

This was published 3 years ago

Ventilation ‘revolution’ needed to speed up Australia’s path out of lockdown

By Paul Sakkal and Aisha Dow

The ventilation “revolution” coming to Australia could reduce the need for stay-at-home orders, prevent widespread COVID-19 infection and boost the economy by billions of dollars by stamping out the common cold and flu.

Australia’s building standards would be overhauled to stem the spread of COVID-19 and employers could be sued if poorly ventilated workplaces led to outbreaks, under changes some say could be as important as vaccination in the battle against the virus.

State governments, employers and unions are in negotiations on a legally enforceable code of practice that would force employers to protect workers from airborne transmission of COVID-19.

Former Victorian premier Ted Baillieu says ventilation is “as important as vaccination”.

Former Victorian premier Ted Baillieu says ventilation is “as important as vaccination”.Credit: Arsineh Houspian

The Sunday Age has also learnt that the federal body that sets building laws is moving to create rules that would ensure new buildings have ventilation and filtration features that minimise indoor circulation of pathogens.

Buildings including restaurants, schools, homes, apartment buildings and offices continue to be the highest-risk locations for disease spread, and many Victorian classrooms – the site for several recent outbreaks – have air quality 2½ times worse than recommended.

But ventilation is rarely mentioned by politicians and government officials, and most of the public remain in the dark about simple steps to check and improve air quality to prevent outbreaks.

The world is moving ahead of Australia. Asian nations that successfully managed COVID-19 were alive to the importance of ventilation early in the pandemic, while European nations such as Belgium and Ireland are passing laws mandating businesses to provide clean air. US President Joe Biden’s $130 billion schools package includes funding to ventilate schools and keep them open.

A US Centres for Disease Control study from May found proper ventilation was more effective at reducing COVID-19 spread in schools than mask-wearing.

Burnet Institute director Professor Brendan Crabb said ventilation was the “missing link” that could speed up Australia’s path to a position when lockdowns weren’t necessary.


“Dealing with airborne spread has been the biggest failure in Australia’s response,” he said.

Former Victorian Liberal premier Ted Baillieu, a trained architect who has been pressuring governments behind the scenes to address air quality, called for a national ventilation taskforce to co-ordinate urgent policy change.

“In managing transmission, this is as important as vaccination,” he said.

Paradigm shift to avoid lockdowns

Health agencies like the World Health Organisation, the US Centres for Disease Control and Australia’s infection-control body were slow to acknowledge that COVID-19 spread through the air, but there is now widespread acceptance of its crucial role.

A century-old theory that respiratory illnesses chiefly spread via droplets, caused by things like sneezing on someone from a close distance, prompted authorities to initially focus on close contact and physical distancing. Many public health agencies stubbornly stuck to this interpretation despite warnings from infectious diseases experts and scientists with specialist knowledge – such as physicists and occupational hygienists – who believed tiny COVID-19 particles suspended in the air posed a risk to anyone in an indoor area regardless of proximity to others.

Outbreaks in cruise ships, with those on board confined to their rooms, and at a physically distanced choir practice jolted the scientific community to investigate airborne spread.

Lidia Morawska, an Australian-based researcher who has been a world leader in raising awareness of airborne spread, said the pandemic necessitated a societal “paradigm shift” on how to prevent COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.

World Health Organisation adviser Distinguished Professor Lidia Morawska.

World Health Organisation adviser Distinguished Professor Lidia Morawska.Credit: QUT

She compared what she called a revolutionary push to ventilate our community to the sanitation awakening in the 19th century, before which people were unaware that polluted water systems were causing things like cholera epidemics.

“Then, people were provided with clean water. This would provide us with clean air,” she said. “No one takes responsibility for the air and it’s kind of accepted that the air could be of whatever quality.”

Professor Morawska said the cost of constructing better-ventilated buildings would be outweighed by the economic benefit associated with a healthier society. A study published in the Science journal in May found the US economy would save $50 billion a year because workers would be healthier and take fewer sick days, and Professor Crabb questioned whether the almost non-existent prevalence of flu in Australia could be made permanent.


Professor Morawska backed Mr Baillieu’s call for a national taskforce and said one of the chief difficulties in changing policies on ventilation was that the issue cut across many different arms of government.

The Andrews government is investigating ventilation improvements in healthcare and education settings and has just established a cross-government taskforce.

Better ventilation across society would reduce the average number of people to whom each case passed the virus and, in turn, reduce the threshold for herd immunity and the vaccination level required to achieve it. This would mean lockdowns could become unnecessary sooner than anticipated, according to Professor Crabb.

Changing the way we build

Buildings of the future are set to feature ventilation and filtration systems that ensure well-ventilated, healthy indoor spaces. The current national construction code, which all builders must comply with, does not reference infectious diseases in its rudimentary ventilation rules, but the federal body that manages the code is considering changes.

The Australian Building Codes Board is in discussions with experts and industry groups about incorporating a ventilation checklist into the building code. The changes could increase the cost of construction but industry players are cognisant of inevitable reform and some are already voluntarily constructing buildings with high-grade ventilation systems.

