


Is it legal to require workers to have a COVID jab?

Your quick guide to the legalities of Qantas, SPC and other businesses mandating vaccines for employees.


First came SPC, the food manufacturing giant, then Qantas, the national carrier. By mid-August, both household names had decided to mandate vaccines for their workforce, with the requirement kicking in by November for frontline staff at each.

Employer organisations including Ai Group, which represents about 60,000 businesses, forecast Qantas and SPC were just the vanguard in August. Mining industry representative Steve Knott, who runs the Australian Resources and Energy Group, agreed. They were right. Virgin Australia announced it was mandating jabs, then Telstra and News Corp for its printing staff in Sydney.

One thing uniting these first movers is that they are major companies with well-resourced legal and human resources teams. They need them because the rules around mandatory coronavirus vaccines are complex and untested. SafeWork NSW, for instance, tells firms they “may require workers to be vaccinated for COVID-19 if reasonably practicable to do so,” which sounds positive. But Safe Work Australia, which co-ordinates work on health and safety nationally, advises, “It is unlikely that a requirement for workers to be vaccinated will be reasonably practicable.”

So, can businesses mandate vaccines? Can governments intervene? Can you be sacked for refusing?

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce has said aviation may not be a good career choice for those unwilling to be vaccinated.

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce has said aviation may not be a good career choice for those unwilling to be vaccinated.Credit: Janie Barrett

Are mandatory vaccines from individual companies likely to be legal?

Broadly, yes, according to prominent lawyers and law professors across the industrial divide. Josh Bornstein, who heads union law firm Maurice Blackburn’s employment practice, is of that view, as is barrister Ian Neil SC, who typically represents the country’s largest businesses in big disputes.


“Due to the risks posed by the Delta variant, more employers are likely to require their employees to be vaccinated,” Bornstein said in early August. “Such directions are likely to be legal provided that there is proper consultation, vaccinations are available and workers with health complications are accommodated.”

But there has yet to be a test case on mandatory COVID vaccinations by an employer, leaving the exact consequences of the law uncertain. Three analogous challenges, brought by sacked workers in aged care and childcare who were told they had to have flu vaccinations because of public health orders and disagreed, have all failed. An appeal in one of those cases was rejected in late September; that is, the Fair Work Commission backed an aged care provider’s sacking of a receptionist who refused to get a flu jab.

SPC, the first major brand to announce mandatory vaccination, will require staff to have had both doses by the end of November.

Overall, that leaves the issue live.

All that most business and workers can go on are the general principles in employment law. Employers are allowed to issue “lawful and reasonable” directions to their workers. They have to take “reasonably practicable” steps to keep staff safe. Both of those could be used to mandate vaccines but it all hinges on just what is “reasonable” for a particular business, in a particular place, at a particular time. All the guidance from the industrial regulators, ultimately, comes back to that.

The concept of ‘reasonableness’ seems key. What does it mean?

No more than it says on the tin. The advantage is that it allows courts and tribunals to tailor rulings to an individual business so that office workers who are perfectly productive at home in Adelaide don’t have to be treated the same way as miners operating in close quarters in the Hunter.


The downside is that legal minds can do no more than make an educated guess about how the test will apply to a given situation.


When the courts are looking to see whether a business’s decision to mandate a vaccine complies with the law, they will look at things such as how easily staff can socially distance (harder in a childcare centre) and where the business is located (safer in Perth than Melbourne). Vulnerabilities among the firm’s customers (aged care providers are a prime case) matter, too, as does the availability of vaccines.

It’s on the basis of such factors that the Fair Work Ombudsman has broken down businesses into these four tiers, from those most likely to be able to mandate vaccines:

  • Tier 1 work, where employees are required as part of their duties to interact with people with an increased risk of being infected with coronavirus (for example, employees working in hotel quarantine or border control).
  • Tier 2 work, where employees are required to have close contact with people who are particularly vulnerable to the health impacts of coronavirus (for example, employees working in health care or aged care).
  • Tier 3 work, where there is interaction or likely interaction between employees and other people such as customers, other employees or the public in the normal course of employment (for example, stores providing essential goods and services).
  • Tier 4 work, where employees have minimal face-to-face interaction as part of their normal employment duties (for example, where they are working from home).

Are there ways of cutting through this legal thicket?

