

This was published 3 years ago

Blue hydrogen a ‘highway to climate disaster’: Andrew Forrest slams fossil fuel funding

By Mike Foley

Mining magnate Andrew Forrest has taken to the world stage to launch an attack on public funding for use of gas, coal and carbon capture to make hydrogen fuel, delivering a blow to key elements of the federal government’s climate policy ahead of the Glasgow climate summit.

“Blue hydrogen is not ‘clean’ and, tragically, most governments – without a scintilla of science – are throwing tens of billions of dollars in subsidies at it,” Mr Forrest told the Reuters Impact climate conference overnight on Tuesday.

Foretestcue Metals chairman Andrew Forrest.

Foretestcue Metals chairman Andrew Forrest. Credit: Andrey Rudkov/Bloomberg

Mr Forrest praised countries that are “firmly committed” to green hydrogen including Chile, France, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain, but said “most countries, including my own, are dithering – unsure whether to back green hydrogen or blindly commit to yet more fossil fuels, this time disguised as blue hydrogen”.

Hydrogen is typically extracted from water molecules, which can be done using fossil fuel energy (blue hydrogen) or renewable energy (green hydrogen). If the cost of production falls far enough, the gas – which burns cleanly – could potentially replace polluting fuels in heavy industry and transport.

However, the production of blue hydrogen creates greenhouse emissions, so for it to be low emissions requires carbon capture and storage to stop the pollution from entering the atmosphere and that technology is not yet cost-effective for widespread deployment.


The federal government announced last week that carbon capture and storage technology would be rewarded under the $4.5 billion Emissions Reduction Fund that awards credits to entities that cut their pollution by employing one of the approved techniques. One of those techniques is hydrogen generated by coal and gas.

It committed $250 million in funding for research and development of large-scale carbon capture and storage last month.

Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction Minister Angus Taylor said carbon capture would “support the production of clean hydrogen from existing energy resources like coal and gas”. Reducing their greenhouse contribution would help Australian exporters tap markets in north Asia that are “relying on gas to reduce their emissions”.


“[Carbon capture and storage] is a priority under the government’s technology investment road map and the new Emissions Reduction Fund method will incentivise emissions reductions from a range of energy-intensive sectors including LNG production, which currently accounts for around 10 per cent of Australia’s emissions,” Mr Taylor said.

The fossil fuel industry has lobbied hard ... to get taxpayers to fund their attempt at a transition to “clean” energy

Andrew Forrest

Mr Forrest said the adoption of “net zero” goals rather that striving for “absolute zero” delayed the rapid emissions reduction needed to halt dangerous global warming and promoting technology such as blue hydrogen was a “highway to climate disaster”.

“The truth is that the fossil fuel industry has lobbied hard and you will see a spectacular example of this at COP26, to get taxpayers to fund their attempt at a transition to ‘clean’ energy – on their timetable.”

Mr Forrest’s Fortescue Metals company is planning to build a huge green hydrogen plant at Bell Bay in northern Tasmania.


Green hydrogen’s potential to become a dominant energy source faces big challenges, not least because it is currently prohibitively expensive to produce it compared with hydrogen made from fossil fuels.

Mr Forrest spoke at the online event that includes British Minister of State Alok Sharma – also president of the United Nations COP26 climate summit in Glasgow – former US vice-president Al Gore, and Rio Tinto chief executive Jakob Stausholm.

With Nick Toscano

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