

This was published 2 years ago

How will Magellan fare without its ‘rock star’ stock picker?

By Simone Fox Koob

It was the fall of a “rock star” stock picker that drew fund manager Magellan firmly into the spotlight this year.

In February, the chief investment officer and co-founder of the company Hamish Douglass announced that, after months of mounting pressure, he would take a period of medical leave after intense focus on his professional and personal life.

Hamish Douglass co-founded Magellan in 2006.

It came off the back of a rocky few months for Magellan. Its flagship global equities fund had been underperforming and then chief executive Brett Cairns suddenly resigned in the lead-up to Christmas after almost 15 years with the company. Douglass soon after confirmed he had split from his wife.

The firm then revealed it had lost a contract with one of its major clients, St James’s Place, one of the largest wealth managers in the UK.

The fund manager has since announced Douglass will return – but as a consultant, not an employee.

Former Future Fund deputy David George has been appointed as the new chief executive and the company now says it is working to win back clients’ trust and stem the outflows that have plagued the business for months. He started in July.

“My priority as incoming CEO, and indeed the focus of the entire team, is on rebuilding confidence and trust,” he said at the release of the company’s full-year results in August, “achieving strong investment outcomes for our clients and providing them with excellent service.”

The question for shareholders is, after months of turmoil, will the refreshed leadership team be able to turn Magellan around?


How it started: Magellan was started in 2006 by Douglass and former investment banker Chris Mackay. It focused on investing in global equities at a time few Australian funds were doing so. It still focuses on global and Australian equities, as well as global listed infrastructure, for large retail and institutional investors.


How it’s going: The company grew to become one of the most formidable investment houses in Australia, with $115 billion in assets around the middle of last year. However, that number has plunged. Magellan now oversees $57 billion in funds under management, as clients pulled their money. In the past year, the share price has fallen by 65 per cent, from $31.30 to just under $11.

Industry: Investment management.

Main product: The company’s flagship products are its global equity fund and global infrastructure fund. It has also moved into sustainable investing and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Key figures: Former chief executive Brett Cairns resigned in December. Hamish Douglass, former chairman and chief investment officer, will return from medical leave as a consultant next year. The new chief executive, David George, started in July. The chair is Hamish McLennan.

The bull case: George takes the mantle at Magellan at a tricky time for the company, but has promised to steady the ship.

Magellan CEO David George takes the mantle at a tricky time for the company.

Magellan CEO David George takes the mantle at a tricky time for the company.Credit: Brook Mitchell

While there wasn’t much detail provided about the company’s future strategic direction provided at the release of the full-year results in August, investors are expecting a more detailed update at the company’s annual general meeting in October.

Analysts have also noted that Magellan Financial Group’s capital position remains strong, with market watchers at UBS saying in an August research note that Magellan’s balance sheets were healthy. Despite this, UBS maintained a sell rating on the stock, due to concerns around persistent outflows and fee pressure.


However, stockbroking firm Morgans also has a “hold” recommendation on the stock, due to the strong capital position.

Morgan Stanley analyst Andrei Stadnik said in August the company’s balance sheet provides new management with options to invest in growth and add teams but said a turnaround will take time.

Douglass and his team also invested in FinClear, which provides trading infrastructure, and investment bank Barrenjoey. Barrenjoey delivered a modest profit for the 2022 financial year and FinClear received a $60 million payment as part of its acquisition of Pershing Australia last year.

The bear case: What worries market watchers are the sustained outflows the company has experienced, which have totalled more than $50 billion.

Some say these can be attributed in part to key-man risk playing out, and the possibility that the departure of Douglass saw advisers who had relationships with him withdraw their investments.

Analysts also point to Magellan’s fees as an issue, which they say are too high relative to its peers.

We underestimated the market disruption to Magellan’s investment style, and performance has not materially improved since it began in late 2020.

Morningstar analyst Shaun Ler

Morningstar analyst Shaun Ler was previously upbeat about Magellan’s future, until last week. He downgraded the stocks in a research note on September 23, saying his prior thesis on the company had not played out.

“We expected Magellan to perform and clients to stay through occasional bouts of underperformance. But we underestimated the market disruption to Magellan’s investment style, and performance has not materially improved since it began in late 2020,” he said.

“We also understated the downside from the dilution of Magellan’s brand, evidenced by mandate losses and outflows. Even if Magellan were to improve its track record, its competitive position is unlikely to be regained.”

Ler says that the new chief executive wants to adapt Magellan to an increasingly competitive landscape, which is positive, but “the road will be challenging”.

“For Magellan to regain new money in an enduring manner, it needs to: outperform; continue diversifying portfolio management responsibilities to dilute key person risk; add further differentiated products; reclaim its position in model portfolios; and recover its strong fund ratings and reputation,” he says.

“These milestones will be challenging and – at minimum – will take years to achieve.”

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

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