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- Coronavirus pandemic
Pandemic or endemic? Should we stop worrying about Omicron?
If COVID-19 has become endemic, that doesn’t mean it is “less bad” than a pandemic virus, just that it’s here for good. But what does that mean for us?
By Liam Mannix
On Christmas day, 1½ years into the pandemic, Australia had recorded a cumulative total of 300,594 confirmed COVID-19 infections. Less than a month later, on January 18, that number had climbed to 1.95 million infections.
The scale of new infections has stretched graphs so far upward it looks like the first two years of the pandemic simply did not happen.
On the numbers alone, we are in a new phase of the pandemic. A new variant, Omicron, more contagious than Delta yet less lethal, has seen to that.
Even before then, we had seen a change in language from political leaders.
“We’re desperate to save every life, to protect every person,” said Health Minister Greg Hunt in September. “One of our deep and profound duties, though, is to be honest about the fact that the pandemic has become endemic.
“It’s here to stay. It has embedded itself around the world.”
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet urged Sydneysiders not to skip attending a New Year’s Eve celebration, even as cases surged in the state. “Now is the time to change strategy and allow the virus to become endemic – essentially, to live with it,” the NSW Premier wrote on December 30, paraphrasing Queensland’s chief health officer.
Still, we need to be clear about what “endemic” means, experts say.
“SARS-CoV-2 will not magically turn into a malaria-like endemic infection where levels stay constant for long periods,” says the head of the biosecurity research program at the University of NSW’s Kirby Institute, Professor Raina MacIntyre. “It will keep causing epidemic waves, driven by waning vaccine immunity, new variants that escape vaccine protection, unvaccinated pockets, births and migration.”
So, has the pandemic become endemic – and what difference does it make? And will Omicron really help us get a step closer to ending the pandemic?
Pandemic, epidemic, endemic… what’s it all mean?
The words pandemic, epidemic and endemic all have specific technical meanings.
Endemic refers to a disease that is present in the community at a stable, predictable rate. Examples include malaria in Africa and dengue in the tropics. It comes from the Greek endēmos, meaning “in population”.
An epidemic is a sudden and unexpected increase in the number of cases of a disease but with most cases still contained to a larger but local area, as with Zika in Latin America or Ebola in West Africa.
A pandemic is an epidemic that has spread over several countries or continents and is infecting a large number of people. Examples include 1918 influenza (also known as Spanish flu), HIV/AIDS and COVID-19.
Importantly, an endemic virus is no less bad than a pandemic virus. Malaria kills almost half a million people every year.
“Endemic in itself does not mean good,” the World Health Organisation’s emergencies director, Dr Michael Ryan, said on Thursday. “Endemic just means it’s here forever.”
So, is COVID-19 moving from epidemic to endemic?
We put that question to the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases president, Professor Allen Cheng. He says COVID-19 is at once pandemic, endemic and epidemic. The virus will be constantly present with us from now on, circling the world (an endemic pandemic). But we will also see sudden, sharp increases when a new variant arises, when the seasons change, or when public health measures are too relaxed (an epidemic). COVID-19 will continue to be a disease of waves.
“I think most people think we’re probably going to have a constant level of some transmission, with periodic epidemics, whether due to seasonality, new variants or other reasons,” Cheng says.
And several experts say the virus remains unpredictable, with new variants perennially around the corner.
That’s the science. How you interpret the evidence, and what you do about it, is another matter. If the virus is endemic and the population widely vaccinated, some argue, we should accept its constant presence and start trying to live with it.
“In 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic will end,” former deputy chief medical officer Dr Nick Coatsworth argued on January 1. “In light of our community success, the evolution of the virus to a milder form and effective new treatments, the time for mandates and whole-of-community restrictions is therefore over.”
Others disagree, such as Professor Guy Marks, a member of OzSAGE, a group of academics who advocate for elimination of COVID-19 from Australia. (Professor MacIntyre is also a member of OzSAGE.)
“I don’t think it’s wise to just accept we are living with the virus now,” he says.“That is based on the assumption it is so mild it is unlikely to cause bad consequences. The evidence is that is not the case. Hospitals are bursting at the seams.”
It may be that we are past the point where we have much choice.
