

This was published 2 years ago

James Corden issues on-air apology for ‘sarcastic, rude’ behaviour at restaurant

By Karl Quinn

James Corden used the first five minutes of his Late Late Show on Monday night (US time) to address the Great Omelette Incident – aka the Corden blue – that has seen him pilloried on social media for being arrogant, rude and abusive.

Following a week in which most of the evening chat shows in America were off-air for a mid-season break, Corden returned to the desk on Monday to claim he had enjoyed a brief digital detox (the show airs in Australia on Paramount+).

James Corden, host of The Late Late Show.

James Corden, host of The Late Late Show.Credit: Art Streiber

“I did a total switch off, no phone, no TV, really cut myself off,” he said. “Have I missed anything? Did I miss any news?”

Of course, it was a joke. In truth, the Englishman has been in the headlines constantly over the past week as details of his allegedly rude behaviour to staff at the New York restaurant Balthazar surfaced (you can read our summary of the spat here).


Corden claimed he had initially tried to ignore the fracas, saying “never complain, never explain is very much my motto”.

But his father had pointed out that in fact he had complained, so maybe now it was time for him to explain. At that point the camera cut to Corden’s parents, regular fixtures in his studio audience, to find dad Malcolm, a professional musician, nodding sagely.

Corden described Balthazar, from which he was last week banned, unbanned and then seemingly banned again, as “one of my absolute favourite restaurants” and said that if he lived in New York “I would go every day, on the proviso, you know, that they would let me in”.

Revisiting The Mysterious Case of the Egg White in the Egg Yolk Omelette that had sparked his fall from grace and the mad scramble to produce other evidence that the affable Brit was in fact an ’orrible prat, Corden said his wife, Julia Carey, “has a serious food allergy”, which was explained to the staff when the order was placed.


But when her egg-yolk omelette arrived, he said, “my wife was given the food that she was allergic to” – the “little bit of egg white” described by the restaurant manager in a report shared by Balthazar owner Keith McNally to his 98,000 Instagram followers last week.

Allergies to eggs are common, with adverse reactions to both the white and the yolk possible. According to the federal government’s healthdirect site, “allergic reactions are typically due to egg white”, with the most serious symptoms including anaphylaxis.

Corden then said that “as her meal came wrong to the table the third time” he lost his cool (McNally’s Instagram post suggested he had flared up after the meal was brought to the table a second time, mistakenly with fries rather than salad).

“In the heat of the moment, I made a sarcastic, rude comment about cooking it myself. And it is a comment I deeply regret.”

He also addressed the second incident at the restaurant that McNally flagged in his Instagram post, saying it had happened eight years ago. The incident in the restaurant manager’s telling involved Corden pointing out a hair on a finished plate of food. In Corden’s version of events, “I sent a dish back that had hair in it”. He used his splayed hand to indicate the rogue hair, which gave the impression it was closer to a toupe than a single strand.

Whatever the truth of those incidents, Corden seemed genuinely concerned to mend bridges, if only so he could once again enjoy the ambience of a place he loves.

“I hate … that I’ve ever upset anybody, ever,” he said. “It was never my intention. It just wasn’t. I love that restaurant. I love the staff there. I hope I’m allowed in again one day, so when I’m back in New York I can go there and apologise in person, which is something I will absolutely do.”

It appears to have done the trick.

Posting on Instagram under the headline LAST WORD, McNally accepted Corden’s terms.

“Last night on his TV show, James Corden very graciously apologised for his outburst at Balthazar,” he wrote. “It takes a real man to do this.

“In the past, I’ve behaved much worse than Corden, but wasn’t man enough to apologise. For this reason, I’m going to lift the ban on Corden and impose one on myself instead. I’m going to ban myself from Balthazar for two weeks. People who live in glass houses.”

Email the author at, or follow him on Facebook at karlquinnjournalist and on Twitter @karlkwin.

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