

This was published 3 years ago

Afghan voices heard for first time in Roberts-Smith case

By Deborah Snow

The legal teams in the Ben Roberts-Smith defamation case were never really sure it was going to work.

But in a feat of modern technology that defied the doubters, three simply-spoken Afghan farmers were beamed into a first-world courtroom this week to give their accounts of crucial, and heavily contested, events they say took place in the dirt-poor village of Darwan, in southern Afghanistan, nearly nine years ago.

It is the first time anywhere in the world, Nine’s lawyers believe, that Afghan witnesses have given direct evidence in a courtroom about alleged war crimes committed by coalition forces in the conflict-ridden country.

A picture of the village of Darwan, where Afghan witnesses have given evidence about the actions of Ben Roberts-Smith.

A picture of the village of Darwan, where Afghan witnesses have given evidence about the actions of Ben Roberts-Smith.

Centre-stage this week was the death of a man the villagers called Ali Jan, described by the farmers as a woodcutter and labourer who’d come to Darwan to mill his wheat.

Lawyers for The Age and the Herald say Ali Jan was taken prisoner and beaten by a small group of soldiers, including Roberts-Smith, before the Victoria Cross winner kicked the woodcutter off a cliff into a creek bed and took part in his subsequent slaying in a field opposite the village.

Roberts-Smith vigorously denies this, insisting the man he and another SAS soldier shot dead in the villagers’ cornfield was a Taliban “spotter” equipped with a radio.

Ben Roberts-Smith leaves the Federal Court in Sydney last month.

Ben Roberts-Smith leaves the Federal Court in Sydney last month.Credit: Kate Geraghty

The Darwan incident was always going to be of crucial importance in the trial. It’s the only one of the six unlawful killings alleged by Nine against Roberts-Smith where Afghan eyewitnesses are to be called. (The other incidents - again involving prisoners - are also denied by the former soldier).

The farmers have been holed up with their wives and children in safehouses in the Afghan capital for several months waiting to testify, after Taliban advances made it necessary to extract them from Darwan. Lawyers for Nine have been holding their breath since Sydney’s COVID-19 outbreak forced the hearings into temporary suspension last month, hoping the trial would resume quickly enough for the Afghan farmers to give evidence before the security situation in Kabul itself deteriorated further. A fourth Afghan witness, a woman named Bora, has been unable to reach Kabul because of renewed fighting.


No one knew how these men would cope with the alien experience of talking to a western courtroom via videolink from a small legal office half a world away in Kabul.

To compound the challenge, the best-qualified Pashto interpreter the legal teams could track down was in Ottawa, Canada. This week’s hearings were thus conducted in three time zones simultaneously, with the Federal Court’s starting time in Sydney of 10.15am necessitating a gruelling 4.45am start for the Afghans in Kabul and an 8.30pm start for the interpreter.

The three Afghan witnesses, 38-year old Mohammed Hanifa Fatih, 40-year old Man Gul Rahmi, and Hanifa’s elderly father, Shazada, are men of the soil, born and bred in the village.

They’ve spent most of their lives working the fields and orchards which line the creekbed that runs below their compounds.

They’ve never learnt to read or write. As their evidence revealed this week, they measure time in seasons – when corn is ready for harvest, or almond trees heavy with bounty – rather than in years. Distance is measured by how long it takes to reach a neighbouring village on foot, or the height of a riverbank by handspans, or the length of a limb.

Man Gul scoffed this week when shown a photo taken by the SAS of Ali Jan’s mangled body. Pictured with the corpse was a communications device which Roberts-Smith claimed he and the other soldier (identified only as Person 11) found near the woodcutter’s body.

But Man Gul and Hanifa were both adamant: Ali Jan had never been seen using a radio and had never possessed one. Indeed, Man Gul said, Ali Jan hadn’t known “how to work out a watch” let alone a wireless device.

Hanifa, clad in a traditional open-necked olive tunic topped with long black vest, exclaimed to Nine’s barrister, Nicholas Owens, SC, “by God, by God, he had nothing with him! By God, they have put that equipment with him”.

Much of the evidence given by the Afghan farmers this week supports key aspects of the account first put forward by Nine’s investigative journalists, Nick McKenzie and Chris Masters.

