

This was published 3 years ago

‘It’s gone on far too long’: Nationals MP says Biloela family could have answer in two weeks

By Zach Hope and David Crowe

A key government MP says a Tamil family detained on Christmas Island could have a resolution to their plight within two weeks as federal ministers consider a legal brief that could allow the asylum seekers to settle in their former home in Queensland.

Nationals MP Ken O’Dowd, whose electorate includes the town of Biloela where the Murugappan family once lived, called Immigration Minister Alex Hawke on Friday morning to urge him to let them settle in Australia.

Retiring LNP MP Ken O’Dowd with Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Queensland in May.

Retiring LNP MP Ken O’Dowd with Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Queensland in May.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

“He agrees with me it’s gone on far too long,” Mr O’Dowd said.

“It’s no good for the family, it’s no good for the Australian taxpayer, it’s not good for anyone and it’s got to be resolved.”

Mr O’Dowd, who is based in Gladstone and has held the electorate of Flynn since 2010, said the case had become a “lawyer’s picnic” and could be ended with a government decision to give the family permanent residency.


“It’s now in [Mr Hawke’s] lap, so to speak, and he says he’s got about 2000 pages of documentation to go through. But hopefully he’ll have a resolution in two weeks’ time,” Mr O’Dowd said.

“He said ‘give me two weeks’, you can quote me on that, that’s what he told me at 9am this morning and hopefully we can have a happy ending to a very sad situation.”

Other government MPs have made personal calls to Mr Hawke to use his discretion to release the family from detention in order to ensure the welfare of the children, but few Liberals and Nationals have gone public with their concerns.


“Usually these issues are better solved outside the glare of publicity,” said one Liberal who wants the family released.

“The first thing to do is get them out of detention and then to look at other options.”

Mr Hawke has received a legal brief estimated to be about 1000 pages long including advice from the Department of Home Affairs as well as court documents and a submission from the family’s lawyers.

A key decision for Mr Hawke is whether to use Section 195A of the Migration Act to grant visas to family – including visas it may not have applied for – under a broad discretion if he thinks that it is in the public interest to do so.

Priya and Nadesalingam Murugappan and their Australian-born daughters, Kopika and Tharnicaa, were detained on Christmas Island in August 2019 after earlier detention on the mainland while they sought refugee status in the courts.

While their case has been contentious for years, the government is facing renewed political pressure after Tharnicaa was evacuated to Perth for treatment of a suspected blood infection.

The Murugappan parents lost their attempts in the courts to gain refugee status in Australia in May 2019 when the High Court refused them leave to appeal against a Federal Court decision that they should be deported to Sri Lanka.

But the Federal Court decided in February that Tharnicaa had been denied procedural fairness, continuing the legal process while the family’s lawyers ask Mr Hawke to use his discretion to let them stay.

Social Services Minister Anne Ruston said authorities made the right decision in flying Tharnicaa to Perth but she made no comment on whether or not the family should be given permanent residency.

“The Australian government takes our responsibility for the care of anybody that is in our care, very, very seriously. But we equally take the security of our border very seriously,” she said.


Labor leader Anthony Albanese has called on the government to settle the family in Australia, while non-profit groups have stepped up their criticism of the decision to detain the family while their case is considered.

“It is clear that the indefinite detention of children of this age, separated from friends and peers and denied a normal, daily existence, would be causing real and serious harm to them,” said World Vision Australia chief Daniel Wordsworth.

“I am sure anyone who cares about the wellbeing of children would agree that holding two innocent children in offshore detention is a gross injustice.”

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