This was published 3 years ago
Plan to boost Qld pharmacists’ abilities opens fresh front in ‘ancient turf war’
By Matt Dennien
A Queensland plan to trial allowing regional pharmacies to prescribe more medications and solve other non-emergency health issues has reignited the “ancient turf war” between GPs and chemists, but the latter hopes it may go further yet.
Based on a 2020 election promise by the Palaszczuk government and being worked through by an industry steering group, from which the peak doctors body has now withdrawn, it would mark the latest in a line of moves for the sector to lend their “full scope” to the often stretched health system.
The pharmacy sector is hoping a pilot program in north Queensland could eventually grant them greater scope nationwide.Credit:
But the Australian Medical Association Queensland, in pulling itself from the advisory group, has suggested it could risk patient health and believes separation should remain between those who prescribe medications and those who sell them.
The dispute boiled to the surface this week after the AMAQ move and amid parliamentary inquiry hearings into elements of the state’s health system. Representatives from both the doctor’s body and Pharmacy Guild of Australia appeared at one held in Brisbane on Friday.
In a statement before the hearing, the AMAQ president Chris Perry said details about the “fundamentally flawed” trial had only recently emerged.
Both he and federal president Omar Khorshid had written to Therapeutic Goods Administration head John Skerritt asking for advice on its potential impact, including the possibility of pharmacists prescribing oral contraceptive pills.
The North Queensland Pharmacy Scope of Practice Trial would allow pharmacists to diagnose 23 conditions including asthma, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, then prescribe medications, without the need for patients to consult GPs.
It would take place across 37 local government areas in the state’s north, which the AMA said were home to significant Indigenous populations and “serious doctor shortages”. Speaking after the hearing, AMAQ’s Council of General Practice chair Maria Boulton said the proposal risked patient health because pharmacists lacked training to diagnose and treat serious health conditions.
“It takes years of practice to be able to know whether what you’re listening is a wheeze or crackle, pneumonia, asthma, heart failure,” she said. “GPs are not allowed to sell medications for a
good reason. Ethically, we’re not allowed to do it. And I believe there needs to be that separation.”
Chris Owen, Queensland branch president of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, told the parliamentary committee he was not there to “engage in some ancient turf war” and seek more money, but put forward a solution that was already operating in the United Kingdom and Canada.
“The primary health care workforce is much more than one profession and all health practitioners working to their full scope of practice can help to alleviate patient access issues to world-class health care,” he said.
Mr Owen pointed to a 2020 Ernst & Young report which concluded community pharmacists working in such a capacity could save $63 million each year in avoided public health care costs and $176 million for state and federal governments through better treatment of minor health issues.
As Australia’s most decentralised state, Queensland has long been at the forefront of allowing pharmacies greater responsibilities: the state began a nation-leading pilot of allowing pharmacists to administer vaccines in 2014.
Criticism of that trial from the AMA emerged again last year as pharmacists were enlisted to the national vaccine rollout. “Scare campaigns based on opinions and not facts are not in the best interest of patients,” Mr Owen said.
In a later press conference of their own, national PGA president Trent Twomey said pharmacists could already prescribe and dispense some medications, while confirming those taking part in the trial would need an extra year of postgraduate university training to fill gaps in their education.
A federal Health Department spokesman said authorisations to prescribe medication was set out in state and territory laws, and was a matter for the Queensland government.
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