

This was published 2 years ago

The science of screen time: How much is too much for our kids?

By Stuart Layt

How much screen time is too much for children? New research that set out to put a hard number on the amount of recreational screen time that is healthy for children found that two hours a day appears to be the upper limit for any screen use.

But as the researchers readily admit, the situation is nuanced and not all screen time is necessarily bad.

New research has determined two hours is the limit for all forms of recreational screen time, beyond which children report only negative effects.

New research has determined two hours is the limit for all forms of recreational screen time, beyond which children report only negative effects.Credit: Shutterstock

Led by researchers at the University of Queensland’s School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, the research used a sample of more than 400,000 children from around the world across a number of separate studies to find out what effects screen time had on them.

They found that beyond two hours of recreational screen time, children experienced “serious physical and mental health consequences”.

Lead researcher Associate Professor Asad Khan said over two hours, children risked mental health consequences including feeling low, irritability, nervousness and sleeping difficulty, while physical complaints included headaches, abdominal pain, backache and dizziness.

“People ask ‘what is the mark?’ and our study suggests that two hours is the mark where before that there might be some benefit, but beyond that there is no benefit and increasing detriments to children,” he said.

The researchers split screen time into “passive” use, such as TV or watching videos on a tablet, and “active” use such as playing games on a gaming console or surfing the internet on a computer.

Professor Khan said they found that high levels of recreational computer use in particular produced poor outcomes beyond two hours, with an 84 per cent higher risk of high psychosomatic complaints in boys and 108 per cent higher in girls.

Console games caused a 78 per cent higher risk in boys and 88 per cent in girls, while boys who watched TV for more than two hours were 67 per cent more likely to suffer mental or physical consequences, and girls were at slightly higher risk at 71 per cent.


“The negative effects seem to be dose dependent, that is, the more time beyond two hours spent doing any of these activities resulted in worse outcomes for the children studied,” Professor Khan said.

The research findings are the latest in an increasingly long line of findings indicating excessive screen time has various harmful effects on children.

The problem has come to the fore over the past two years, as the pandemic has forced many people into their homes and children onto screens, for both school and recreation.

Recent unrelated research from UQ found that families with multiple children in different age brackets struggled during the pandemic to meet nationally accepted guidelines for screen time.

Current Australian guidelines recommend no screen time at all for children under two years of age, one hour per day for those aged two to four, and two hours daily for children aged five to 12.

In children aged two to four, the study found around 92 per cent were exceeding the age guidelines, mostly because they were having the same amount of screen time as their older siblings.


But the case against screen time is not open and shut. A recent study in the United States that looked at nearly 12,000 children aged 9-to-10 found that there was very weak correlation between screen time and risk of adverse outcomes, and concluded that “increased screen time is unlikely to be directly harmful to children”.

And research in 2019 of more than 17,000 children in Ireland, the United States and the United Kingdom found “little evidence for substantial negative associations between digital-screen engagement...and adolescent well-being”.

An important point to make is that most researchers make the distinction between academic or work screen time and recreational use, and suggest that the former is mostly beneficial, although there are still some conflicting theories around that.

Professor Khan’s work looked exclusively at recreational screen time, and he points out that screen time of less than two hours can be beneficial for children.

“In the modern world we cannot live without screens, but what we need to do is to bring all the evidence together and develop some well-informed guidelines for best practice around this,” he said.

“I have three children myself, I know the challenges of parents these days, but we simply cannot sit back and do nothing. We all have a share of responsibility to do what’s best for children.”

The research also involved scientists from Queen’s University and University of Ottawa in Canada, and has been published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

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