

This was published 2 years ago

Feeling addicted to your phone since the pandemic? You’re not alone

By Rachael Dexter

During Melbourne’s coronavirus lockdowns, Molly George’s phone was her window to the world. Working from home, cut off from friends and family, she treasured the connection she could maintain with loved ones online.

But it came at a cost: the time the 28-year-old spent scrolling social media went up, and up, and up. During work, in bed, on the toilet – reaching for the phone every five minutes became a hard habit that, two years on, she’s still trying to break.

Molly George has reined in her phone use this year.

Molly George has reined in her phone use this year.Credit: Jason South

“[It’s] really impacted my ability to concentrate for long periods of time,” she said. “My attention span is back to when I was about six years old.”

Psychologists and addiction support groups have seen a noticeable increase in the number of people seeking help for uncontrollable phone use since the start of the pandemic.

President of the Australian Psychological Society, Tamara Cavenett, said the upheaval of the pandemic had led many to lose any sense of boundaries around technology, to the point where it was coming at the cost of sleep, and being able to concentrate at work, on other hobbies, exercise or relationships.


“Clinically, I see it in my office with people using it to manage anxiety, using it for distraction, using it so that they don’t have to increase stimuli or activity levels, and using it to manage their own moods. And when it starts to go in that direction, I get really concerned.”

Online support networks that are based on 12-step abstinence programs like Alcoholics Anonymous are also seeing an increase in people seeking help since the start of the pandemic.

One of the American founders of Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous Tomas, who did want his surname published, said there was a “meaningful” contingent of Australians who attended the online zoom sessions with self-proclaimed tech ‘addicts’ from around the globe.


The psychology world is divided on using the word “addiction” to describe compulsive tech use, but Tomas said he found the framing helpful.

“It wasn’t until I had the opportunity to look at this through the lens of an addiction, rather than a weakness of character, and applying the same tools that the world has for other addictions like alcoholism that I started to find freedom from my problems,” he said.


But unlike treating alcoholism, the definition for what is considered ‘sobriety’ for tech use changes from one person to another. For some, it may be listening to news on the radio rather than reading it online to stop themselves going down rabbit holes, while others could be deleting entire social media platforms.

For Ms George, a young professional in the not-for-profit sector, different aspects of her phone use were more problematic than others.

She found herself spending so much time scrolling on Instagram that it was beginning to give her body image issues. At other points in the pandemic, she says she was “obsessed” with keeping up with huge news events such as the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 or every incremental announcement related to lockdowns in Victoria.

She also says she was “really, really obsessively” using LinkedIn due to serious anxiety about what the lockdowns might mean for her future career.

Ms Cavenett said while many people don’t find phone use an issue in their lives, others struggle immensely, and she has treated clients who display “everything that would mimic an addiction”.

Tips if your phone use feels out of control

  • Turn your phone screen to greyscale (black and white) in your settings.
  • Change your app settings so you get fewer notifications or none at all.
  • Charge your phone away from your bed.
  • Make use of parental controls or timer apps.
  • Make clear define rules for yourself such as ‘I will keep my phone in a bag during social gatherings’ rather than vague intentions to use your phone less.
  • Replace the habit with a new one that is incongruent with using your phone ie. going for a walk.
  • Try a ‘detox’ of multiple days to see how often the urges arise and what’s driving you.
  • Don’t be afraid to seek professional help from a mental health specialist if necessary.

Source: Tamara Cavenett, Australian Psychological Society.

“These apps now have all of the elements that psychology puts behind pokies – so the endless reels, the bright colours, the sounds, and in most particular psychologies of variable reward schedules which engage people longer,” she said.

Ms Cavenett echoed popular strategies for curbing phone usage, such as turning the phone screen to greyscale to decrease stimulation, switching off push notifications, not charging it next to your bedside, and setting timers for apps that tend to suck you in for long periods of time.

But for more extreme urges, she recommends a phone detox altogether of a day, or ideally a weekend, where your phone is turned totally off or locked away. This can be a helpful starting point to break the psychological cues that drive people to pull out their phone during every moment of downtime.


“See what the world is like without that. If that feels too hard because you want to be contactable, then consider doing the exact same thing for a certain app,” she said. “That’s what has really shown to work in a lot of gaming addiction.”

This year, Ms George made a new year’s resolution that she would not let her phone dictate her life and mood, and implemented a 15-minute daily timer for all her social media accounts that she has kept to so far.

“I just knew that for my mental health, I need to do this for me,” she said.

But she says her longer project is to improve her ability to concentrate for longer periods of time, something she believes was badly impacted by her phone use over the past two years.

“My whole brain has been used to all these short bursts and hits of dopamine,” she said. “It takes a long time to relearn those habits.”

Support is available from Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 and Lifeline on 13 11 14.

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