Yes. Public health orders mandating vaccines, which have so far been used only sparingly in most states such as for aged care but are being deployed increasingly widely in NSW – such as for health staff, essential workers from council areas with high cases, and police – generally trump industrial law.


Staff who don’t comply typically face either being moved to alternative duties that do not require as much contact with others, going on leave or being fired if they don’t have a medical exemption.

However, some mandates are not as strict. NSW Police, for example, say they will assess other requests for an exemption on a “case by case” basis while in Queensland, unvaccinated officers can wear a mask.

As well as public health orders (yes, public health orders are also used for lockdowns) employers and unions can include rules on vaccinations in the collective pay deals that cover about 2 million workers, or in individual contracts. It’s also much easier for firms to require that new hires be vaccinated than existing staff because they don’t have the same protections that employees do at that stage.

What about discrimination? Privacy? Human rights?

These could all be issues, especially if employers don’t offer exceptions to staff with legitimate complaints.

Advice from the solicitor-general, Stephen Donaghue, QC, provided to Prime Minister Scott Morrison indicates that requiring staff to be vaccinated is unlikely to be discriminatory because state and federal law protects only certain characteristics, such as sex and race. Vaccination status itself is not directly protected.

But discrimination doesn’t have to be direct. If a person is disadvantaged by a vaccination mandate in a way that can be traced back to a protected characteristic they may be able to make a complaint.


But that isn’t the end of the matter. Emily Howie, legal director at the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights commission, said in mid-August that there are additional thresholds. “For discrimination, the test is whether it’s reasonably necessary to keep the workplace safe,” Howie said. “And for the [Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities], if it’s a human rights issue, whether it’s necessary and proportionate to impose that vaccine requirements on employees.”

Businesses, though generally only those with more than $3 million in annual revenue, are also limited by privacy laws if they want to ask for vaccination status. Employees have a choice about freely consenting, and the collection of the information has to be “reasonably necessary” too.


What are governments doing about it?

Most have left vaccinations to individual companies, but that is changing. In addition to the vaccine mandates announced in NSW, both that state and Victoria are heading toward a regime where jabs are required for the public to be in certain venues.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has announced that when her state hits a 70 per cent double-dose vaccination rate, those who are fully inoculated will be allowed into facilities such as pubs, hairdressers and gyms. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has outlined similar vaccine privileges in areas such as hair and beauty. That could also have implications for staff.

Federally, the Prime Minister and his Minister for Industrial Relations, Michaelia Cash, have both been adamant: the government will not generally mandate vaccines. “We’re not suggesting that businesses should be mandating vaccines to their employees,” Morrison said on August 13. “We’re not suggesting that.”


Instead, they have left the political hot potato up to individual businesses, on the basis that the law as it stands is robust enough to let the businesses that have a good case to mandate jabs do so already. Morrison has backed plans of the kind described by the premiers, however.

“A business, under property law, has the ability to say, ‘No, you can’t come in’ and they can ask for that [vaccination status]. That’s a legitimate thing for them to do,” Morrison told 2GB radio in late August. “They’re doing that to protect their own workers, their other clients.”

With unionists opposed to mandatory vaccinations outside what health professionals deem absolutely necessary, and some against even that, and conservative Coalition MPs raising concerns about religious and general “freedom” objections, it’s easy to see why the issue has become a hot potato.

For instance, when asked by a journalist on August 17 whether Labor supported mandatory vaccinations, party leader Anthony Albanese did not answer directly, instead repeating his concerns about supply.


So if the government isn’t getting involved, who will sort out disputes?

That will likely fall to the Fair Work Commission. It’s not the same as the Fair Work Ombudsman; the ombudsman brings matters such as underpayment cases to court, whereas the commission is a tribunal that decides employment disputes. Workers sacked for refusing a jab may be able to bring an unfair dismissal case to the commission, but things aren’t likely to end there, or even only start there. The Federal Court might end up hearing disputes and Human Rights Commissions might have a role in helping resolve disputes, too.

In each case, the courts are unlikely to just look at the vaccination mandate itself. Issues such as whether the employer consulted with staff and unions and looked to redeploy a worker who refused a vaccine to other roles are also likely to be relevant.

On August 18, when Qantas boss Alan Joyce announced his company’s policy, he made clear the bottom line. “If other employees decided that they’re not taking the jab, then they’re deciding, I think, that aviation isn’t the area for them,” Joyce said.

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