

This was published 2 years ago

‘It feels like you’re just trying to save disasters from happening’

By Melissa Cunningham and Aisha Dow

Critically ill Victorians are being resuscitated in corridors and overflowing emergency department waiting rooms, as senior medical staff sound the alarm over a further deterioration of conditions in the state’s overcrowded hospitals.

For the first time, doctors and health officials say they are beginning to see patients with very serious physical injuries or illness among those regularly left to wait too long for care.

Ambulances “ramping” at the Royal Melbourne Hospital last month.

Ambulances “ramping” at the Royal Melbourne Hospital last month.Credit: Chris Hopkins

“It feels like you’re just trying to save disasters from happening rather than provide emergency care, or you’re saving peoples’ lives just in time because they have been waiting hours in EDs or ambulances,” said one senior emergency physician in Melbourne, who wasn’t authorised to speak publicly.

Patients are being ferried to hospitals in the back of private cars because there are no ambulances available, as queuing at overcrowded hospitals has been at times severely limiting paramedics’ ability to respond to new callouts.

Meanwhile, the number of people in Victoria whose ED stays have blown out beyond a day has more than doubled in the past year, from 222 in the first quarter of 2021, to 521 over the same period this year.

Victorian chair of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, Dr Mya Cubitt, said over the weekend one emergency department in Victoria had 13 patients staying longer than a day within a 24-hour period.

“That is an unheard-of figure,” Cubitt said. “We’re starting to see these ‘never’ events happening multiple times a day. There needs to be an urgent conversation about ceasing emergency overcrowding because it kills people, and it makes our emergency departments unsafe places to work.”

Last month, a Mildura man died after what his lawyer Stella Zigouras claimed was a delay to treatment that “arguably cost him his life”.


She said the man, who was aged in his 70s, was taken to the Mildura Base Hospital by ambulance on the evening of March 16 with severe leg pain.

According to the lawyer’s account, after arriving at the hospital the man, who had underlying vascular disease, was taken to Swan Hill Hospital, more than two-and-a-half hours away. From Swan Hill, he was flown to Melbourne’s St Vincent’s Hospital for emergency surgery. By the time he arrived, it had been 15 hours since an ambulance had been called and his organs were failing. He died on April 5.

A Mildura hospital spokesperson said the man was assessed by medical staff, who determined he should be transferred to Melbourne. However, weather conditions made it unsafe to fly.

“After spending approximately 3.5 hours in our care, a decision was then made to transfer the patient to another airport where they were then flown to Melbourne by air ambulance,” the spokesperson said.

Zigouras, who is the man’s power of attorney, has made a complaint about the circumstances of his death to the Victorian Health Complaints Commissioner, saying the delays were inexcusable.

“It shouldn’t matter if you’re in Melbourne or regional Victoria, you should be able to get emergency treatment,” she said.


“He did everything right and was at the Mildura Base Hospital within half an hour of feeling the pain in his leg. This could happen to me or you, it could happen to anybody.”

The man’s death occurred days before another man from country Victoria suffered a cardiac arrest in a hospital bathroom and died after waiting more than three hours for admission into the emergency department at the Bairnsdale Regional Health Service in East Gippsland. His death is being investigated.

While this week’s state budget was headlined by a promise for $12 billion for the stressed health system, including thousands of new healthcare workers, there are concerns that conditions at Victoria’s hospitals and emergency departments – already reporting the worst overcrowding in years – could deteriorate further over winter before any new investments make an impact.

Australian Medical Association Victorian president Dr Roderick McRae said not enough was being done to retain existing skilled staff. “They are just exhausted, the distress and the moral injury has never been so high – they are asking ‘why should I turn up tomorrow?’.”

McRae said financial incentives and retention bonuses such as increased annual leave should be considered to retain staff. “Give staff an additional week or two paid annual leave after we get through winter – no questions asked.“

Australian Medical Association president Dr Roderick McRae says more should be done to retain staff.

Australian Medical Association president Dr Roderick McRae says more should be done to retain staff.Credit: Joe Armao

Emergency physician Simon Judkins said the crisis unfolding in Victorian hospitals was now far worse than when a code brown was declared in January. He called for an escalation policy that could include moving stable or admitted patients out of the ED and into a suitable hospital ward, even if those wards were already at capacity.

Increasingly, Judkins said family members and parents were bringing their seriously unwell relatives into the EDs by car after calling ambulances and being told the paramedics would be delayed. This included a motorbike trauma patient, who was recently taken to a major hospital in Melbourne by private car and police escort, due to ambulance delays, he said.

“Trauma patients being brought in the back of cars with a police escort is just extraordinary, but this is what is happening,” said Judkins, who sits on the board for the Australia Medical Association. “That is the sort of stuff we are used to seeing, and I really hate to say this, in Third World countries where they don’t have any ambulance services.”

Judkins said while staff were doing “their absolute best” to triage patients, rising numbers of seriously ill patients were deteriorating after waiting hours in ambulances or EDs. This meant healthcare workers were increasingly having to start resuscitation or emergency treatment in waiting rooms and hospital corridors.


He said in one case on Monday, a woman who had blood clots on her lungs spent 19 hours in a chair of the emergency department of a major Melbourne hospital due to understaffing.

Secretary of The Police Association Victoria, Wayne Gatt, confirmed that in extreme cases police had transported injured people to hospital.

More often, he said, police were stuck alongside paramedics at emergency departments for five or six hours, unable to respond to other calls, as they cared for mental health patients waiting to be seen.

“Attendance at one of these jobs can sometimes tie you up for an entire shift,” Gatt said.

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