

This was published 2 years ago

Which side are they on? How the war in Ukraine has united and divided the world

By Lia Timson

It managed to stay out of World War I and II, but Switzerland, a bastion of neutrality since at least 1815, has broken its stance and chosen a side in the rapidly escalating war in Ukraine.

It will join other Western nations in imposing sanctions on Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, closing its airspace to Russian flights and, crucially, freezing the assets of wealthy Russians who hold accounts in a place otherwise known for not asking questions of its bank customers.

Switzerland’s historic and swift change of heart is perhaps the biggest demonstration of how seriously the world is taking the war.

Despite the absence of a binding UN Security Council resolution, many countries have made their position clear.


Pro Ukraine

The Five Eyes
The position of the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand is clear: Russia has no business trying to claw back Ukraine, or any part of Ukrainian territory, as its own. Led by the US, the allies are united in their condemnation of Putin, and in co-ordinating a strategic response. They have imposed matching sanctions on Russian banks and companies, rich individuals, Putin enablers and on Putin himself. They are sending aid and, in most cases, providing either weapons or funds to buy them.

Most of Europe is outraged at Putin’s audacity. Although Ukraine is not yet a member of the European Union, the collective position is best summed up by French President Emmanuel Macron who after the invasion began said: “The events of last night mark a turning point in the history of Europe. We will respond to this act of war without weakness, with cold blood, determination and unity.”

Germany, Belgium, Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Romania are among those sending support to Ukraine, including lethal and humanitarian aid.


After earlier supporting Putin’s demand that NATO not expand to Ukraine, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is traditionally pro-Russia and anti-immigration, opened his borders to Ukrainian refugees and his country has said it backed Ukraine’s bid for EU membership.

It supports sanctions against Russia but won’t allow the transfer of lethal weapons to Ukraine through its territory.

Ambassadors and diplomats leave the room while Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov (on screen) addresses with a pre-recorded video message the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva on Tuesday.

Ambassadors and diplomats leave the room while Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov (on screen) addresses with a pre-recorded video message the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva on Tuesday.Credit: AP

The EU has also imposed sanctions aimed at crippling the Russian economy, adding weight to what is now a Western effort to pressure Putin to abandon his plans.

Japan was the first country in Asia to condemn Russia and impose sanctions. It will also ban the new issuance and distribution of Russian government bonds in Japan.

Taiwan has strongly condemned Russia and will impose economic sanctions. It has yet to reveal details, but the island dominates the production of semiconductor chips that are crucial to tech products ranging from smartphones to cars. It has sent nearly 30 tonnes of medical supplies to Ukraine via Germany.

Singapore is the only member of ASEAN to impose financial sanctions on Russia, and has joined Western moves to block Russian financial institutions from the SWIFT banking system.

South Korea followed suit, imposing similar sanctions and banning shipments of strategic items that may include electronics, semiconductors and computers to Russia.

Colombia, Argentina and Chile called for a swift withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine on day one.


Pro Russia

Belarus aided Russia even before the invasion. By hosting thousands of Russian troops on its border with Ukraine for “military exercises”, it enabled Putin to attack Ukraine from the north. Its President, Alexander Lukashenko, a staunch Putin ally, has said Belarusian troops will not participate in the conflict, but on March 1 a Ukrainian military official said that Belarusian troops had joined the war in the Chernihiv region.

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad spoke to Putin on February 25, and, according to the official SANA news agency, told him what was happening in Ukraine was a “correction of history and restoration of balance which was lost in the world after the breakup of the Soviet Union”. Russia has supported Assad with lethal firepower throughout the Syrian conflict.

In an hour-long speech this week that did not mention Russia, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said his country was in favour of stopping the war in Ukraine, but blamed it on the US and the West, saying the “mafia regime” creates many wars. Al Jazeera reported the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was the first to speak to Putin after the invasion began. “I hope what is happening will end up to the benefit of nations and the region,” it quoted Raisi as saying.

North Korea blamed the “hegemonic policy” and “high-handedness” of the US and the West for the crisis, accusing Washington and its allies of “ignoring Russia’s reasonable and legitimate demands” by “pursuing the NATO’s expansion towards the east”.

Venezuela, a staunch Russian ally, has blamed the US and NATO for the war. It said they violated the Minsk agreements that guaranteed peace in the rebel-held Donbas region of Ukraine.

It’s complicated

China went from not using the words “invasion” and “war” and abstaining from a UN Security Council resolution condemning Russia to, on March 2, saying it was “extremely concerned”, Bloomberg reported Foreign Minister Wang Yi as telling his Ukrainian counterpart in a call. In again abstained from a UN General Assembly vote on March 3.

However, Beijing is still “deeply grieved to see the conflict between Ukraine and Russia,” according to a read-out of the call on the website of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

India sits on the 15-member UN Security Council, but, like China, abstained from the resolution condemning Russia. When asked if India was fully in sync with its ally after the US started imposing sanctions, US President Joe Biden said: “We’re in consultation with India today. We haven’t resolved that completely.”

The country has so far avoided condemning Russia’s actions, although Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi did urge an end to violence in a call with Putin on February 25.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan was in Moscow to meet Putin on the day Russian forces entered Ukraine. Pakistan has expressed concern about the fallout from the invasion, but stopped short of condemning it.

ASEAN’s statement on February 26 appeared to be a buy-time exercise. “The ASEAN Foreign Ministers are deeply concerned over the evolving situation and armed hostilities in Ukraine. We call on all relevant parties to exercise maximum restraint and make utmost efforts to pursue dialogues ...”

Despite the recent US rapprochement with ASEAN and public declarations of support to protect democracies from China’s advances in the Indo-Pacific region, the association has not yet followed the US lead on Ukraine.


Israel has condemned the invasion and voiced solidarity with the Ukrainian government, but said it was keeping open channels of communication with Moscow.

It condemned the March 1 shelling near a Kyiv monument to Babyn Yar, site of a World War II massacre of Jews by Nazi Germany, but government statements on the attack did not mention Russia, Reuters said.

However, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said his country would back a UN vote to condemn Russia.

Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic said his government would maintain its neutral position despite enormous pressure to participate in sanctions.


Middle East

The Arab League has voiced concerns about the war, but refrained from demanding an end to Russian aggression. The UAE, which holds a temporary seat at the UN Security Council, joined China and India in abstaining in the vote to condemn the invasion.

Turkey is caught between a rock and a hard place. The New York Times reported President Recept Tayyip Erdogan spoke on the phone to Putin on February 23, hours before the start of the invasion. Then Erdogan repeated his offer of mediation between Russia and Ukraine - at this stage over Russia’s overt intentions in the Donbas region.

“He has since maintained an even tone, describing the invasion as unacceptable, but continuing to call for a peaceful resolution. But there is a sense of anger in Mr Erdogan’s presidential circle that Mr Putin lied to them about his intentions in Ukraine,” The Times said.

Apart from being on opposite sides of other conflicts, such as in Syria, NATO-member Turkey also supports Ukraine’s ascension to the EU (it too wants to be admitted), and the organisation’s expansion to the besieged country.

Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, publicly declared his country stood “in solidarity” with Russia when he met Putin in Moscow as the world was bracing for the latter’s invasion of Ukraine. However, Bolsonaro’s views were overridden by his representatives at the UN Security Council where Brazil voted to denounce the Russian invasion.

With Reuters, AP, Bloomberg

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