

This was published 3 years ago

Examine: Children, Delta and schools: Are we worried about the wrong risk?

By Liam Mannix

Examine, a weekly newsletter written by national science reporter Liam Mannix, is sent every Tuesday. Below is an excerpt - sign up to get the whole newsletter in your inbox.

Parents would do anything to protect their children, never more so than during a pandemic. The groundswell of fear about the risk Delta poses to children is palpable.

In today’s Examine: are we worrying about the wrong risk?

There is strong evidence COVID-19 poses very little threat to children. There is good evidence that Delta does not do much to increase that risk.

A child wears a mask and face shield at a school in Montebello in Mexico.

A child wears a mask and face shield at a school in Montebello in Mexico.Credit: AP

Yet in NSW and Victoria we have pulled nearly all children out of face-to-face schooling.

There is some evidence – although contested – suggesting this exposes children to negative effects, some short-term, some potentially life-long.

Science does not set policy – that’s up to us, as members of society. Parents are perfectly entitled to take the risk of not sending children to school to mitigate the risk of COVID-19.

But good policy needs to take into account all the evidence, not just the bit that is most scary.

The lopsided focus of the public debate on the very small risks posed by COVID-19 to children, while school closures go largely ignored, seems to me to misunderstand the evidence.


Does closing schools keep children safe?

I’ve used a lot of ink on the evidence for children, COVID-19 and Delta over past week. For a full accounting, read our explainer here. Here’s the condensed version:

“The evidence shows, to the best of our knowledge to date, COVID-19 – even with Delta – remains a mild illness for children,” says Royal Australasian College of Physicians president-elect and paediatrician Dr Jacqueline Small.

The evidence is the same for long COVID. The best data we have (and the data is not great, to be honest) suggests kids are at very small risk.

A teacher wears a face mask at a school in Berlin, Germany.

A teacher wears a face mask at a school in Berlin, Germany. Credit: Getty Images

Consistent evidence suggests schools are not major places where children catch and share COVID-19, although Delta is increasing infection rates overall. This surprises parents given kids are so snotty!

But we have to remember that COVID-19 is unlike other respiratory viruses: for reasons we still don’t understand, kids seem to have very strong innate defences.

“There is an unworldly response to a small risk in children, which has been horribly, horribly overinflated,” says Robert Booy, professor of child health at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

Does closing schools stop the virus?

It remains unclear how much of a role children play in spreading COVID-19, but the data seems to trend toward not as much as adults.

Two small Australian studies of infected children found they gave it to perhaps 1 per cent of their close contacts.

There’s some pretty good evidence from the UK that kids are at greater risk of catching COVID-19 if they are at home than if they go to school (adults are not at greater risk if they live with kids). Why? Because schools are actually pretty good at preventing kids from giving each other COVID-19 – and because we know the vast majority of COVID-19 transmission happens in the home.

A better argument might be that stopping school is not about preventing kids from getting infected, but instead is about stopping parents from moving around – picking them up and dropping them off.

Unreleased modelling done for the Victorian government showed that was an important part of reducing infections, The Age and the Herald understand, and probably informs its current position.

But remember: this is a wider social benefit that mostly accrues to the oldest members of society who face the most risk of COVID-19, and benefits children the least.

Is closing schools bad?

In theory, yes. The evidence we have from school closures pre-COVID is they are bad for kids’ development, health and wellbeing. Education is one the biggest factors in a person’s life that will decide just how good their life is going to be.

That’s why paediatricians from the Sydney and Melbourne children’s hospitals and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute have been repeatedly calling for schools to stay open during lockdowns – much as Britain did during its successful November lockdown.

Students at a school in New York join in a discussion about vaccines.

Students at a school in New York join in a discussion about vaccines. Credit: AP

“In-person learning for kids is very important for their educational outcomes, their general socialisation, mental health and wellbeing,” says Professor Kristine Macartney, director of the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (she told me she supports keeping schools closed during Sydney’s current lockdown due to the enhanced risks of more community transmission).

“That’s particularly so for kids from low socio-economic backgrounds. School is critically important. Losing time, face to face, can be associated with lower educational attainment if it’s prolonged.”

Let’s start with health and wellbeing. A large systematic review found good evidence school closures – as part of broader lockdowns – were associated with considerable short-term harms to children’s health and wellbeing (although you might wonder how much of this was the school closure and how much the lockdown in general).

What about learning? Here’s where things get tricky.

“There isn’t much evidence, because this is new. People try to use prior experiences of school closures as a basis for projecting what’s likely to happen – but we’ve never had anything like this,” says Laureate Professor Jennifer Gore, from the University of Newcastle’s Teachers and Teaching Research Centre.

The non-COVID evidence is troubling. Take this study from Argentina, where teachers at the nation’s schools often went on strike. Children exposed to those strikes had lower wages when they reached 30 or 40.

Are findings from pre-COVID really applicable to the current pandemic? It’s not clear. And we’re doing things differently. Children’s learning hasn’t been shut down – instead, there has been a heroic effort by parents and teachers to move it online.

A study in the Netherlands tracking the performance of about 350,000 students found an eight-week COVID-19 lockdown led to a drop in performance equivalent to losing a fifth of the school year – with the effects much stronger on children from more disadvantaged homes.

Professor Gore’s study came to the opposite conclusion, finding no effect on learning in children in NSW between 2019 and 2020. Early NAPLAN results for 2020 haven’t budged much, even in Victoria which endured months of lockdown. “The evidence that seems to be coming together around COVID-19 seems to reinforce the view that student learning does not suffer too badly,” said Professor Gore.

Putting it all together

All medical interventions, be they vaccination or lockdown or closing schools, come with risks and benefits.

It can be scary when the risks are potentially catastrophic to people we hold as the most valuable members of society. Make no mistake: it is extremely rare, but children do die of COVID-19 (385 children have died of COVID-19 in America – versus 623,985 adults).

But the direct risks to children are very small, all things considered.

The risk of being out of school, at least in Australia, is contested and we likely won’t know for decades. There could be none. It could be minimal, or mostly for kids from disadvantaged homes. It could be significant.

The benefit to children from this policy appears to be a very small reduction – and perhaps no reduction at all – in the risk of infection. It possibly benefits wider society, although the evidence is again weak.

Based on this risk-benefit analysis, would you ask children to make this sacrifice?

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