

This was published 3 years ago

We probably should have been wearing masks the whole time

By Liam Mannix

Examine, a weekly newsletter written by national science reporter Liam Mannix, is sent every Tuesday. The latest instalment is below. Sign up to get it in your inbox here.

A confession: before COVID-19, I found it strange to see someone wearing a mask on Melbourne’s streets.

It seemed like a symbol of fear in a peaceful place. It seemed ... well, it seemed unnecessary.

During the past 18 months, I have come to believe the mask-wearers were right, and I was both wrong and ignorant.

There is pretty solid evidence from all around the world now that asking people to wear a face mask in public is a cheap and effective way of bringing a COVID-19 outbreak under control. A study funded by the Victorian government found it was the single most effective public health measure in bringing Melbourne’s second wave to heel.

But that’s not what I’m talking about.

I think the data and our experience with COVID-19 supports a change to Australia’s relationship with face masks as a health measure, even when a pandemic does not threaten.

Shoppers with masks at South Melbourne Market yesterday as Melbourne’s COVID-19 restrictions continued.

Shoppers with masks at South Melbourne Market yesterday as Melbourne’s COVID-19 restrictions continued. Credit: Wayne Taylor

I’m not convinced the evidence supports wearing a mask outside to avoid COVID in a low prevalence situation - like Melbourne is currently in.

But I do think we need to embrace a culture where face masks are worn by people who have cold and flu symptoms, to stop viruses from being passed on. Even better, we could wear masks when visiting hospitals and aged-care homes, to help protect the most vulnerable members of our community.


“It [is] clear in Australia and other countries that use of masks and other COVID-19 measures also decreased influenza and other respiratory viruses,” Professor Raina MacIntyre, mask expert and head of the biosecurity program at the Kirby Institute, tells me.

“For people with chronic diseases such as asthma, emphysema, heart disease and other conditions, who are at risk of severe complications from common respiratory viruses, wearing a mask in indoor public spaces is likely to add an extra protection.”

We buy antibacterial kitchen sprays by the gallon, ignoring the superbug risks they carry, but we just don’t seem to care about stopping viruses from spreading through the air.

Consider our casual disregard for lives lost to the flu each year.

Influenza and pneumonia killed 1790 people in Australia in 2009. In 2013, it was 2497 people and 3102 in 2018 – making it the 12th-most-likely cause of death in Australia in 2018 (!!!).

Australia has not recorded a single death from influenza since July last year. Part of this, as my colleague Aisha Dow has reported, is because our borders are closed. But part of it, Professor MacIntyre says, is the infection-control measures we have added to our lives. Like masks.


This neat Nature Medicine study found masks effectively lowered the amount of virus shed from people with both the common cold and influenza. Even if we conclude that most respiratory illnesses spread via droplets, rather than aerosols - a contested proposal - a mask still catches your cough and sneeze.

Let me give you a more banal example of our maddening approach to viruses.

A few months ago, a respiratory illness – probably a cold – went around the newsroom. A good chunk of the reporting staff, myself included, ended up at home.

As anyone who has ever worked at an office knows, this happens all the time. Catching a cold at work is normal. Things go around the office all the time.

And yet ... why? Why do we put up with this?

Sure, in some cases you are infectious before you show symptoms. But in many cases, people with a cough or a sneeze show up for work. One study found 99.2 per cent of healthcare workers had worked while experiencing minor cold and flu symptoms.

And who can blame them when television adverts from leading cold-and-flu medicines tell them to “soldier on”. Even if the same companies advise people to stay at home if unwell, the message I get is that you can take a pill and still go to work. While infectious.

Amusingly, the TGA has now banned these adverts – not because they were bad, but because they conflicted with COVID-19 public health guidance.

Respondents to the study said they went into work because they felt they were letting the team or the community down by taking a sick day.

This is an inversion of the attitude in countries where mask-wearing is a cultural norm.

“In many Asian countries, wearing masks is seen as a socially responsible thing to do – particularly if the wearer might have any indications of the common cold. They look at it as part of their social responsibility. In the West, we have tended to look at people wearing masks with suspicion,” Adam Kamradt-Scott, associate professor at the Centre for International Security Studies at the University of Sydney, tells me.

In The Atlantic, Uri Friedman writes of the “stigmatisation” of public mask-wearing in the Western world and canvasses some ideas about why. Most striking to me: the association with SARS, our first modern coronavirus plague.

Perhaps, Friedman writes, the West saw people wearing masks in Asia during the SARS pandemic and drew the wrong lesson - a person wearing a mask is someone to be feared. Think of America’s most famous mask-wearer, the late Michael Jackson, christened by the media as the King of Hypochondria.

That’s backed up by the evidence: a large meta-review published in 214 found while people across different countries were happy to wash their hands and cover their sneezes, people in English-speaking nations were very uncomfortable with wearing a mask.

“Going out to the streets with a mask, people would stare at you as if you were contagious, but what they don’t know is that the mask is also protecting us from them,” one American woman said.

How about this, from an Australian student? “Is he ill or is he dangerous something like that?... like the old leprosy people in Europe.”

We can do better. By masking up when we have respiratory illness symptoms, and by taking illnesses like influenza with the seriousness their death counts require, we can prevent an awful lot of harm in our community post COVID.

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