

This was published 2 years ago

Mediation fails in political reporter’s claim against Network Ten

By Michaela Whitbourn

Network Ten and Canberra-based political reporter Tegan George failed to reach a settlement of her Federal Court bullying claim against the broadcaster during mediation earlier this year, the court has heard.

George launched Fair Work Act proceedings against Ten in January this year, following a series of internal complaints to her employer about her workload and workplace culture in the broadcaster’s Parliament House bureau.

Tegan George says she told Peter van Onselen in 2020 that she did not feel “supported, respected or even welcome” in Ten’s Canberra bureau.

Tegan George says she told Peter van Onselen in 2020 that she did not feel “supported, respected or even welcome” in Ten’s Canberra bureau.

She has been on leave from her role since June 7 last year owing to a personal illness her lawyers say was suffered in the course of her employment. The parties attended mediation on May 18 but failed to reach a resolution, the Federal Court heard on Tuesday.

In documents filed in court, George alleges she was denied a safe workplace by Ten and that her complaints to senior managers about conflicting directions from managers, a high workload and a fraught working relationship with political editor Peter van Onselen were left unresolved.

Among her complaints to managers was that van Onselen engaged in conduct that was unsupportive, “belittling and passive aggressive”. She alleges in her statement of claim that her manager, network executive editor Anthony Murdoch, told her in late 2019 or 2020 that the station’s Parliament House bureau culture had always been “toxic” and that she needed to learn to “deal with it”, a claim denied by Ten.


George alleges she told van Onselen in a text message in February 2020 that she and another reporter “moved our lives to be a part of a kick-ass team – your team – and don’t feel particularly supported, respected or even welcome there some days”.

She claims she subsequently met with Murdoch, who told her that van Onselen rejected her complaint of being unsupported, disrespected and unwelcome, and van Onselen expected her to apologise to him. “Peter is batshit crazy but we just have to get used to it,” she alleges Murdoch said. Ten denies those claims.

George is seeking declarations that her employer contravened the Fair Work Act, along with compensation for loss and damage and a pecuniary penalty.


She is now seeking to widen her claim to encompass a contravention of the Sex Discrimination Act, but the parties are locked in a fight about the proper legal process. In an amended statement of claim, George alleges “Network Ten’s Canberra bureau was a workplace that was hostile to women”.

Ten is defending the lawsuit and van Onselen has separately denied all wrongdoing.

During a preliminary hearing on Tuesday, barrister Siobhan Kelly, acting for George, said mediation between the parties had “failed” earlier this year.

Kelly said Ten had now raised a legal issue about whether George had infringed the Fair Work Act by bringing a new complaint under anti-discrimination law.

Kate Eastman, SC, acting for Ten, said: “We had hoped that mediation would be successful.” The broadcaster did “not want to take any unnecessary procedural points”, she said, but it was important to ensure the court had jurisdiction to hear the claims.

Ten did not oppose George making some small amendments to her existing statement of claim, including adding what Kelly referred to as “some further tweets made by ... van Onselen after the proceedings commenced”.

Ten says in its written defence that Murdoch was George’s manager and “Dr van Onselen’s role was limited to editorial oversight of ... [George’s] political content”. The broadcaster said van Onselen was only in Canberra about 15 times between November 2019 and early June 2021, and performed his duties principally from Melbourne or Sydney.

The parties return to court at a later date.

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