“Omicron is here to stay whether we like it or not,” says Monash University infectious diseases modeller Dr Michael Lydeamore.
“The most important thing now is to ensure the health system is coping. South Australia has shown that modest restrictions can work to flatten the curve and, in combination with the lower chance of severe outcomes, hopefully will be enough to keep it in check.”
South Australia maintains substantial restrictions on restaurant and gym capacity, and caps home gatherings to 10 people. After a sharp surge in Omicron cases in early January, the situation in that state appears to be plateauing.
If Omicron is less lethal but more contagious than Delta, why are our hospitals full?
Simple maths; Omicron may be less likely to put you in hospital, but a lot more people are falling sick.
Early evidence does suggest Omicron poses a lower risk of hospitalisation than Delta. Data from Britain, using a sample of more than 1 million cases, suggests the risk of going to hospital or emergency with an Omicron infection is about half that of Delta. Also compare South Africa’s daily new cases with its mortality figures: in every previous wave, a surge in new cases led to a surge in new deaths. But this time, despite a larger surge in cases than ever before, the death toll has ticked up only slowly.
“We have an epidemic that in NSW is already at least 20 times larger than our Delta wave,” says disease modeller at the University of NSW Associate Professor James Wood.
“And yet, our hospital occupancy will peak at just over two times the Delta wave, our intensive care unit occupancy is unlikely to even reach the Delta peak and I think the wave will conclude with a similar number of deaths to what we saw from the Delta wave.”
But it’s not just Omicron’s lesser virulence that matters. Also important now is the role of vaccines, which dramatically cut the risk of getting seriously ill and dying. A person who has received a vaccine booster is 81 per cent less likely to end up in hospital with Omicron, British data attests, compared with someone who is not vaccinated at all. More than 95 per cent of Australian adults have been vaccinated, and more than a quarter over the age of 12 have received a booster.
Meanwhile, much better treatments than ever before are coming down the pipeline, such as Pfizer’s new antiviral Paxlovid that reduces the risk of hospitalisation or death by 89 per cent for high-risk patients. Paxlovid, as well as Merck’s antiviral Lagevrio, both received provisional approval from Australian regulators on Thursday.
None of this should be taken to mean Omicron is “mild”. The virus is still potentially lethal, particularly to the unvaccinated and at-risk. The Omicron wave has been the deadliest part of the pandemic in Australia with the sheer weight of new cases overwhelming the health system. Evidence from the United States suggests that when healthcare systems are overwhelmed, deaths from all causes increase as nurses and doctors struggle to provide the best care to patients.
Is it possible that COVID-19 will just go away, like SARS did?
It seems unlikely. SARS was brought under control because people usually had to have symptoms to pass on the virus; good public health measures stopped the spread. COVID-19 can spread asymptomatically, which is one secret to the virus’ success.
A better analogy might be influenza, says University of Sydney infectious diseases paediatrician Professor Robert Booy. That virus is endemic but irregularly produces pandemics. Spanish flu in 1918, for example, was a newly evolved strain of influenza; it killed 50 million people and infected 500 million in just two years. But it did not go away. By the end of the two years, much of the population was either immune or dead. The virus continued to circulate until the late ’50s, says Booy, when it was supplanted by a new strain, leading to a new pandemic.
This move into “endemicity” is the most likely future for COVID-19, according to a survey of more than 100 virologists, immunologists and infectious diseases experts working on the virus, conducted by leading journal Nature last year.
It would join at least four other coronaviruses that are endemic in humans and cause the common cold. Indeed, scientists have linked one of these four endemic coronaviruses to an historic influenza pandemic in the 1890s.
If COVID is with us for the long haul, will I keep getting infected?
From early in the pandemic, it has been clear that infection with COVID-19 does not confer lifelong immunity from the virus. Antibody levels naturally wane. Two doses of Pfizer are 93 per cent effective at preventing symptomatic infection from Delta a month after the second dose, according to a study in The Lancet. By four months, that falls to 53 per cent.
As the virus has continued to evolve, this problem has become more acute. As the virus accumulates mutations, the shape of its spike protein changes, meaning antibodies generated against a previous infection are less effective. This is a problem for vaccines and part of the reason we need boosters. It’s also a problem for natural immunity, in that protection you gain after catching a previous variant might not protect you against a new variant.
