

This was published 3 years ago

How young Goya’s encounter with a ‘witch’ left a lifetime scar

By Nick Miller

“They put a gag on her because she talked. And struck her in the face... for knowing how to make mice.

“I saw her.”

‘She’ was a witch. Or rather a woman whom the cruel, invidious Spanish Inquisition had accused of witchcraft and ordered to be humiliated in an auto-da-fe, a public penitential act of faith. And why? Possibly for being closer to your modern day “mad f---ing witch”, a woman refusing to be silenced by authoritarianism.

A Goya drawing being hung at the NGV.

A Goya drawing being hung at the NGV.Credit: Wayne Taylor

And who saw her? The witness was Goya, Spanish master, who in his later life began drawing what he saw in eight private albums, using them partly as a journal to express his outrage, fears and observations that could have landed him before the Inquisition himself (again) if he’d dared to reveal them.

Goya’s work, titled Since she went on talking, they muzzled her and beat her in the face. I saw her.

Goya’s work, titled Since she went on talking, they muzzled her and beat her in the face. I saw her.Credit: Wayne Taylor

The resulting work, part of a collection from Madrid titled Goya: Drawings from the Prado Museum, is on the National Gallery of Victoria’s wall ready for a Friday opening of the 160-work exhibition (pandemic restrictions permitting).

Goya’s fame and talent are enough reason to go. But, says Prado’s senior curator José Manuel Matilla, the show is more than a slice of history. These works speak across time.

“We can find the great issues that still concern us,” Matilla says. “Violence, ignorance, deception, abuse of power.”

The drawing identifies the woman as “Orosio Moreno”, in Zaragoza, the town where Goya was born. As a teenager he may have witnessed there the auto-da-fe of Moreno (or Morena), a 33-year-old woman who spent three years in Inquisition cells before a trial on a charge of Molinism – a Christian “heresy” that tries to reconcile an all-powerful God with human free will.


She was also charged with boasting about her sorcery in a pact with the devil. A Goya biography drily notes “her ability to make mice is not documented”.

Curator Cathy Leahy.

Curator Cathy Leahy.Credit: Wayne Taylor

The drawing, made many decades later as Goya recalled this shocking scene, might not be pure reportage. Scholars disagree as to whether he even saw it or was editorialising, using the drawing to express his anger at the superstition and injustice that remained in the Spanish judiciary. According to his letters, the young Goya had watched a woman convicted of heresy be burnt at the stake.

Cathy Leahy, senior curator of prints and drawings at the National Gallery of Victoria, says Goya used his drawings to explore the tensions in Spain between its (and his) reforming spirit and conservative forces.

“It’s through these works that you really get this intense engagement with the social milieu and the conditions around him,” she says. “It’s a very turbulent time in Spain.”

One album, from which this drawing came, is known as the Inquisition album because of a sequence of eight drawings of its victims.


“He was outraged at the Inquisition and he was part of this liberal circle who were trying to reform Spain,” Leahy says. “His sympathy is with her, against the institution and the kind of practices and the injustice of the punishments that were meted out and the reasons for them.”

She suspects the line about the mice was “tacked on by Goya to kind of show the ridiculousness of, and how, those kind of accusations of witchcraft were used”.

He would have shown them only to a few friends and fellow liberals; collegiate cartoons for their campaign of political enlightenment.

“[This was] his way of contributing to shining a light of truth on to the kind of follies and inequities and ignorances and superstition of contemporary society.”

Goya: Drawings from the Prado Museum will be on display from 25 June to 3 October 2021 at NGV International.

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