

This was published 2 years ago

Systematic, meticulous, deliberate: Melissa Caddick, Bernie Madoff and the art of the Ponzi scheme

By Kate McClymont

Over his career, liquidator Bruce Gleeson has dealt with all manner of shysters and scammers, pyramid and Ponzi schemes, but he has never dealt with anything quite like the extraordinary case of Melissa Caddick.

Mr Gleeson, whose job has been to track the $30 million from investors as it washed through Caddick’s 30 bank accounts and then out again, said that her Ponzi scheme was not just a “mad idea” that Caddick dreamed up one night.

“It was systematic, meticulous, and deliberate from the get-go,” he said.

Ponzi scammers ... Wall Street whiz Bernie Madoff and Melissa Caddick.

Ponzi scammers ... Wall Street whiz Bernie Madoff and Melissa Caddick.Credit: AP, Supplied

The chilling manner in which she stripped her family and friends of their life savings to fuel her unbridled sense of entitlement has all the hallmarks of the disgraced Wall Street wizard Bernie Madoff, who ran the biggest Ponzi scheme in history.

Madoff’s frauds were in the billions, Caddick’s in the tens of millions.

As revealed in the new podcast series Liar, Liar: Melissa Caddick and the Missing Millions, which begins on Monday, April 11, Caddick, like Madoff, was a ruthless, detached narcissist who showed little remorse for robbing her innocent victims to enjoy a life of luxury beyond belief.

Like Madoff, she targeted and exploited a trusted community to which she belonged in an example of what psychiatrists call “affinity fraud”.

A Ponzi scheme is an investment scam where word of high returns from current investors attracts new ones. But there is no investment and no returns because the fraudster has stolen the money. Any “returns” come from funds put in by new investors. The scheme collapses when you run out of people to fleece or someone dobs you in.


Madoff’s downfall came with the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, when people wanted their money back. Caddick was reported to authorities.

Even though a tip was made to ASIC in late 2019 suggesting she was falsely claiming she held a financial services licence, that tip was anonymous and did not suggest anyone had suffered a financial loss. In June the following year a more detailed second complaint sparked a covert investigation that would ultimately lead to Caddick’s unmasking.

Bruce Gleeson, liquidator of Melissa Caddick’s companies, described the fraudster as meticulous and calculated.

Bruce Gleeson, liquidator of Melissa Caddick’s companies, described the fraudster as meticulous and calculated.Credit: Nick Moir

While Madoff’s scheme was at its height and his clients asked for withdrawals, the fraudster paid them with money from fresh victims - a classic “robbing Peter to pay Paul” scenario.

Caddick did the same. When one of her clients wanted her $2.5 million investment returned to buy a house, Caddick tried to talk her out of it.

The prospect of losing such a large amount of money must have kept Caddick awake much of the night because at 6.22am on August 14, 2020, the morning after receiving the redemption request, Caddick emailed her client trying to convince her that real estate was not the way to go.

Court documents show that by mid-morning Caddick had abandoned that strategy and was now looking at her client as a possible path to fresh victims. “Hi [name redacted], As I mentioned I would be happy to speak to [your brother] If you think 1 or 2 people that would be suited to our business (now that you know what we do) I would appreciate the referral.”

Melissa gave me the impression that she was doing me a really big favour.

A Caddick victim

Although she was the subject of a major investigation at the time, Caddick still managed to secure one last unfortunate victim to replenish her coffers.

Also borrowed from the Madoff playbook was Caddick’s professed reluctance to accept investors’ money.

“Melissa gave me the impression that she was doing me a really big favour in taking such a small investment of $475,000, which to me was my entire superannuation,” said one victim who lives in Perth.

As happened to others, Caddick told the Perth investor that her books were full. But within three weeks, there was a vacancy. Caddick emphasised she was making an exception for this person because she was a friend of other investors. Her new client felt both grateful and privileged.

Melissa Caddick during the raid by the AFP.

Melissa Caddick during the raid by the AFP. Credit: 60 Minutes

This targeting of a group with whom you have a bond is known as “affinity fraud”. Con artists use these friendship groups to their advantage because such people are more likely to trust people they or their friends personally know.

In Madoff’s case, his investors largely came from wealthy Jewish communities in Florida and New York. “We thought he was God. We trusted everything in his hands,” said Nobel Peace laureate Elie Wiesel, whose foundation lost $US15.2 million ($20.3 million).

Caddick’s “affinity fraud” consisted of approximately 11 groups: her old school friends and their families; a group of Perth surgeons who were friends of her brother, Adam Grimley; another group of Adam’s Sydney friends and their relatives; Caddick’s cousins from Brisbane; her employees and their families; and several other groups of Caddick’s relatives.

While they didn’t invest in her scheme, she also received approximately $1.5 million from her parents and brother.

[Caddick] has left a trail of emotional heartache.

Bruce Gleeson, liquidator

Madoff also pretended that his investment advisory business was merely a lucrative sideline for select friends. He was already a mega-rich stockbroker, so he was doing this as an act of supreme generosity - a favour for those less financially blessed than him.

Caddick also pretended that she’d already made millions of dollars selling some unspecified superannuation product and now, out of the goodness of her heart, wanted to help others become as rich as she appeared to be.

The swindle is named after Charles Ponzi, a short, dapper conman who, in 1920, raked in an estimated $US15 million in eight months by persuading tens of thousands of Bostonians that he had unlocked the secret to easy wealth in the form of postal coupons.

In a remarkable coincidence, prior to establishing their schemes, Ponzi and Caddick were both caught red-handed forging their bosses’ signatures on cheques. Caddick was fired, but her actions were not reported. Ponzi was jailed for two years.


As for Madoff in 2009, he was sentenced to 150 years in prison, the maximum sentence allowed. He died in prison in 2021, aged 82.

Caddick was facing years in jail. She vanished in November 2020 only hours after her eastern suburbs home was raided by the federal police and the corporate watchdog ASIC. Some months later her partial remains were found in her shoe, which washed up on a remote NSW beach.

The devastation Caddick has left behind is incomprehensible. Her Ponzi scheme “has left a trail of emotional heartache”, Mr Gleeson told the podcast.

“We try not to talk to each other because it’s so devastating,” said one of the Perth victims. Another victim, who was in the same year at school as Caddick’s brother Adam, has said in an affidavit that Caddick took “basically every cent that I had”.

He also said how incredibly upsetting it was to see his worried mother at Centrelink applying for the pension, knowing it was his parents’ lifetime of hard work which had funded Caddick’s life of luxury.

Liar, Liar: Melissa Caddick and the Missing Millions begins on Monday April 11. Listen on Spotify or wherever you find your podcasts.

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