

This was published 2 years ago


‘Mean girls’ tag makes us squirm because nasty politics is an equal-opportunity affair

That escalated quickly. Ten days ago it was reported that Labor senator Kimberley Kitching had died suddenly of a heart attack, a tragic early death of someone described as warm, energetic, highly intelligent and charming.

The next morning opposition frontbencher and former Labor leader Bill Shorten, a close friend of Kitching’s, gave an extraordinary interview to ABC radio implicitly linking his friend’s death to the stress she was under. Stress caused by her Labor colleagues, who had ostracised her and were threatening her preselection.

Subsequently a string of reports in The Australian have revealed the extent to which Kitching was shunned within her own party.

Kristina Keneally, Penny Wong and Katy Gallagher have denied they bullied the late senator Kimberley Kitching.

Kristina Keneally, Penny Wong and Katy Gallagher have denied they bullied the late senator Kimberley Kitching. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

She felt aggrieved that she lobbied hard against internal resistance to introduce Magnitsky laws (enabling sanctioning of human rights violators) only to have them trumpeted by more senior players in her party when introduced. She told her friends and cross-party colleagues that she was frozen out by what she called the “mean girls” of the Senate – Katy Gallagher, Penny Wong and Kristina Keneally.

By the end of last week, Labor people including union bosses and former MP Emma Husar were openly implying the party had helped bring about Kitching’s tragic early death.

Wong, Keneally and Gallagher released a joint statement denying they had bullied Kitching while acknowledging that political contests “can be robust and interactions difficult”.

Illustration: Reg Lynch

Illustration: Reg LynchCredit:

The “mean girls” tag, reportedly used by Kitching and her allies, brought to mind the “handbag hit squad” jibe levelled by Liberals against senior female ministers in Gillard’s government. Liberals, notably Julie Bishop, said the handbag hit squad had been deployed to attack the character of then opposition leader Tony Abbott.

Gallagher, Wong and Keneally are crucial members of Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese’s leadership team. Along with Tanya Plibersek, they represent the fresh, female face of modern Labor – the modern Labor that is supposed to have left its nasty factional infighting in the past, uniting behind its leader.


Early in the week, Prime Minister Scott Morrison reverse-body-shamed Albanese for shedding kilos. Shifting weight is hard but shifting expectations is even harder, and political baggage can be very heavy. Labor has a history of being rendered dysfunctional by personal animosities. Albanese, clearly rattled by the negative press, used the “mean girls” tag as a human shield, and called it out as sexist.

“I find that extraordinarily disrespectful to describe strong, articulate, principled women,” he told reporters in Brisbane.


A lot of women (and presumably men too) do feel icky about the “mean girls” tag because it references a stereotype used to denigrate women and imply we are unfit for power because we have the emotional maturity of bitchy schoolgirls.

It may have been self-serving, but Albanese was right when he pointed out that he and his male colleagues had “never been described as mean boys”. There is no equivalent for men who are in hostile competition with each other. Which is strange, considering men-in-hostile-competition-with-each-other is a common thread of politics, business, law and, indeed, much of human history.

When men are awful to each other in the pursuit of power, there is some sort of gentlemanly pact in play. When women are awful to each other, there is a moral transgression, a breach of the bonds of sisterhood. How can you claim to be a feminist and not support other women?

There lies the tension at the heart of gender-equal politics. On the one hand it is generally accepted that having more women in Parliament will lead to a better culture – less blokey, less tolerant of sexism and the sexual harassment and abuse that arises from it. Kinder, even.

But this places a lot of pressure on the shoulders of women, and puts them in the position of being moral guardians, the better angels of their male colleagues.

Julia Gillard was a master at the across-the-despatch-box sledging that slides just under the perception of the television broadcast microphones. Since leaving politics, she has written and spoken about the risk of sidelining women if we don’t allow them, or expect them, to play as hard in politics as men do.

But other former politicians, such as Labor’s Kate Ellis and the outgoing Liberal MP Nicolle Flint, have been candid about how the nastiness of politics drove them out of the game.

If we require a titanium level of toughness in our politicians, too many people will be put off, young women especially. In 2017, Essential Research found just 2 per cent of girls aged 10 to 14 listed politics as a future career option. This dropped to zero per cent of young women aged 18 to 25.


American research published in the American Political Science Review in 2021 found that young children view politics as a space dominated by men, and girls’ perception of this is enforced as they get older.

Albanese has refused calls to institute an inquiry into the claims of bullying, despite reports Kitching personally complained to deputy Labor leader Richard Marles before her death.

In 2018, following the leadership spill which installed Morrison as leader, there were bullying complaints from Coalition women, notably former Victorian MP Julia Banks. Morrison said he would institute an inquiry into those allegations. We are still waiting for that.


The bald fact is that both Morrison and Albanese preside over party cultures which have some deeply unpleasant elements concealed within.

These are things that are increasingly less tolerated in other workplaces, things employees recognise they no longer have to tolerate.

It’s just another way in which the people who are supposed to represent us are in many ways trailing behind the cultural changes the rest of us have adapted to.

Twitter: @JacquelineMaley

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