

This was published 3 years ago

Australian workplaces set to follow SPC’s move on mandatory jabs

By Henrietta Cook, Dominic Powell and Cassandra Morgan

Australian businesses are closely monitoring SPC’s decision to make it mandatory for all workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, with other companies expected to follow suit.

But the fruit and vegetable company’s decision, which was made in the face of the highly contagious Delta variant triggering lockdowns across the country, drew a fierce backlash from some workers.

Employees changing shift at SPC Ardmona plant in Shepparton.
SPC has introduced a compulsory vaccine policy for all its employees.

Employees changing shift at SPC Ardmona plant in Shepparton. SPC has introduced a compulsory vaccine policy for all its employees.Credit: Justin McManus

One worker, who spoke outside the SPC factory gates in Shepparton on Thursday afternoon, said it was a sad day for employees, who had been “steamrolled” into getting vaccinated.

“I have no choice but to be vaccinated now and it’s quite sad because I wanted to do it under my own steam, sit back and wait for more information because I am genuinely scared,” said the man, who did not want his name published because he feared losing his job.

Another worker in his 20s said the move felt like “a slap in the face” and some of his colleagues now wanted to leave the company.

“They went straight to the media and then we found out at the same time as the public,” he said.

Other young workers raised concerns about the unfairness of the situation, saying they were not yet eligible for the Pfizer vaccine.

In an Australian first, SPC announced on Thursday that its staff would have to be vaccinated by November if they wanted to gain entry to worksites and hold onto their jobs.


Chief executive Robert Giles said the Delta variant had rewritten the rules and his company had a responsibility to respond.

“After aged care, healthcare and frontline workers, we’re the next area that should be vaccinated – not only to protect our staff, but to protect the food supply for the country,” Mr Giles told The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

SPC is the first Australian company to mandate staff get vaccinated against COVID-19.

SPC is the first Australian company to mandate staff get vaccinated against COVID-19. Credit: The Age

SPC operates a canning factory in the northern Victorian city of Shepparton where there have been just 53 cases of COVID-19 throughout the pandemic.

Mr Giles said he had already been contacted by a number of other large food manufacturers on Thursday morning to discuss SPC’s decision.

“It’s prompting a discussion, which is what we wanted,” he said. “If other companies come in and support us that would be fantastic, that’s definitely what we’re encouraging.”

Employees will receive paid vaccination leave to recover if they suffer any side effects from their inoculation. All staff, including casuals, must have their first dose booked by September 15 and all visitors to SPC’s site must also be vaccinated. Employees with pre-existing health conditions who are unable to receive the vaccine will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Many companies contacted by The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, including Sunrice, Inghams, Kimberly Clark, Nestle, Coca Cola Amatil, Hungry Jacks and Goodstart Early Learning said they had no plans to make vaccinations mandatory. But others, who did not want to speak publicly, said they were closely monitoring the outcome of SPC’s decision.

Matt Journeaux, the acting federal secretary of the Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union, said meat retailers and processors would be monitoring SPC’s decision to see how workers and consumers responded.

Mr Journeaux said while he was pro-vaccination and encouraged members to get the COVID-19 jab, vaccinations were a personal choice and SPC had taken matters “a step too far”.

“The government hasn’t come out and mandated it and I think it is a pretty big call for a company to say it is mandatory,” he said.

“I don’t know how you mandate a vaccination in an environment where it is not critical. In aged care or health care there is an argument for it.”

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, which represents many SPC staff, said the company had failed to consult with workers and its November deadline was unrealistic.

“Some working people are still not eligible or otherwise able to access the vaccine,” the union’s national president Andrew Dettmer said. He said barring unvaccinated workers from worksites discriminated against those with health concerns that prevented them from being vaccinated.

Jennifer Westacott, chief executive of the Business Council of Australia, said the federal government should be deciding which high-risk workplaces mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for employees.

Employees at the SPC Ardmona factory in Shepparton at the change of shift.

Employees at the SPC Ardmona factory in Shepparton at the change of shift. Credit: Justin McManus

“The conversation needs to be based on the evidence, the risks and be driven as much as possible through public health orders, not left to individual employers,” she said.

According to Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Jenny Lambert, it’s understandable that businesses are reassessing the safest course of action due to the highly contagious Delta variant.

But she said it would be premature for most businesses to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine because it was not yet accessible to everyone.

“We expect most businesses to continue to strongly encourage employees to be vaccinated within an overall policy that COVID-19 vaccinations remain voluntary.”

Australian Lawyers Alliance national president Graham Droppert said it was reasonable, in the current environment, for employers to require workers who work in close proximity with others to be vaccinated.

“COVID-19 does cause illness and it does cause death,” he said. “People are entitled to go to work in the safest environment possible.”

He said high-risk workplaces could potentially expose themselves to legal risks if they did not mandate vaccinations.

“At some point, someone will say, it was no longer reasonable for you to allow me to to be exposed to the virus in the workplace,” he said.

Slater and Gordon head of employment law Andrew Rich said employers can usually ask their workers to get vaccinated if it is to protect people they are servicing, such as aged care workers or front-line medical staff.

Whether the order is reasonable hinges on a number of factors, he said, such as the level of coronavirus circulating in the community, the medical condition of the worker challenging the directive, the condition of the customers being served by the business and whether the business can operate safely through measures such as social distancing.

Federal Nationals MP Damian Drum, whose seat takes in Shepparton, applauded SPC’s decision, saying it was fair and reasonable.

“It is a courageous decision and one that sets the tone for corporate Australia, particularly in light of the threat the Delta variant poses to families, communities and business,” he said.

“In my opinion, people who can receive the vaccination but choose not to are being selfish and holding Australia back.”

Major retailers such as Coles, Woolworths and Wesfarmers have so far only “strongly encouraged” staff to get vaccinated.

However, employers overseas aren’t as hesitant, with some of America’s largest employers feeling compelled to act now as Delta infections surge in the world’s largest economy. Last week, Google said it would require employees who returned to the company’s offices to be vaccinated, while Disney announced a mandate for all salaried and non-union hourly workers who work on-site.

On Wednesday, tech giant Microsoft said it would also require proof of vaccination to enter its sites in the US.

Shepparton locals had mixed feelings about SPC’s announcement.

Shepparton local Herb Wright is not in favour of vaccinations.

Shepparton local Herb Wright is not in favour of vaccinations.Credit: Justin McManus

Lexi Morrow, 21, said employees should be able to decide whether or not they got vaccinated against COVID-19.

As a disability support worker, she’d decided to get the jab for the sake of her clients’ safety, but thought it was unfair workers were made to feel they were doing something wrong if they didn’t.


Herb Wright, who works at another factory, stressed that he was in favour of vaccinations, but thought it was ethically wrong for SPC to mandate COVID vaccinations for workers.

“If I choose not to, that’s my choice,” he said.

“I shouldn’t have Big Brother telling me that I must do this and that – they already do enough of that I know, and it’s getting worse.”

Retiree Carmen Quattrocchi thought the vaccination mandate for SPC workers was a good idea. He figured COVID vaccinations would eventually be mandatory across much of the private sector.

“I think it’s going to be mandatory for everywhere ... to be able to get into places, to work,” he said.
“It’s got to happen.”

With David Estcourt

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