In fact, protection provided by catching an earlier variant may be just 19 per cent effective against Omicron – more than five times less than against Delta, according to a study from Imperial College London.
Does catching Omicron at least give you an immune boost?
“Yes … and no,” says the Doherty Institute’s Dr Jennifer Juno, who has been studying the immune response to COVID-19. “Unfortunately, we’re well into an area where the nuances become everything.”
The hope is that with nearly all eligible Australians now vaccinated, infection with Omicron will act like a natural immunity booster against this and future variants, without making you seriously ill.
This cycle – infection, waning immunity, infection, waning immunity – could continue endlessly as COVID-19 becomes endemic.
A study published by the US Centres for Disease Control on Wednesday found vaccination offered better protection than prior infection until Delta arrived – and then it was prior infection that offered better protection (the best protection was provided by a combination of prior infection and vaccination). Another study from South Africa finds Omicron infection seems to offer some protection against Omicron and Delta.
“I think it makes sense that infection with a current variant provides good protection against that particular variant, and boosts immunity against other variants to a lesser but still significant extent,” says the head of infection epidemiology at the Kirby Institute, Dr Deborah Cromer.
Unfortunately, other evidence suggests things aren’t so neat. Juno has been leading a study looking at the effect of reinfection on immunity. The results are not clear-cut. Some people get a great boost to their immune levels; others don’t.
That brings us back to the great unknown: the next variant. It is plausible that a new variant could arise that happily evades the immunity generated by natural infection. There is some evidence that people who were infected with Beta have very poor immunity to Delta, for example.
Is Omicron the final variant? If there are more, will they be even milder?
The rise of Omicron has many people pointing to a popular notion of viral evolution: over time, viruses evolve to become more contagious and less deadly. Viruses, the saying goes, don’t really want to kill their hosts because otherwise they’d have no one left to infect. This calming narrative suggests that eventually COVID-19 will become so mild it will be little more than a cold.
“The frequent, but not the inevitable, course of a virus is that they become more infectious but less severe and that’s clearly what’s happened with the Omicron variant,” Health Minister Greg Hunt has said.
The problem: this idea, known as the “law of declining virulence”, coined by a long-dead cattle scientist, was debunked in the 1980s. Virus experts are quite baffled as to why so many people still seem to believe it.
“Sadly, it’s wrong,” says a world-leading expert on coronavirus evolution, the University of Sydney’s Professor Edward Holmes. “It is not the case that virulence always goes down. It is absolutely not true. It depends on how virulence impacts transmission.”
A virus’ virulence – how lethal it is – will evolve up or down depending on how it affects how contagious the virus is. If a mutation makes the virus both more lethal and more contagious, it’s got a good chance of sticking.
Consider two rabbit viruses released in Australia, myxomatosis and RHDV. Myxomatosis became less likely to kill rabbits but RHDV evolved to become much more likely to kill a rabbit. But you don’t need to look at rabbit viruses to know that. Alpha was more lethal than the variant of COVID-19 that first emerged from Wuhan; Delta was more lethal than Alpha.
“We’re lucky that Omicron appears to be milder – but I think that’s primarily luck,” Cromer says.
The narrative of a weakening virus has a second problem: Omicron did not evolve from Delta.
Rather than evolving from the dominant variant, genetic evidence suggests Omicron evolved from a much earlier lineage of the virus that diverged in 2020. Delta swept the world, but somewhere – likely in Africa – was a residual pool of people infected with this older lineage. Omicron emerged there and took over the world.
That knowledge means we cannot be confident the next variant will be an evolution of Omicron – or even of Delta. It could come from anywhere, with attributes we cannot predict. Based on the evidence, and the fact that many countries still have low vaccination levels, it is simply impossible to predict whether the next variant will be more or less lethal, Holmes says.
The best bet in this pandemic remains the same: expect the unexpected.
“I don’t know I feel confident saying we’re close to saying Omicron is going to be the end of it,” Juno says. “We’ve learnt from the pandemic so far that there continue to be surprises coming around the corners.”
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An earlier version of this story said 77 people lost their lives to COVID-19 on January 18. Although this was the number of deaths officially recorded on that day, some of those deaths occurred earlier but were not included in the figures until then.
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