The SAS was out that day to track down a rogue Afghan army soldier named Hekmatullah who’d shot dead three Australian soldiers in cold blood at a coalition base a fortnight earlier. The farmers described how the raid on Darwan on September 11, 2012 began around dawn with several helicopters landing in clouds of dust near the village and soldiers moving through the compounds shortly afterwards.

According to their accounts, Man Gul and Hanifa, who were neighbours at the far end of the village, were sitting outside a guesthouse which their families shared when Ali Jan had appeared with his donkeys, heading along the creekbed. Hanifa, who was Ali-Jan’s step-nephew, went to join him with the donkeys, hoping, he said, that he and Ali Jan would be disregarded by the soldiers as “nomads”. But two shots rang out forcing them back to the guesthouse.

Several troops then allegedly descended on the trio including a “big soldier” described by Hanifa as having blue-ish eyes, and wearing a uniform which was partially damp and covered in river-sand. (The court has previously heard from Roberts-Smith that he swam the Helmand river at a point outside the village earlier that morning to kill an armed Taliban fighter spotted hiding in rocks).

Man Gul and Hanifa said they and Ali Jan had their hands tied behind their back and were repeatedly beaten and punched by the soldiers, including the “big soldier”, while an interpreter interrogated them about Hekmatullah’s whereabouts. Man Gul said he was bitten by a black dog accompanying the soldiers; Hanifa said the dog was wearing goggles.

Hanifa alleges he then saw the “big soldier” kick Ali Jan down a steep slope into the creek bed, and two soldiers drag the wounded man across the creek into some trees, before hearing shots. He does not claim to have seen the moment Ali Jan was killed. Shahzada, who’d been confined by other soldiers at a hut in the field below, says he too saw Ali Jan kicked into the creek-bed by the “big soldier”, though he conceded under cross-examination his eyesight was not good.

Man Gul, by then separated from the others, said he heard shots from the air and from the ground but was unable from his position to see what happened to Ali Jan. After the soldiers helicoptered away, the men went looking for the woodcutter, spotting blood in the creekbed before finding Ali Jan’s body near a berry tree in the field.

Roberts-Smith has given a radically different account of the day. He told the court last month there’d been a comprehensive sweep of populated compounds further along the creek earlier in the raid, but that by the time he and four other members of his patrol arrived at the far compounds [where Man Gul, Shahzada and Hanifa say they lived] no one was there.

He flatly denies any prisoners were taken in that section of the village at all, let alone subjecting them to the interrogation described by the farmers. He also insists he’d sent the interpreter back to help with prisoners being held elsewhere in the village. The man shot in the field, he said, was the “spotter” he and Person 11 surprised as they climbed up the river bank as the mission was ending.

However one small but critical issue raised in this week’s evidence is whether Roberts-Smith would have had to climb a substantial embankment to get into the field. The former soldier claims the bank was one-and-a-half to two metres high, enough to have partially hidden himself and the spotter from each other as he was pulling himself up. But the villagers have testified that while floodwaters made some small changes to the creek bank in the years after Ali Jan’s death, no embankment of the height described by Roberts-Smith existed at the time.

For his part, the soldier’s barrister, Bruce McClintock, SC, has accused the farmers of inventing the entire episode. He’s sought to portray them as Taliban sympathisers, and Darwan as a known hotbed of insurgent activity, under Taliban control, a claim the men deny.

Hanifa and Man Gul disavowed any allegiance to the Taliban . “The Taliban have done injustices to us and the foreigners have also done injustices to us,” Man Gul told the court. However both he and Man Gul accepted they regarded those shot by foreign soldiers as “martyrs” and the soldiers as “infidels”. Man Gul acceded to McClintock’s proposition that he “hated” the foreign troops.

Australian soldiers near Darwan, Afghanistan, in 2011.

Australian soldiers near Darwan, Afghanistan, in 2011.Credit: Department of Defence

McClintock has also played heavily on the fact that the men and their families have been fed and housed at Nine’s expense since leaving Darwan, as they waited to give evidence.

However the farmers said they have not received an allowance from the media group, nor have they sought compensation or reported on Ali Jan’s death to the Afghan Human Rights Commission.

It’s understood that the men have been interviewed in Afghanistan by the Australian Federal Police and agents of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force, who have been investigating alleged war crimes committed by a small number of SAS troops during our long-running deployment there.

The fate of the Afghan witnesses once the trial finishes remains unclear. They’ve said they would like to return to their village if and when it is safe. That may prove to be a forlorn hope.

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