The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating, which represents practitioners who specialise in ventilation, is one of the groups in talks with the board. Its chief executive, Tony Gleeson, said the new standards were set to include reference to general ventilation, filters and air tightness of buildings.


Mr Gleeson said Australia had “some of the leakiest buildings in the world” and improving air tightness would prevent airborne pathogens moving between rooms and floors.

Just as builders may soon be required to construct with clear air in mind, employers could face legal challenges if workers get sick in buildings with substandard air quality.

State and territory governments, employers and unions are in negotiations on a legally enforceable code of practice that would force employers to protect workers from airborne transmission of COVID-19. The threat of legal recourse could bring about a step change in awareness of ventilation protocols.

Liam O’Brien, assistant secretary of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, said a collective mindset shift was required to comprehend that poor air quality posed the biggest risk of infection for both COVID-19 and respiratory illnesses such as the common cold.

“The difficulty is people can’t see unclear air, so it’s difficult to comprehend compared to more obvious things like dirty surfaces and droplet spread from things like sneezing,” he said.

“It makes you think about the level of disease we have been living with. How much illness could we eradicate in the community if we had proper ventilation in our buildings? We could reduce sick leave and increase productivity.”

Mr O’Brien, who is pushing for the code of practice, said most workplace outbreaks occurred in places with poor ventilation and workers in confined spaces, including in call centres, abattoirs and warehouses.

Rebecca Casson, chief executive of the Master Builders Association of Victoria, said the construction sector was aware of the crucial role it would play in improving ventilation across society. However, she said she was concerned that industrial manslaughter laws in Victoria could be applied to building owners or employers if substandard ventilation contributed to outbreaks.

Master Builders Association of Victoria chief executive Rebecca Casson.

Master Builders Association of Victoria chief executive Rebecca Casson.Credit: Scott McNaughton

Craig Carracher, executive chair of Australia’s largest student accommodation provider, Scape, decided to go it alone by building apartments with high-grade ventilation systems.

Scape’s 15,000 student accommodation beds across Australia are built with openable windows, an air reticulation system and ventilation systems designed to stop airborne particles moving between rooms. Its newest building in Sydney, earmarked for an international student quarantine facility, has positive air corridor flows meaning no smoke would exit a smoke-filled room that had its door opened.

“We now know how to build in a COVID-safe way regarding airflow, but there are no standards or public pronouncements from governments … and we’re not holding our breath,” Mr Carracher said.

Simple fixes to an invisible problem

Occupational experts say that although the problem of poor ventilation is endemic, many of the problems are easily measured and fixed, through C02 monitors and often inexpensive solutions including portable HEPA air filters available at homeware stores.

All Victorian businesses must complete a COVID-safe plan for their sites, but the term ventilation isn’t mentioned in the document provided by the state government.

Scape co-founder Craig Carracher (far left) during construction at one of the company’s Melbourne properties.

Scape co-founder Craig Carracher (far left) during construction at one of the company’s Melbourne properties.Credit: Wayne Taylor

The document instead indirectly tackles the issue by asking people to avoid interactions in enclosed spaces. It is suggested that airflow could be enhanced by opening windows and doors and through using fresh air in airconditioning systems, but there is no advice on how people might measure the quality of ventilation in a space, or how to use mechanical filters.

This information falls short, says Geoff Hanmer, a ventilation expert and architect. The adjunct professor with the University of Adelaide said people needed to first measure the quality of ventilation and the best way to do this was with a carbon dioxide monitor, which in small spaces like classrooms, consulting rooms, shops or offices provide a good proxy for ventilation.

He said while the national construction code had provisions for ventilation, it didn’t necessarily ensure adequate airflow, as people often closed doors or windows for comfort, and mechanical ventilation systems sometimes used recycled rather than fresh air to make them more economical.


There are growing calls for C02 monitors to be placed in all indoor public spaces, along with hospitals and schools, but there is no easily accessible state or federal government information encouraging or explaining C02 monitors or air filters. The University of Melbourne this month released a guide to air cleaner purchasing. These machines are already being used in Victoria’s quarantine hotels and some hospitals, after testing found it was “ubiquitous” to have air travelling from hospital rooms out to busy corridors.

It’s been suggested that a rough marker for dangerously poor ventilation could be CO2 rates of around 800 parts per million (ppm). RMIT University investigations into air quality at five schools and five aged care facilities in Victoria found that carbon dioxide climbed to levels indicative of “very poor ventilation” – up to 5000 ppm in classrooms and 2000 ppm in the common rooms of nursing homes.

Minimum ventilation requirements were only met in two of the 10 classrooms investigated. In the classroom which recorded the worst CO2 results, the air quality started within acceptable levels, but rose rapidly to around 2000ppm within a few hours of school beginning.

Professor Priya Rajagopalan, the director of the Sustainable Building Innovation Lab at RMIT, said classrooms had been retrofitted with split-system airconditioners that don’t use fresh air, or the windows or doors weren’t always opened, especially when the weather was poor.

She said all classrooms should be checked for CO2 levels and ventilation made part of the school building standards.

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