

This was published 2 years ago

Albanese’s pledge to mandate 24/7 nurses in aged care comes with a disclaimer

By Dana Daniel

The Labor campaign has walked back leader Anthony Albanese’s promise to mandate 24/7 nurses in aged care as part of its $2.5 billion reform package, clarifying that providers will be given “flexibility” if they cannot find enough staff.

Mr Albanese used his federal budget reply speech last Thursday to announce a Labor government would introduce laws requiring aged care homes to roster a nurse in each home around the clock by July 2023, a year earlier than the Aged Care Royal Commission recommended.

Labor has clarified its 24/7 aged care nurse plan.

Labor has clarified its 24/7 aged care nurse plan.Credit: Matt Dennien

“Under a Labor government, every aged care facility will be required to have a registered, qualified nurse on site, 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” Mr Albanese said.

But on Tuesday morning, Labor’s election campaign HQ told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in an emailed statement that an Albanese government would give providers flexibility to ensure they were “not unfairly penalised where workforce supply issues limit their ability to meet this standard”.

The Opposition clarified the policy after shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus told the ABC on Monday evening the 24/7 nursing requirement could be “paused” if a Labor government failed to grow the workforce in time to impose the rule on providers, risking closures.


“If it is, in fact, true that there are not enough nurses in Australia to provide that level of care, we should train more,” Mr Dreyfus told the ABC. “It might be that it turns out we’ve got to pause it.”

The Committee for Economic Development of Australia said in its aged care workforce report in August that Australia faced a shortfall of 110,000 workers in the sector by 2030, and more than 400,000 by 2050.

Whichever party wins the coming federal election will need to find 14,000 extra aged care nurses by October 2023 to meet the commitment already made by the Morrison government to put a nurse in each home for 16 hours a day and increase care minutes.


Shadow treasurer Jim Chalmers said at the National Press Club on Tuesday: “We do need more nurses. And that’s one of the reasons why we’ve got a big substantial training policy ... We’ll need tens of thousands of nurses.”

The Opposition has promised 20,000 more university places, but it is unclear how many of these would be relevant to aged care, along with free TAFE courses. Last week’s federal budget included $49.5 million over two years for an extra 15,000 training places for existing aged care workers and people who want to work in the sector.

But while both major parties have committed to investing in the training of aged care workers, neither has explained how it will fund an aged care worker pay rise expected to be awarded by the Fair Work Commission by September, which estimates say could cost as much as $4 billion a year.

After calling a press conference on Tuesday to criticise Labor’s election commitments, Financial Services Minister Jane Hume could not say how the government would pay for an increase, which Prime Minister Scott Morrison has acknowledged the government would “absorb”.

“We have already committed to $18.8 billion in response to the aged care royal commission,” Senator Hume said. This funding does not include wage rises.

The Labor campaign HQ spokeswoman said an Albanese government would back higher wages to attract more workers to the sector.

Dr Chalmers said the 24/7 nurse commitment came under Labor’s costed $2.5 billion aged care plan, which also does not include the expected wage increase.

Aged Care Services Minister Richard Colbeck and Health and Aged Care Minister Greg Hunt seized on Mr Dreyfus’s comments to attack Labor for “misleading senior Australians”.

“At the first test of its policies, Labor has failed,” the ministers said in a joint media release.

Labor’s aged care spokeswoman, Clare O’Neil, declined to comment.


Mr Dreyfus said what distinguished the Labor policy was that it sought to fully implement the aged care royal commission’s recommendation.

“If you’ve set the standard and there’s just not staff there then that’s something that’s going to have to be looked at,” Mr Dreyfus said. “But let’s accept the royal commission’s recommendation, let’s say we need to have 24-hour nursing care in nursing homes, let’s put the nursing back into nursing homes as my leader has said.”

The federal government has agreed to the commission’s recommendation to put nurses in aged care homes 24/7 by 2024, although this is yet to be funded. The Labor pledge brings this forward by a year.


Health Department bureaucrats told Senate estimates last week they were waiting for more data, expected through new reporting requirements, to work out how many providers needed extra staff, before they could cost the government’s 2024-25 policy.

Last year’s federal budget included $3.9 billion over the forward estimates to increase the amount of care time in residential aged care, including mandating a nurse on site 16 hours a day from October 2023, but the legislation to make this happen has not yet passed.

“The Morrison government supports 24/7 nurses in aged care in the timeframe recommended by the royal commission,” Senator Colbeck and Mr Hunt said in their joint statement. “Rolling out the strategy any sooner risks the closure of aged care facilities with a serious risk to residents.”

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