

This was published 2 years ago


We need politicians of Andrew Charlton’s calibre, but rank-and-file votes won’t always deliver them

The solid toiler or the future PM without roots in the local community? The local worthy or the blow-in on the make? These are choices bedevilling party preselections across politics on the eve of a likely May 14 federal election, less than two months from now.

The solid toiler could, of course, turn out to be a future leader – think former supermarket trolley boy Peter Malinauskas, just elected as South Australia’s Premier.

Andrew Charlton, the Labor leader’s preferred candidate for Parramatta.

Andrew Charlton, the Labor leader’s preferred candidate for Parramatta.Credit: Edwina Pickles

Or the local worthy could stolidly occupy a seat for years, keeping out of politics a high performer of the kind no political party can be without if it is to govern well. That’s a problem for the nation as a whole. Across politics, everyone agrees we need much better people in Parliament.

This week the choice of Labor candidate for the diverse western Sydney seat of Parramatta emerged as the latest example. Labor leader Anthony Albanese’s preferred candidate is economist Andrew Charlton, who lives in Bellevue Hill in the eastern suburbs. Rather than parachute Charlton into the seat, Parramatta Labor branch vice-president Alan Mascarenhas wants a rank-and-file ballot. If Charlton wants a shot, he could try winning “fair and square” in that preselection contest, which would include Mascarenhas, a journalist and corporate communications specialist, and two other possible candidates of Indian heritage – both women and lawyers, Durga Owen and Abha Devasia.

Mascarenhas draws on a powerfully attractive political ideal: parties with plentiful members who reflect their community, voting in ballots where the best person wins.


Humans being human, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Put two humans in a room together and you get factions. At my place, the factional struggle is over the television remote control and the heater thermostat. At your place, it may be over something more lofty.

Factional deals, derided by those not directly involved in the arduous business of politics, can similarly be a good thing, including for preselections if they arrive at a slate of candidates who reflect the community and who have the knowledge, experience and talent to ensure excellence in government.

Rank-and-file ballots are the ideal. But history shows they don’t automatically deliver the best outcomes, including when it comes to diversity. Labor’s gender quotas ensure half its federal parliamentarians are women. Had Labor stuck with a pure rank-and-file preselection process, this wouldn’t have happened. Without gender quotas, three-quarters of federal Coalition parliamentarians are men.


More ethnic diversity in politics is critically important too. This may be done better with an overall approach to parties’ preselection slates than on a seat-by-seat basis.

Facing massive national challenges should he win the forthcoming election, Albanese’s desire to reinforce his already strong frontbench with further talent is understandable.


Presentable, charming and with an Oxford doctorate in economics, what team wouldn’t Andrew Charlton adorn? Leaders are entitled to the odd captain’s pick. Albanese, if he wants to press it, is entitled to this one.

Charlton’s mooted candidacy is still problematic, though. An aspiring Labor MP with political common sense might choose not to live in a grand pile in Bellevue Hill unless planning to run for the seat it was in: Wentworth, where sitting Liberal MP Dave Sharma is vulnerable. Charlton would have been a formidable Labor candidate there.

Nor might an aspiring Labor MP have penned, as Charlton did last month, a prominent column in the Herald, lauding the economic stewardship of former Howard government treasurer Peter Costello. What was intended as an unflattering comparison with Treasurer Josh Frydenberg provided ammunition against Labor in an area in which it has been historically vulnerable. Charlton is talented but politically naive. Should it be a tight election, that column could prove politically costly, to put it mildly.


The challenge for the big parties is how to get more people of Charlton’s calibre into Parliament while ensuring they get the experience along the way to have good political judgment when they get there. Facing challenges from small parties and independents, developing alternative paths into political candidacy will be a source of competitive advantage to the major party that does this first.

And yet not all captain’s picks have to be for Parliament. Some important ones can be for public service. If Parramatta falls through, Charlton might make a fine Treasury secretary.

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