

This was published 2 years ago

From comedy to war: Zelensky’s ascent to the year’s most admired leader

By Alessandro Achilli

Although his series Servant of the People was already available on Netflix not long ago, Volodymyr Zelensky was not someone many people outside Ukraine were familiar with until recently. A successful actor turned president of the largest European country at the age of 41 in 2019, Zelensky suddenly rose to global popularity after refusing to abandon his country following the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine of February 2022, as many, including the US leadership, might have expected him to do.

Two English-language biographies of Zelensky are now available, one translated from Ukrainian, the other written here in Australia. In spite of similar premises in their respective initial pages – both full of praise for a man who has fully embraced his role as a head of state leading a country fighting for its survival – the two books couldn’t be more different. Both are worth reading, but regardless of their seemingly common aim, they significantly diverge in their foci and implied audiences.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks to the press in Kyiv in June.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks to the press in Kyiv in June.Credit: AP

The one by Serhii Rudenko, skilfully co-translated by Michael Naydan, a professor of Slavic and Ukrainian from Pennsylvania State University, and Alla Perminova, is definitely a reading for those with previous knowledge of Ukraine, its history and politics. Readers not yet able to tell when and how the country became independent or the exact location of Crimea might feel lost while following Rudenko’s elaborate reflections on Ukrainian power struggles and the complex dynamics of democracy and oligarchy that have marked post-Soviet Ukraine.

Rudenko, a popular and witty journalist from Ukraine and the author of several books on Ukrainian politicians, has managed to provide his readers with an in-depth portrayal both of Zelensky’s lifepath and the most significant members of his constantly evolving entourage from the 1990s to the present.

The first pages of Rudenko’s biography, which is made up of a number of “episodes” from Zelensky’s career as a successful comedian first and a politician later, contain some unrestrained and understandable declarations of enthusiasm for the Ukrainian president’s unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s self-defence.

However, from the second episode onwards, Rudenko’s eulogy of Zelensky gives way to a long deconstruction of his myth, which doesn’t undermine Zelensky’s current merits, but rather puts his past and the making of his political machine into context. His account of Zelensky’s circuitous ascent to the top of the post-Soviet showbiz world doesn’t omit some of the most embarrassing moments of Zelensky’s recent years, including his television studio’s jokes about the Ukrainian 2014 Revolution of Dignity.

Zelensky: A Biography by Serhii Rudenko and Zelensky: The Unlikely Ukrainian Hero Who Defied Putin and United the World by Andrew L. Urban and Chris McLeod.

Zelensky: A Biography by Serhii Rudenko and Zelensky: The Unlikely Ukrainian Hero Who Defied Putin and United the World by Andrew L. Urban and Chris McLeod.

Discussing his relationships with his political partners and advisors, Rudenko doesn’t hesitate to state that Zelensky’s promised fight against corruption has been quite unsatisfactory, or that much like his predecessors he has given prominent positions to his friends and former colleagues.

Many of Rudenko’s chapters are dedicated to the people who have accompanied and enabled Zelensky’s ascent, which means that the book ends up providing a rather detailed account of post-1991 Ukrainian society.


The last episode and the epilogue don’t fail to stress that Zelensky is now among the world’s most admired leaders and that his past mistakes haven’t prevented him from becoming, in Rudenko’s words, “a leader who knows the value of every human life”.

The Australian biography, despite its quite bombastic title, is something completely different. It would perhaps make sense if the book carried a subtitle like “Contemporary Ukraine 101”. Readers interested not only, or not primarily, in Zelensky’s secrets, but also looking for an introduction to Ukrainian history and wary of academic books should start with Urban and McLeod’s shorter text.

Russian-American author Rebekah Koffler’s foreword makes clear that this book, which she quite rightly defines as “a balanced account,” has been conceived for the Western reader who is most likely unaware of many of the intricacies of Ukrainian history and politics. The book features plenty of informative material on Ukraine’s history, including lengthy transcripts of speeches by Zelensky to the EU parliament and the US congress, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s response to Zelensky.

Volodymyr Zelensky, right, and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at a press conference in Kyiv this month.

Volodymyr Zelensky, right, and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at a press conference in Kyiv this month.Credit: AP

One of the 16 chapters – tellingly not the “episodes” of Rudenko’s book – is devoted to the various rounds of sanctions adopted by the West in response to Russia’s full-scale invasion. Another explains the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, which should have protected Ukraine’s sovereignty in exchange for its surrender of a mighty nuclear arsenal, but that has clearly proved useless.

One of the last chapters, after a useful timeline of Ukraine and one of the USSR, is basically a handy glossary of the institutions involved in the many alliances that have regulated European politics from the 20th century to the present, from the Warsaw Pact to the EU. However, all this means that those already acquainted with the basics of Ukrainian history and eager to get to know Zelensky better might be a bit disappointed and should instead turn to Rudenko’s all-encompassing knowledge of the man who’s likely to be remembered as the person of 2022.


The two books share a similar disregard for chronology, with pages devoted to Zelensky’s childhood somewhere in the middle. Among the most striking differences is their respective treatment of Zelensky’s Jewish heritage. While this significant element of Zelensky’s biography is only mentioned in passing in Rudenko’s book, Urban and McLeod consider the fact that a Jew could be elected Ukraine’s president in a landslide to be a sign of the country’s modernity and one more proof of the absurdity of Vladimir Putin’s claims that Ukrainians are Nazis – claims that he uses as a justification for his war crimes.

So while Rudenko’s book is a biography of Zelensky that is also rich in detail about his friends and colleagues, Urban and McLeod’s could be described as a handy biography of Ukraine, a country that since February 2022 has shown remarkable unity and dedication to preserving its history and its future. What both books agree on is that Zelensky is one participant, if an important and effective one, in the collective effort of millions of people committed to defending their country.

Zelensky: A Biography by Serhii Rudenko; trans., Michael M. Naydan and Alla Perminova is published by Polity Press, $45.

Zelensky: The Unlikely Ukrainian Hero Who Defied Putin and United the World by Andrew L. Urban and Chris McLeod is published by Wilkinson Publishing, $24.99.

Alessandro Achilli is senior assistant professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures
at the University of Cagliari. He lectured in Ukrainian studies at Monash University.

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