


What will you do to protect Victoria’s political system from corruption and misuse of public funds?

Integrity in government has become one of the most important issues in Australian politics, but both parties in Victoria have had their issues over the years.

Read more on integrity in government.See all 27 stories.

Victorians have told us they want a government that leads with integrity and a political system that prioritises transparent and accountable decision-making.

“I’m tired of the hiding of information, the lack of long-term thinking and the lack of thought around an ageing population,” said Brandt Callaghan, who we met at Dandenong Market.

Robyn Flagan, from regional Victoria, told us while health, education and climate were priorities, “above all [it is] integrity ... People saying what they mean”.

The May federal election sent a clear message to politicians, and our Victoria’s Agenda project has again established that integrity in politics is at the top of concerns for the state election.

Our reporters travelled the state to ask what people wanted politicians to talk about, and we also consulted experts and conducted polling to establish our questions. When we asked Age readers what issue if any they wanted more coverage of in the campaign, integrity in politics and governance came first, for all age groups.

These issues were rated highly when we asked – both in our reader survey and our Resolve opinion poll – what people wanted the parties to talk about.



“There needs to be more honesty and integrity in government, less arrogance,” said a middle-aged man from Niddrie, who normally votes for Independents. “Handling politics with integrity and being honest with the public,” said a woman from Brighton aged 18-24 who usually votes Liberal.

“Red shirts and union influence on one side, and dubious fundraising on the other,” said an Age reader. “Lobbyist access and advertising rules need tighter regulation, and IBAC funding is a scandal. FOI, the ombudsman, etc, need more funding and clout, as does the auditor-general.”

We’ll be delving into the issues during this election campaign and asking these questions of the politicians on your behalf.

Why does this matter?

Scandals, lies and pork-barrelling are seemingly entrenched in our politics. Among politicians and commentators, it has been a common assumption until recently that political parties lose few votes for these types of sins.

May’s federal election was a jolt to this orthodoxy. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese exploited the former Morrison government’s politically motivated distribution of grants, its opaque decision-making and its reluctance to enact an anti-corruption commission, despite an election promise.


The Andrews government has been involved in three corruption commission probes, involving branch stacking, dealings with the state’s firefighters’ union and allegedly corrupt suburban land deals. The so-called red shirts affair – which forced Victorian Labor to pay back $400,000 – has shadowed the government since its first term, although with scant electoral cost,

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, who has himself been the subject of a series of scandals dating back to his time as planning minister, spent months believing integrity issues would benefit his side of politics. But the plan took a hit in August when Guy was forced to sack his chief of staff over a donor saga revealed in The Age.

How does Victoria compare with other states?

NSW and Queensland, which recently instituted wholesale integrity reforms, have stricter rules than Victoria when it comes to lobbying and the publication of ministerial diaries. In Victoria, ministers do not need to publish their diaries, which show voters which companies, unions or lobby groups are attempting to influence them.

Victoria’s cap on donations is stricter than NSW’s. In NSW, registered parties and groups of candidates were able to receive $6700 in the 2021-2022 financial year, indexed annually. In Victoria, that is capped at $4300 over a four-year term, indexed annually. But there is no limit to how much the parties can spend to fund their election campaigns – much of it from public funding – which creates a major spending gap between major parties and minor parties and independents.

Labor has flagged it will create stronger integrity rules on some of these issues after the state’s corruption watchdog, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC), finalises its report into allegedly corrupt land deals at Casey Council. It’s unclear when this report will be published because the process is tied up in court.


IBAC commissioner Robert Redlich has called on the government to strengthen the commission’s ability to launch investigations, such as probing MPs who breach their code of conduct, but he believes IBAC’s “exceptional circumstances” requirement for public hearings is superior to the NSW ICAC model. The federal Labor government is to use the Victorian criteria for public hearings for its National Anti-Corruption Commission. That’s a higher bar than in most states, where public hearings are held when corruption commissions deem it is in the public interest to do so.

Open government decision-making is important to a healthy democracy. Since the Andrews government was elected in 2014, there has been a year-on-year decline in the release of information by Victorian departments and agencies.

More freedom of information requests are lodged in Victoria than any jurisdiction, including the Commonwealth. Information Commissioner Sven Bluemmel has told The Age the high volume indicates “people have to resort to FOI more than in other places”.

What are the parties’ election plans on corruption?

Several watchdog agencies – including IBAC, the ombudsman, the Parliamentary Budget Office and the Inspector-General for Emergency Management – have claimed they lack funding to properly monitor the government’s actions.

The opposition’s election promises stem from these complaints. The Coalition has committed to:

  • Topping up IBAC’s budget by $10 million per year and the Ombudsman’s by $2 million;
  • Giving IBAC greater powers to conduct more public hearings;
  • Giving a bipartisan parliamentary committee control over agencies’ funding; and
  • Releasing the government’s review of funding to independent agencies.

The government announced a suite of policies this year. It was dubbed the “most significant overhaul of parliamentary oversight in the country” and followed an IBAC report into the unethical conduct of Labor MPs. It announced:

  • A new parliamentary integrity commissioner who will receive and investigate complaints about MPs’ misconduct;
  • A bipartisan parliamentary ethics committee; and
  • Banning MPs from employing close family members.

The changes came after IBAC and the Ombudsman said Victoria had become a “laggard rather than a leader in parliamentary integrity”. The Victorian Greens pitch themselves as the leading voice on integrity and transparency. The minor party wants:

  • Ministerial diaries published;
  • IBAC’s powers strengthened to hold public hearings;
  • Donations from property and gambling companies banned;
  • Truth in political advertising laws;
  • Spending caps for elections.

The political parties and candidates may or may not want to talk about integrity at this election, but The Age is committed to asking politicians – and aspiring politicians – the questions Victorians say they want answered.

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