

This was published 2 years ago


Putin’s best chance for a global energy knockout blow is right now

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Vladimir Putin has prepared the ground for a drastic cut in supplies of both oil and gas at any moment, giving him the means to strike a psychological hammer blow against the Western democracies before a global recession erodes his energy leverage.

The coming weeks may be his best chance to try to force the West to the table on Russian strategic terms, locking in territorial gains on Ukraine’s Black Sea coast and in the Donbas before the delivery of heavy weapons from Nato raises the military cost for Russia to excruciating levels.

Putin spelt out his operating premise at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum in late June, calling the EU’s sanctions policy a double-edged sword that would cause Europe to lose its footing in the global economy and lead to a “system-wide decline” for years to come. He left no doubt that generating inflation in the West is a primary goal.

Russian President Vladimir Putin as he addressed the St Petersburg International Economic Forum last month.

Russian President Vladimir Putin as he addressed the St Petersburg International Economic Forum last month.Credit: AP

“This will aggravate the deep-seated problems of European societies. There will be a further growth of inequality, which will split their societies still more. Such a disconnect from reality will inevitably lead to a surge in populism and extremist and radical movements,” he said.

Last Friday, Putin seemed to cock the gun for something more extreme, broadcasting his purpose in a staged meeting with officials: “Further use of sanctions may lead to even more severe - without exaggeration, even catastrophic - consequences on the global energy market,” he said.

European leaders have been formulating policy in a parallel universe, discussing unenforceable schemes for a $US40-$US60 price cap on Russian exports of crude, supposedly with extraterritorial reach into Asian markets. The false assumption - breathtaking in its serial fallacies - is that the Kremlin needs the money and will oblige meekly.

It supposes that Putin will allow the EU to reduce its dependence on Russian fossil fuels in an orderly fashion and on its own leisurely timetable, even as several EU member states cross the line in Ukraine from engaged-neutrals to something closer to co-belligerents.

“We think Russia will seek to make Europe’s energy detox plan as debilitating as possible,” said Helima Croft, from RBC Capital.

Vladimir Milov, Russia’s former vice-minister of energy, said Europe’s decision to stop purchases of Russian seaborne crude by the end of the year has brought matters to a head.


The talk within the Kremlin apparatus is that Russia must now take pre-emptive action, exploiting its energy lockhold to stop EU states rebuilding natural gas stocks before winter. “It is highly likely that no more gas at all is going to be flowing. The Russian leadership knows just how vulnerable Europe is,” he said.

Bruno Le Maire, France’s finance minister, warned on Sunday that a “total cut-off” is more likely than not.

Will he play the oil card?

Robert Habeck, Germany’s Green vice-chancellor, is preparing to activate his country’s stage 3 “emergency” plan, with gas rationing for heavy industries. “Anything could happen,” he said.

Goldman Sachs estimates that the eurozone would contract by up to 2.7 per cent if the gas stops flowing, with GDP potentially falling by 3.2 per cent in Germany and 4.1 per cent in Italy. The first talk of an EU “energy bailout” for Germany and Italy has begun. Others will be expected to share their scarce gas reserves - in other words, to do what Germany did not do with PPE kit at the start of the pandemic. This will be fractious.

What is less explored is what would happen if Putin triggers a full-blown oil shock on top of the gas squeeze.

It is widely assumed that he would not play the oil card because the import revenue is too valuable - worth $US700 million ($1.03 trillion) a day, versus $US400 million for gas - and since crude is too fungible a commodity on global markets for targeted use against Europe. But this overlooks the internal structure of the Russian economy, and may underestimate Putin’s willingness to create maximum havoc as an instrument of foreign policy.

As former White House Russia guru Fiona Hill likes to put it: if you think [Putin] won’t do something beyond the pale, ‘yes, he will’.

Natasha Kaneva and Ted Hall at JP Morgan think the Kremlin may be tempted to try. They argue that Russia could halve its total output temporarily and starve the world of up to 5 million barrels a day - 5 per cent of global supply - without doing lasting damage to its drilling infrastructure, or suffering an intolerable economic hit. They estimate that a shock and awe squeeze of this magnitude would drive prices to $US380 a barrel, levels that would bring the global economy to a shuddering halt.

The more likely calibration is a cut of 3 million barrels a day. This would lift Brent to $US190, still high enough to blast through the all-time record of $US148 in mid-2008. “The tightness of the global oil market is on Russia’s side and strong public finances could absorb the revenue losses,” they said.

Hopes have fizzled for a nuclear deal with Iran that would free up a million barrels a day of global supply. US President Joe Biden is trying to coax more crude from Saudi Arabia, but even the kingdom is running out of spare capacity. The rest of OPEC is 2.5 million barrels short of production targets. The stars are aligned for Putin to strike a quick knockout blow.

Halting production is a technical headache. The longer that wells are left idle, the greater the damage from pressure and rising water content. However, JP Morgan thinks Russia could cut several million barrels a day for a few months by rotating wells and by “throttling” wells to reduce output.

Perverse incentive to escalate

There is no immediate financial constraint. Russia’s national well-being fund has $US116 billion set aside in usable money. The treasury’s cash balance is a further $US85 billion. Together, this is enough to cover a total loss of budget revenues from fossil fuel exports for almost a year. Russia would be exchanging lower volumes for higher prices in any case, so it might not lose that much revenue.

Furthermore, Western sanctions against the central bank are creating a perverse incentive for the Kremlin to escalate. Russia is currently awash with more fossil fuel revenues than it can handle, unable to sterilise a current account surplus of 20 per cent of GDP by accumulating foreign reserves.

The result is a surging rouble, at an eight-year high against the euro. There is little that the Kremlin can do about this other than pushing through fiscal stimulus packages and imploring consumers to spend more on imports.


Putin has good reason to think that Germany will throw Ukraine under a bus if the pressure is great enough. Berlin is blocking the release of €9 billion ($13.4 billion) of EU financial aid to Ukraine that was already agreed by the 27 states, ostensibly because it objects to the method of joint debt issuance.

Berlin has just violated the EU’s sanctions regime by strong-arming Canada into handing over a turbine in hopes that this will restore flows on the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which is closed for maintenance. The Canadians obliged, with a delay and barely concealed disgust. Volodymyr Zelensky recalled his ambassador from Berlin.

The Kremlin must, of course, weigh large geostrategic matters. China has so far tolerated a global gas shock since it still relies largely on domestic coal for power. But as the world’s biggest importer of oil, it would be more than a collateral casualty if oil prices double or triple again.

Putin likes to blow smoke in our faces, keeping us permanently off-balance. He may decide that the gas weapon alone is enough. But as former White House Russia guru Fiona Hill likes to put it: if you think he won’t do something beyond the pale, “yes, he will”.

The Daily Telegraph, London

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