

This was published 3 years ago


China’s energy crisis will send a chill through global markets

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

The time-honoured cure for high energy prices is high energy prices. Demand wilts. It is happening in front of our eyes with breathtaking speed in China, the elephant in the global energy boat.

Chinese coal stocks are down to 18 days’ cover, deemed dangerously low by Beijing. It has long been the nightmare of Communist planners that the US might weaponise China’s dependency on fuel imports in a crisis.

 A number of Chinese provinces are already under power and water restrictions.

A number of Chinese provinces are already under power and water restrictions.Credit: Getty

State-run China Energy News said thermal coal inventories at power plants are critically low. “We are looking for coal everywhere, but no matter how high the price is, it is not easy to find,” said one utility.

Plants cannot pass on the surging cost - hitting $US300 ($414) a tonne in places, up four-fold in a year - and are losing money on a systemic scale. One producer said his plant is losing US10¢ on every kilowatt of power. Banks are pulling credit lines.

Regions accounting for 70 per cent of Chinese GDP are rationing power to industrial users, and in some cases have halted operations altogether.

Large parts of north-east China are facing power cuts for several hours a day, hitting traffic lights and phone masts. Yicai Global warned of power outages and water shortages until next March.

It is puzzling that global markets have been so insouciant about a power crisis in Asia’s anchor economy. The slowdown is happening just as fiscal stimulus fades in Europe and America, and as Western central banks start to tighten in the face of incipient stagflation and a rising misery index.

Guangdong in the south is to halt the use of lifts in office blocks below the third floor. Air conditioners should not be set lower than 26 degrees Celsius at homes and businesses. Electricity is being rationed for cranes at the port of Tianjin.

Dozens of plants processing soya beans, feed and vegetable oil have been suspended. The steel, cement, aluminium and chemical sectors are under restrictive orders to varying degrees, facing staggered production to avoid peak hours.


Several large firms in the Zhejiang textile hub have been shut until the end of this month. Others are facing de facto triage based on relative energy use.

“With market attention now laser-focused on Evergrande and Beijing’s unprecedented curbs on the property sector, another major supply-side shock may have been underestimated or even missed,” said Ting Lu, China strategist at Nomura.


The Japanese bank expects China’s economy to contract by 0.2 per cent this quarter and barely eke out any growth over the rest of the year. That is a double-dip recession with Chinese characteristics.

It is puzzling that global markets have been so insouciant about a power crisis in Asia’s anchor economy. The slowdown is happening just as fiscal stimulus fades in Europe and America, and as Western central banks start to tighten in the face of incipient stagflation and a rising misery index.

What can possibly go wrong in global equity markets still at nosebleed P/E ratios? While this column does not give investment advice, as a personal precaution I have liquidated most of my modest salaryman’s portfolio and intend to ride out the early autumn with 80 per cent in cash until risk and reward come back into plausible alignment.

Nor am I buying Anglo-Saxon or eurozone “safe-haven” bonds, given rising structural deficits and the imminent retreat of the chief buyers amid so much debt issuance. The auction of two-year US treasuries was a shocker, the worst cover ratio since December 2008.

Talk of a Chinese “Lehman moment” as developer Evergrande collapses with $US309 billion of debts has obscured the greater danger. Xi Jinping has deliberately precipitated a crunch in China’s encephalitic property sector via his “three red lines”, deeming a purge necessary to safeguard social order and prevent the further misallocation of resources. Construction accounts for a quarter of Chinese GDP and half of the world’s diggers, cranes and cement mixing. It diverts funds from the green, hi-tech, robotics, AI, cloud computing, and advanced semiconductors sectors, where the struggle for superpower mastery is really taking place.

Markets have largely shrugged off the energy woes.

Markets have largely shrugged off the energy woes.Credit: NYSE

“Beijing’s determination to suppress the whole property sector, not the fallout of Evergrande, is what represents the major near-term risk to China’s growth and financial stability,” said Ting Lu. Land sales were down 64 per cent in August from a year ago - the leading indicator of the building industry.

Xi has brought forward a denouement bound to happen because China’s workforce is shrinking by 3 million a year, marriages have fallen by a third in seven years, household formation has slowed and rural migration has all but ended. Buyers will be progressively scarcer, rendering the developer model of pre-selling homes to cover past costs a slow-motion Ponzi scheme.

The property crunch is compounded by a parallel squeeze on carbon. Xi has promised peak CO2 emissions by 2030, a 25 per cent cut per unit of GDP by 2025, and a 3 per cent cut in energy intensity this year.

He knows that China is paying a high credibility price for foot-dragging as Europe and the US launch green deals, and may soon face a carbon border tax in its top markets if it is not careful.


Energy-saving edicts are raining down. Party cadres have been mobilised to pursue CO2 crimes, and are reportedly doing so with the zeal of the Cultural Revolution. The state planner (NDRC) says 20 Chinese provinces have failed to meet this year’s goals on cutting energy intensity. Nomura says nine have received “level 1 warnings”, including Guangdong and Jiangsu, 35 per cent of China’s economy between them. Woe betide the party officials responsible.

The steel, cement and aluminium industries face production caps by the industry ministry (MIIT). They stole part of their allowance over the first half and must cut back this half to compensate. That means drastic falls in steel output. It has already begun and is hammering iron ore prices, along with miners such as Vale and BHP.

China’s energy crunch is happening for much the same reasons as in Europe. COVID upset the rhythms of the global fuel market. The weather was extreme: drought hit hydropower and the hot summer boosted air conditioning. The result was an explosion in demand for coal and gas.

China’s coal levels are dangerously low.

China’s coal levels are dangerously low.Credit: Bloomberg

The cost of liquefied natural gas in Shanghai reached $US26 per mmBtu, luring away shipments that would otherwise have gone to Europe to replenish depleted inventories. China is now the world’s biggest LNG importer.

In August it bought 6.4 million tonnes, compared to 4.9 million in Europe and Turkey combined (ICIS data). Put another way, Britain’s gas crisis is a function of China’s industrial cycle.

Yuriy Vitrenko, Ukraine’s gas and pipeline chief, told me over the weekend that demand destruction is already working its brutal cure and that global gas prices have probably peaked. That might seem hard to believe with storage so perilously low. The futures market for UK contracts show prices continuing to rise in seasonal contango, hitting 187 pence per therm in January.


But markets roll over when you least expect. I don’t wish to pick on Goldman Sachs, and agree that depressed investment in upstream oil and gas implies a fossil supercycle in the early 2020s. But I watch with a jaundiced eye as the bank raises its crude oil forecast to $US90 this year, in part citing gas to oil switching for power plants.

Goldman issued its infamous $US200 call for crude in 2008 at the exact top of the price spike. We now know that core Europe was already in recession by then and that America’s sub-prime debacle was nearing its climax, with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac already crumbling.

If China is slowing as hard as some suspect, it will do the world a big favour and head off a political crisis in Europe and the UK this winter. No elected government can easily survive loss of control over energy security. Nor should it.

It may also head off a backlash against net-zero policies at a delicate moment in the transition, before the benefits of cheaper post-fossil energy become self-evident, and there is no looking back. So unless you are a climate denialist, raise a glass to Xi Jinping.

Telegraph, London

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