

This was published 3 years ago

The billionaire space race is about egos and wealth

By James Cook and Matthew Field

The excitement on Jeff Bezos’s face was obvious. “I want to go on this flight because it’s a thing I’ve wanted to do all my life,” he said in a video posted on Instagram. “It’s a big deal for me.”

The world’s richest man, who has amassed a fortune worth $US186 billion ($240 billion), this week revealed he would travel into space next month using a reusable rocket developed by his company, Blue Origin.

His enthusiasm comes as little surprise; Bezos says he has dreamed of going into space since the age of five. But sweeter still than achieving a childhood dream? Beating his billionaire peers in their race to space.

Jeff Bezos is planning a trip to space with his brother.

Jeff Bezos is planning a trip to space with his brother.Credit: Bloomberg

The main challenger to Bezos’s potential crown is Elon Musk, whose company SpaceX is hoping to put astronauts on the Moon by 2024, and Mars soon after. Sir Richard Branson, meanwhile, has been targeting a personal space flight as soon as this summer, with rumours circulating on social media yesterday that he was seeking to take a Virgin Galactic trip on the weekend of July 4 - 16 days earlier than the Amazon founder’s intended launch date.

Bezos, 57, is a self-confessed space fanatic, who once appeared in the film Star Trek Beyond in a cameo dressed as an alien and set up Blue Origin, into which he funnels $US1 billion from Amazon shares each year, in 2000. “You see it with a lot of the tech guys,” says Ashlee Vance, author of Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future. “They’re of the generation of people who grew up on Star Trek and Star Wars and loads of sci-fi novels.”

“Through a twist of good fortune, they’ve ended up as the wealthiest humans on the planet and actually have the resources to make their childhood dreams come true. It’s an expected outcome when engineers with a geeky bent have risen to the top of society.” No wonder, then, that Bezos will celebrate stepping down from his chief executive role at Amazon next month by flying to space a fortnight later, on the anniversary of the Apollo Moon landings.

For he, Musk and Branson, galactic travel is a battle of both egos and wealth. According to Tim Fernholz, author of Rocket Billionaires, both Silicon Valley founders “share the fundamental view that going to space is vital for humanity. But their end goals differ substantially.”

Bezos, he says, sees much of human industry moving into space while preserving Earth, such as with space mining. Musk, on the other hand, is dedicated to expansion into the stars as a failsafe. In his own words, mankind risks “a giant war, a super volcano, or comet... we might just self-extinguish. And right now, civilisation is not looking super strong.”


The rival companies have found themselves increasingly at loggerheads. In April, the US government awarded a $US2.9 billion contract for its Moon lander project to SpaceX, despite furious protests from Blue Origin. It has already launched more than 120 rockets to Blue Origin’s 15, and is now NASA’s preferred launcher.

The main challenger to Bezos’s potential crown is Elon Musk, whose company SpaceX is hoping to put astronauts on the Moon by 2024, and Mars soon after.

The main challenger to Bezos’s potential crown is Elon Musk, whose company SpaceX is hoping to put astronauts on the Moon by 2024, and Mars soon after.Credit: Bloomberg

The space market is expected to be worth around $US1 trillion by 2040 - while most of this is in industry, launches and satellites, space tourism is also taking off.


Bezos, who will make the trip with his brother, Mark, is also auctioning off the third seat in the spacecraft - for which bidding has topped $US3.2 million. Following the flight, tickets will be on public sale - although prices have yet to be revealed. It is not the only mission looking to attract the public: Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa has bought eight extra seats aboard Musk’s flight for his own mission, entitled dearMoon; SpaceX also has a $US55 million contract to fly tourists to the International Space Station in 2022, while US billionaire Jared Isaacman is donating three seats on board a SpaceX flight to civilians. Later this year, 49-year-old Musk’s company plans to take four civilians into orbit on board its Dragon Crew spaceship, which will allow the “first-ever crew of people who aren’t professional astronauts to orbit the Earth for three days.”

The Bezos brothers’ 11-minute flight will take them above the 62-mile Karman line (which marks the recognised boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and space) and see them attain weightlessness for two minutes, before their capsule drops back down to Earth. It is sure to be life-changing - both for them, and the rivals intensifying their own efforts as a result.

Sir Richard, worth an estimated $US5 billion, plans to fly on a Virgin Galactic flight to suborbital space this summer, if not before. The 70-year-old’s company was founded in 2004, after Blue Origin and SpaceX, and is developing a spacecraft capable of sending clients on suborbital flights. A specialised carrier plane, WhiteKnightTwo, will help take its SpaceShipTwo to the edge of space, where passengers will enjoy views of Earth during “true, unencumbered weightlessness”. It completed its third test flight to the edge of space last month, and plans to send tourists into space next year; some 600 people have booked a seat, each costing $US200,000 to $US250,000.


Musk, whose net worth comes in at $US151 billion, is gearing up to go far bigger, working on orbital flights that would cost millions of dollars and send people much further into space. “I’ve said I want to die on Mars, just not on impact,” he said in 2013; in May, SpaceX successfully tested a landing of its heavyweight, 160 foot Starship rocket, which he believes could reach the red planet by 2026. (NASA points to a more conservative 2033 timeline.)

So, who will be victorious in the race for space victory?

“It would seem that Elon Musk is ahead at the moment,” says Shagun Sachdeva, a space consultant at Kosmic Apple, which works with space startups. “However, Blue Origin can in no way be discounted as they have a very different and longer-term strategy. This space race is far from over.”

But with Bezos plotting to reach the Karman line next month, Musk and Branson have been left with their feet on planet Earth - at least, for now.

Telegraph, London

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