

This was published 2 years ago

A final farewell from the master of the Cold War spy novel

By Scott Murray

FICTION: Silverview, John le Carré, Viking, $32.99

Before picking up the novelist’s pen, David Cornwell taught French and German at Eton. One of his students, Ferdinand Mount, wrote in 2007’s Cold Cream: My Early Life and Other Mistakes: “One of the things that I like about him is his irreverence towards the school and its encrusted traditions, but at the same time his fascination with the place as though he was marking it down for future use … He is going into the Foreign Office, but somehow word gets round that there is more to it than that. ‘Corns is going to be a spy.’ Waste of a good teacher, I think.”

Silverview is another of John le Carre’s formidable examinations of individual conscience versus the needs of the state.

Silverview is another of John le Carre’s formidable examinations of individual conscience versus the needs of the state.Credit: Tom Jamieson

Cornwell did become an intelligence officer and then a writer under the pen-name of John le Carré. His first novel, Call for the Dead, was set in a school just like Eton. The great author was always watching and listening, not necessarily for political ends, but to tell riveting stories, exorcise the demons of his past and still his inner conflicts.

Adam Sisman opened his excellent biography of le Carré with a quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald: “Writers aren’t people exactly. Or, if they’re any good, they’re a whole lot of people trying so hard to be one person.”

Le Carré was a labyrinth of contradictions, a wealthy contrarian who often found great fault with the Establishment. A Labourite, he fell out with the party over Iraq and its waning support for individual freedoms, only to later return to the fold.


He created the beloved figure of George Smiley, nobly fighting to save England from any ill winds blowing in from Europe, only to publicly declare himself a passionate Remainer. He was furious with the Brexit result and in protest successfully applied for Irish citizenship, but never abandoned England and his Cornish property with its 1.6 kilometres of coastline.

Silverview, le Carré‘s “final” novel, begins in London’s West End with a young woman, Lily, visiting an old man named Proctor. The conversation feels like so many in le Carré’s novels, with both trying to discover unspoken truths about the other while patiently waiting for the smallest of slip-ups: the lie not quite convincingly told, a hint of contradiction, the tremble of uncertainty.

Le Carré then cuts like a well-edited film to Julian, who has tossed in a successful London life to open a bookshop in an East Anglian seaside town. The eccentric Edward Avon unexpectedly arrives, and anyone familiar with le Carré well knows that eccentricity can be a blind for deceptive intent.


The next morning, Julian is joined over breakfast in a small cafe by Avon, who reveals that he was a schoolfriend of Julian’s father, H.K., who was banned from the school’s debating society, the Patricians Club: “H.K. was club chairman, I was his vice. They nearly threw me out too. I very much wish they had’ – swig of cold black coffee – ’Anarchists, Bolsheviks, Trotskyites: whatever doctrine enraged the Establishment, we hastened to adopt it.”


Avon then asks Julian for a small favour: to take a letter to a woman in London. This scene is typical of le Carré, with its mysterious ebb and flow, the reader constantly wondering what Lily, Proctor, Julian and Avon could possibly have in common? Will it be Julian’s father who proves to be the crucial link, given that absent fathers loom so large in le Carré?

The search for an answer will involve a journey back to the Cold War and an Eastern Bloc still under the heel of Soviet socialism, but fracturing: “Bosnia! Let’s pray there’ll never be another, we used to say. Fat lot of good praying did. Six tiny nations squabbling over Big Daddy Tito’s will. All fighting for God, all wanting to be top dog, and nobody to like … Mutilations, crucifixions, random and wholesale massacres, women and children a speciality.”

The horrors in the former Yugoslavia mount, due in part to a host of traitors and what le Carré sees as the smug incompetence of British intelligence.


Like Graham Greene (who flew to Moscow to take tea with Kim Philby), le Carré had a soft spot for double agents prepared to do anything to achieve their personal dreams, be it a socialist revolution or an illicit affair.

In his 1938 essay What I Believe, E.M. Forster wrote: “If I had to chose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country.”

Le Carré certainly sides with Forster, with Silverview another of his formidable examinations of individual conscience versus the needs of state.

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