question and answer process for applications in December last year.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Energy, Environment and Climate Change Minister Lily DAmbrosio on Thursday.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Energy, Environment and Climate Change Minister Lily DAmbrosio on Thursday.Credit: Eddie Jim

In the document, provided to The Age, the department makes it clear registered companies bidding for the contract are “not permitted to communicate with members of parliament, their staff or advisers” relating to the tender process, without first getting written consent from the project manager.

According to Victoria’s register of disclosed donations, Pratt on August 15 declared a donation to the Victorian branch of the Labor Party of $4320, the maximum allowed under state donation laws.

Pratt’s mother, Jeanne, declared an identical donation, as did his sisters Heloise Waislitz and Fiona Geminder. Family members Georgia Geminder, Ben Geminder, Amelia Waislitz and Jacob Waislitz also declared the maximum donation.

The register does not list any donations from Pratt to the Victorian branch of the Liberal or National parties since July 2020, when the current donation registry system commenced. But Pratt, who ranks fifth on the AFR’s latest Rich 200 list with an estimated net worth of $24.3 billion, has donated generously to the federal Liberal Party in recent years.

The Age’s Victoria’s Agenda project interviewed hundreds of voters across the state, identifying government integrity and honesty as key issues for voters ahead of the election.

The Centre for Public Integrity’s state election roadmap, released this week, warned the absence of electoral expenditure caps in Victoria “fuels the donations arms race, and risks compromising the integrity of elections by allowing those with the most money to most easily reach the most voters”.

“Victoria is one of only two Australian jurisdictions without any cap on electoral expenditure,” the roadmap said.

“Out of the three Australian jurisdictions with donations caps, it is the only one without expenditure caps – a combination that is likely to contribute to the entrenchment of incumbents.”

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