

This was published 3 years ago

Nationals list their demands on Morrison to clear way for net zero

By David Crowe

Prime Minister Scott Morrison will be asked to commit more funds to regional Australia in a new list of demands from Nationals MPs that could secure a deal by Sunday on climate change policy, clearing the way for a government pledge to cut carbon emissions to net zero levels by 2050.

Nationals MPs gave party leader Barnaby Joyce formal approval on Thursday night to broker the deal with Mr Morrison using a set of principles to guide the talks so rural and regional communities did not suffer from the impact on the coal and gas industries.

The process gives the Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce, centre, considerable leeway to reach an outcome given most MPs were not told of the specific list of demands in the document finalised on Thursday night.

The process gives the Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce, centre, considerable leeway to reach an outcome given most MPs were not told of the specific list of demands in the document finalised on Thursday night.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But the Nationals agreed their list would exclude “parochial projects” in favour of policies with a national scope, with a preference for doing more with existing policies and funding schemes.

Mr Joyce, the Deputy Prime Minister, is expected to negotiate the concerns with Mr Morrison over the next few days so he can talk to Nationals colleagues again at 3pm on Sunday in a final meeting to decide the party’s position on net zero.

The process gives the leader considerable leeway to reach an outcome given most MPs were not told of the specific list of demands in the document finalised on Thursday night and based on input from most of the 21 members of the party’s federal party room.


One Nationals MP said the net zero target was likely to gain majority support at the meeting this Sunday but another MP warned it was “not there yet” and would depend on the Prime Minister’s response.

Mr Joyce has waited for colleagues to consider their positions since a Nationals party room meeting ended last Sunday without a clear outcome, but the party is running out of time to make a decision before Australia is asked to reveal its policy within 10 days.

Mr Morrison departs on Thursday for a G20 meeting in Rome and a United Nations climate change summit in Glasgow, with leaders from advanced economies already pledging to meet the net zero target by 2050.


The document that sums up the Nationals concerns was drafted by a working group comprising Nationals deputy leader and Agriculture Minister David Littleproud, Senate leader and Regionalisation Minister Bridget McKenzie, Resources Minister Keith Pitt and Assistant Minister Kevin Hogan, who represents the seat of Page on the north coast of NSW.

Asked on Wednesday morning if there was a price on the party’s demands for regional Australia, Mr Littleproud said: “Money makes the world go around” but did not endorse claims of a $20 billion figure.

“We are working through that to make sure there is not a huge price to this,” he told the ABC.

“Using the smarts of technology and reform in protecting regional Australia, we aren’t thinking about 30 pieces of silver. We are thinking more about the policy settings to ensure we protect regional Australia and help grow it.”

Nationals MPs, speaking on condition they were not named, said they expected the net zero target to be opposed by Queensland senator Matt Canavan, Queensland MP George Christensen and a handful of others who could make up about one-third of the party room.

Some said there was still a level of apprehension among MPs outside the group of determined opponents, making it hard to tell if there was a majority.

A net zero target would bring the government into line with industry groups such as the National Farmers’ Federation, the Cattle Council and the Business Council of Australia.

Federal cabinet has considered the policy measures needed to reach the 2050 target but the details have been kept confidential while the Nationals discuss their position.

Labor attacked the government on Thursday for not revealing its plans and challenged Mr Pitt, one of those who questions the net zero goal, to explain what the government modelling showed for the industry he oversees.


“There is a range of modelling all over the place about all sorts of things,” Mr Pitt said, but he backed the government in finding an outcome with the Nationals on net zero.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese sought to turn the climate debate into a test for Mr Morrison in question time about when the Prime Minister could make a decision rather than waiting for the Nationals to decide the outcome.

“The government has been in office for nearly a decade, the Prime Minister is leaving for Glasgow a week from now, but he still doesn’t have any policy,” Mr Albanese said.

“Why does the Prime Minister always delay, always blame others [and] when he does act it’s always too little and too late?”

Government MPs rejected the claim they had no policy, given spending decisions and a technology roadmap issued last year, but there has been no update to these measures to explain how the net zero target would be reached.

Mr Morrison responded to the Labor attack by confirming the government’s target to cut emissions by 26 to 28 per cent by 2030, a goal criticised by environmental groups as being far too small when the United Nations has called on leaders to commit to 45 per cent.

Labor is yet to decide whether it will stand by the 45 per cent target it took to the last election, leaving its policy in doubt while it attacks the government.

“Now, there was another policy, it was put forward by the Labor Party, it was for a 45 per cent reduction in emissions and the Labor Party have walked away from that policy,” Mr Morrison told Parliament.


“They say that’s no longer their policy. So there’s an obvious question: What is the Labor Party’s commitment on 2030? Nobody knows.”

Mr Morrison said on Thursday the government would do the right thing by rural and regional Australia with a net zero target that could protect industries and jobs.

“We’ve reduced emissions 20 per cent on 2005 levels. The United States can’t say that. New Zealand can’t say that. Canada can’t say that. We can,” he said.

The Quarterly Update of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory shows that emissions were 494.2 million tonnes in the year to March, down 20.8 per cent since 2005, with changes to land use being the biggest factor. The figures are released publicly on a federal government website.

Matt Golding

Matt GoldingCredit: Matt Golding

Canadian emissions fell only 1 per cent from 2005 to 2019, while New Zealand emissions fell 4 per cent and Japanese emissions fell 10 per cent. The latest figures from the US Environmental Protection Agency found emissions had fallen by 13 per cent by 2019 on 2005 levels. The Japanese government estimates that country’s emissions fell 12.3 per cent by 2019.

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