

This was published 2 years ago

Morrison supercharges his ‘reds under the bed’ election scare campaign

By Tony Wright

Not since Robert Menzies used his “reds under the bed” anti-communist campaign in the 1950s has an Australian Prime Minister been so determined to paint an Opposition Leader as a quisling for a perceived enemy.

It is now clear that is precisely what Scott Morrison and his colleagues, floundering in the polls, are up to as the federal election draws near.

Scott Morrison in question time on Wednesday.

Scott Morrison in question time on Wednesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Time and again during question time on Wednesday, Morrison and his senior ministers sought to portray Labor Leader Anthony Albanese and his fellow Labor MPs as not just soft on China, but as something approaching collaborators.

From the very start, Morrison turned a question from his side – about how his government was standing up to countries involved in bullying and coercion – into just such an attack.

He implied Labor was China’s “fellow traveller” – a derogatory term used in McCarthyist America during the 1940s and 50s to describe those supposedly sympathetic to communism.

“Mr Speaker, my government will never be the preferred partner of a foreign government, Mr Speaker, that has chosen to intimidate this country and has sought to threaten this country, Mr Speaker,” the Prime Minister said.

“They will not find a fellow traveller when it comes to threats and coercion against Australia in my government, Mr Speaker.”

Later, he called Labor’s deputy leader Richard Marles a “Manchurian candidate”.

Morrison attacked Marles for having given a speech in 2019 in Beijing where he reportedly said Australia should seek to build its relationship with China, “not just in economic terms, but through exploiting political cooperation and even defence cooperation”.


Marles retorted that defence cooperation with China had been the Coalition’s own policy. Morrison was eventually forced to withdraw his Manchurian Candidate jibe, but the barb was in.


Morrison returned immediately to the assault, pointing at Albanese and declaring the Chinese government “has picked their horse and he’s sitting right there”.

In response, Albanese challenged Morrison to a debate, 10 minutes a side, on national security. The Leader of the House, Peter Dutton, refused to grant leave for such an exchange to take place.

The government’s decision to forge ahead with its version of a “reds under the bed” campaign comes despite an earlier warning from the chief of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation against politicising national security issues.

The head of ASIO, Mike Burgess, speaking to a Senate committee, said he held no concerns about any Labor candidates at the next federal election.

This followed Peter Dutton’s claim last week that the Chinese Communist Party “made a decision about who they’re going to back in the next federal election … and that is open and that is obvious, and they have picked this bloke [Anthony Albanese] as that candidate”.


All “Dorothy Dixer” questions on Wednesday from Coalition backbenchers to Morrison and his ministers, on any subject, artfully ended with the phrase “is [the minister] aware of any alternative approach?”

The tactic allowed every minister to launch an attack on the opposition, which, when it did not concern China, almost always charged that there was a “Labor-Greens alliance” that threatened Australia’s economy and energy requirements.

The new Speaker, Andrew Wallace, used his authority only once to put a brake on the carefully planned offensive.

When Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce was deep into bluster about the ACT’s Labor-Greens government, Speaker Wallace noted Joyce was “straying somewhat” from the question, which concerned how the Morrison-Joyce government was supporting Australian agriculture.

There remains only one day of Parliament before a scheduled budget sitting in March – the prelude to a May election.

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